Time Has Slowed

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Snaco goes roar🐍🐍🐍

Also I'm doing this instead of my homework so it better be worth it, okay? (Fucking 46 questions damn it and it's due tomorrow so y'all are fucking welcome)
••]]]Shoto POV[[[••

It had nearly been a month now. Bakugo was usually in Shoto's room (his father never knew of course). Even after Shoto's confession they never acted like lovers. More like friends. They both saw the potential of a relationship, but they both knew time flew way too fast in that week. This was the time they were slowing things down. A lot. They never said any of this. Both of them just knew automatically. Waiting was the best option so that feelings don't get confused.
"Oi, Icyhot. You think your father will let you out today?" Bakugo suddenly asked.
The two were sitting on the side of Shoto's bed, just talking.
"I'll just sneak out." Shoto responded.
Bakugo smirked and stood up.
"You think you can get these chains off?" Bakugo asked yet again for the millionth time.
Shoto shook his head.
"No. My ice nor fire will help that." Shoto blurted.
Bakugo's eyes widened.
"Wait, your have powers? Your a mage?" Bakugo asked with shock in his tone.
Shoto was suddenly reminded that he never showed Bakugo his powers. He stared down at his hands. Why hadn't he used his powers to break free? He could have burnt the rope..
"Why didn't you get free, then?" Bakugo asked with a raised eyebrow, a smirk rising on his lips.
Shoto pushed him away with a slight smile.
"If your thinking I fell for you immediately your wrong. I just never thought of it." Shoto responded.
Bakugo nodded.
"So, wanna go to the village?" Bakugo asked.
Shoto nodded and he headed to the balcony.
"We can't just jump from the balcony, half n half!" Bakugo yelled.
Shoto laughed at him.
"I can form an ice bridge down." Shoto began to form it.
Bakugo nodded and headed over when he realized.
"I can't walk on ice." He thought out loud.
Shoto looked behind him.
"Just hold onto me." He responded and finished the "slide".
Bakugo blushed slightly at the thought by waved it aside. Shoto propped his body on the top and looked at Bakugo.
"Just hop on." Shoto said.
Bakugo, his face increasingly growing warm, hops on and holds Shoto tightly. Shoto blushed but ignored it. They slid down the long slide, one freaking out, and the other chill as the ice itself. Once they reached the bottom Bakugo jumped off and let go of Shoto. They walked to the nearby village and began looking around at the shops. Since this was the first time in the village for Shoto, both the men were new to the sights.
(Hehe not really 😉 ~~foreshadow~~)
They only looked, and they were a lot of stares to Bakugo, both hearing how people had sworn they saw him brought in chains. They ended up ignoring it anyway, being the peaceful people not wanting trouble.
"Midoriya! You shouldn't run too far!"
A voice was heard far above the crowd. Shoto looked toward the noise just as a body slammed into him. He was knocked to the ground by the sudden force. He looked up and saw two green eyes staring into his. The smaller jumped off of Shoto and immediately started apologizing. Shoto was about to say it was fine and stand but Bakugo interrupted him.
"Fucking Deku?"
Both Shoto and the smaller's eyes went to Bakugo in surprise.
Shoto, too shocked to stand up, sat there in confusion. Suddenly a two girls and a boy came rushing forward.
"I'm so sorry, sir! Midoriya is really clumsy!" The girl with short brown hair exclaimed scolding "Midoriya".
Midoriya was too busy staring at Bakugo, the same for Bakugo. Shoto turned his gaze back to the group.
"Uh, I think they know each other.." shoto responds.
The girls attention was brought to him and she hurriedly helped him up, apologizing again. He was about to say it was fine when Bakugo interrupted yet a again.
"Shoto, lets go back to the castle." Bakugo mumbled and took Shoto's hand.
Though Shoto didn't hate the touch he was still confused and stood his ground.
"Wait, we can't just—!" Bakugo turned around giving him the most hate-filled glare he had seen from him.
Shoto gulped, waved back at the group a sorry, and walked with Bakugo. They still were holding hands when they arrived in Shoto's room. Bakugo lead them to the bed and shoved Shoto onto it forcefully. Shoto looked up at him in wonder.
"What are you doing?" Shoto asked mostly calm.
Bakugo sat beside him. Shoto could tell he was upset and something was on his mind.
"Shoto what are we?"
The question lingered in Shoto's head. What are we? That was an interesting question. Shoto sat up.
"I don't know what we are but I know what I want us to be." Shoto responded with a slight smile.
Bakugo flinched as Shoto tried to hold his hand again. Shoto's face fell into a frown.
"Bakugo.. are you okay?" Shoto asked him.
Bakugo looked at him and anger everywhere on his face.
"Shoto, I'm not okay! AT ALL. Yes, I like you, no, I don't love you, okay maybe I do, I don't know! It's been a month but I still can't figure out my feelings for you other than I know I like you. But, I'm just.. I'm so confused! It stresses me out!! I know you.. you seem like you love me, I'm just not ready, okay? Can you wait? And please don't be mad if I end up not loving you. I just don't know right now. Please.." tears threatened to show and fall but Bakugo sniffed them away. "Give me time,"
Shoto hugged Bakugo.
"Katsuki, why would I rush anything? I'm not trying to, if I am." Shoto responded softly which earned a chuckle by the other.
"Oh, really? Says the one who literally asked me to fuck him a month ago!" Bakugo teased.
Shoto laughed with a blush and pulled away from the hug.
"I was joking! But, Bakugo, on another serious note, they set your death date. So, um.." shoto remembered he had to kill Bakugo but he wasn't going to tell him that. "You might need to go to your prison every now and again so that the guards see you. Right now they have no clue, but, I don't know how long that will stop."
Bakugo nodded. He looked at his hands. Then back at the broken chains on the floor.
(Oh yeah the chains are off forgot to tell you 😂 talk about bad writing skills)
He sighed. Shoto found a new pair of chains, hooked them onto Bakugo's hands(of course kissing them both before he did) and sending Bakugo to his cell. After hugging Bakugo several times, he finally locked Bakugo in his cell and left. One Shoto was in his room he sat on his bed and thought about things. By things I mean Bakugo and his glorious booty.


Yeah... It was late... pls don't be mad I had math like I said! But, let's just take a moment and remember Shoto's smooth comment. Just savor it. Also, you should know I write most of these chapters on the toilet..

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