He just couldnt get enough of those cold noodles

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Mina, Kamanari, Sero, And Kirishima came into the hut about an hour after Todoroki woke up. After making sure Bakugo was alright, Kirishima and Deku talked quietly, both blushed every now and again. Kamanari, Sero, and Mina all conversed together, which really ended up with Sero praising Mina for saving Todoroki. Kamanari got a little jealous but that was okay because Mina punched him.
"Hey, Midoriya. Why do you call Bakugo, 'Kacchan'?" Kirishima suddenly asked.
Deku laughed.
"Well, I knew Kacchan since we were very little! He ran away from home one day and met me at a stream..."


Midoriya walked around the woods struggling to find the creek he was instructed to go to. Apparently it contained herbs vital to healing. He began to hear the sound of rushing water and realized he was close by. SPLASH! SPLASH! Midoriya looked beyond the trees and saw movement around the creek. It must be a deer! He quietly took a few more steps until the creek was before him. He looked around for the 'deer' hoping to at least catch a glimpse.
"ROAR!" Splash!
Midoriya was sent flying to the ground in shock as a boy his age jumped in front of him.
"UWAHH!" Midoriya yelled, blocking his eyes.
The boy snickered.
"Your like a baby!" He cackled.
Midoriya stood up with amazed eyes.
"Wow! Your really scared me! That's amazing!" Midoriya exclaimed.
The boy smirked and flexed his baby fat.
"Hmph! Don't tell me things I already know! It's useless! Wait!" The boy looked at him. "The old dragon language! What was the word for useless..ah! Deku! Your name is NOW Deku!"
'Deku' smiled ear-to-ear.
"That's so cool! You know the dragon language??" Deku asked in utter awe.
The boy nodded.
"All tribe members must know English and the dragon language. As well as the secret tribe language, but you shouldn't know that!" The boy stated.
Deku gasped and did a motion zipped his mouth shut.
"Since you named me Deku, can I call you... Kacchan?" Deku asked.
The boy stared at him.
"Mm. Whatever. But, what language did that come from?" 'Kacchan' asked.
Deku shrugged.
"That's just what I called a cat I used to have." He grinned.
Kacchan shook his head.
"Pfft! You named me after a cat? Ugh, whatever. But only YOU can know and call me Kacchan!" He retorted.


"..and really we met there for years until the day his parents died. I never saw him again. For about 4 years I still visited the creek everyday. He never came." Deku finished.
Kirishima raised his eyebrows.
"That's quite a history! I've know him for about 6 years. Someone found me and gave me to him. By then he was leader!" Kirishima stated.
Todoroki was awake, by now. Sipping at a herbal tea that Deku had precious made.
Shuffling was heard and 3 people burst into the small hut. Deku nearly jumped out of his skin.
"Deku!" A brown haired girl embraced the broccoli boy.
Deku laughed nervously.
"Your going to give me a heart attack one day, Uraraka."
"These are my friends, Iida, Tsu, and Uraraka! These a friends of Kacchan's, Mina, Sero, Kamanari, Kirishima, and Todoroki." Deku introduced.
The two groups immediately blended together. Uraraka staying by Deku and Kirishima, Iida talking with Kamanari and Sero, while Mina and Tsu hung out in a corner. Which left Todoroki to himself. He didn't mind it much, but only wished Bakugo was awake. As if Bakugo had heard, a groan filled everyone's ears. Everyone looked down at Bakugo. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and temples. He looked around.
"Uhhhh... who the hell are y'all?" Bakugo mumbled.
Deku gulped.
"Midoriya... did he..?" Todoroki breathed.
Deku immediately rushed for herbs.
"Um! Um! Um! I can fix this! I'm sure it's only temporary, anyways! AHA!" Deku rushed over to Bakugo's body.
"So, uh, Kacchan, drink this, will you?" Deku handed Bakugo a drink.
Bakugo raised an eyebrow.
"Wait.. am I a girl? I mean, I feel like there's a dick in my pants.. am I wrong?" Bakugo asked, startled.
Everyone burst out laughing. Even at the tense moment, something so stupid, it was really humorous. Even for Todoroki, despite his worry, he couldn't help but cackle.
"I-uh, Sure, Kacchan. Just, please drink this!" Deku replied trying not to explode with laughter.
Bakugo took one gulp. And BOOM. Deku flew back, falling into Kirishima, who held onto him.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Bakugo yelled.
Todoroki snickered, realizing what he was talking about.
"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT, HALF N HALF?!" Bakugo turned to his spicy peppermint.
Todoroki chuckled once more.
"I do apologize for laughing, but it was pretty funny." Todoroki noted.
Bakugo then got up, threatening to blow everything and everyone up. Tsu and Iida, not being used to the fiery boy, took it a bit roughly, getting ticked off for his immature statement. They both let it go, though.
Todoroki threw his legs over the medical bed.
"Deku, I can walk now, right?" Todoroki asked hesitantly.
Deku nodded, finally getting off of Kirishima from being thrown by Bakugo.
"Yeah, you should be able to." He responded brightly.
Todoroki stumbled off the bed and to Bakugo. Everyone just began conversing with one another. It was as if they were all just mean to be one whole friend group. (I feel bad for not having any of the other students ;3;)
"So, Katsuki. Your awake." Todoroki said.
Bakugo looked at him with one eyebrow raised.
"No, I'm still asleep." He made a "tch" sound. "Dumbass."
Todoroki smiled. He should be angry. I mean, Bakugo was rude and very inconsiderate. Never kind, a jerk, and honestly, a fucking asshole. But, somehow, Todoroki liked that. Maybe too much because his pants somehow tightened.
"I missed you." Suddenly Todoroki's face fell. "What did Touya do to you?"
Bakugo looked at him before Todoroki finally realized what he said.
"I mean Dabi, he's... Touya.. but... whatever. What did Dabi do to you?" Todoroki added.
Bakugo let out a rough sigh.
"He didn't do much. He's all bark and no bite." Bakugo paused and looked at Todoroki. "Except for you, I guess. He really bit you. Makes me wanna fucking end his bitchy life."
Todoroki rolled his eyes.
"All he did was poor acid on me." Todoroki replied.
Bakugo stared at him again.
"Shoto, you literally screamed. And almost died." Bakugo stated, dully.
Todoroki winced.
"Ah, forgot."
Bakugo nearly laughed at that. He would have if the topic wasn't so serious.
"Anyway, I was thinking we'd head back to the village. Again. I mean, hopefully, this time not interrupted by a dumb hoe brother." Bakugo said.
Todoroki chuckled at that.
"He's not a dumb hoe brother. He's just a bitc—"
Bakugo hushed him.
"Shut your fucking mouth! You need to be innocent! No cussing for you! Only me! Got it?!" Bakugo growled.
Todoroki blushed and nodded with a small smile.
"Your so fluffing weird."
"That's what I like to hear."
"That's weird, Katsuki."
"Shut up, Shoto."

***•••... END OF CHAPTER ...•••***

Hey!! They learned how to speak emoji XD?? But like, the computer type emoji. The phone ones are too complex, probably. Hehe. I hope you enjoyed the chapter because I thinks it's shit! Anyways have a great day/night!!!!!
- MoonePii

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