I Wish I Could Kiss Your Heart

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**Before Bakugo came in**
Todoroki POV*•*

Shoto had now been stuck by a rock for days. He smelled like utter crap, and to be honest all he wanted to do was take a bath. He was hoping he could ask Bakugo, but after the "incident", he wasn't so sure he could look at him. Kirishima suddenly bolted into the tent.
"Hey, Todo! So, um, I apologize but I kinda lost a bet and gotta do something!" Kirishima untied Shoto's knot to the rock.
Shoto stared at him worriedly. He didn't respond, but just stared in confusion. Kirishima took his shirt off and that's when Shoto drew the line.
"H-huh?! Kirishima what—" shoto was interrupted by Kirishima standing.
"Sorry, gotta go now!" Kirishima flees the tent leaving Shoto, free, but shirtless.
Shoto lets out a sigh and stretches from being in such an awful position for so long. He begins to grab the shirt when he hears the tent flap move. Shoto freezes and feels a blush rise as he looks at the front of the tent. And there stood the one and only, Bakugo. As Bakugo walked towards Shoto, Shoto began to regret every decision he had before. Shoto tried to cover his chest by grabbing his shirt. Bakugo just smirked and backed him up to the back of the tent.
"Why don't you tell me how you got like this, Shoto~?" Bakugo whispered into Shoto's ear.
Shoto could feel Bakugo's hot breath on his ear, and that combined with the fact that he was half naked made him feel very hot.
"I didn't do this, so don't get cocky, Ba-Ah!" Shoto was caught off guard with a bite to his ear.
Bakugo rested his hands on Shoto's hips as he began to leave a trail of kisses down Shoto's neck.
"B-Bakugo st—" shoto suddenly remembered how Bakugo didn't talk to him and suddenly shut his mouth.
Bakugo looked a him and raised an eyebrow.
"Not gonna tell me to stop, huh? So you really do want me?" Bakugo asked his smirk softening slightly.
Shoto brought his hands up to Bakugo's chest and lightly pushed. Bakugo just chuckled removed them.
"Felt good, princess?" Bakugo took Shoto's chin and pulled it closer to his mouth.
Shoto tried to look everywhere but at Bakugo but it could feel his ruby eyes staring him down all on its own. As soon as Shoto looked back Bakugo gave him a peck on the forehead. It wasn't rough, it was soft and sweet. Bakugo stared into Shoto's eyes, and this time, Shoto stared back. This was the first time Shoto felt something real for Bakugo.
"You have a soft side.." Shoto whispered.
Bakugo rolled his eyes, handing Shoto his shirt.
"Whatever, Icyhot. You can go back to your kingdom or some shit." Bakugo began to walk out of the tent when Shoto grabbed his forearm.
Bakugo stopped immediately.
"Bakugo, I.." Bakugo interrupted him.
"I know your just trying to kidnap me, and fine! Take me to your dumb kingdom, but tomorrow. You have to stay one more night." Bakugo pulled his arm away and left the tent.
Shoto stared at the opening in the tent. What had just happened? Bakugo said he could leave, so why didn't he? Now he has to stay another night. Everything was happening too fast for Shoto, he couldn't obtain his feelings and emotions. He needed time, that was all he needed. Time to figure out his feelings. All he had was tonight, so he would use that time to ask questions, and hopefully get some answers.

**^^^Timeskip LOL sike it's still the present^^^**

Before he figured out the Bakugo emotions he still had to find out who all is in the tribe. Shoto walked out of the tent and found 4 people sitting around a fire, joking and laughing. Shoto headed to the fire and awkwardly sat by them. Kirishima was the first to speak.
"I'm shocked he hasn't sold you, he usually doesn't like prisoners here for long. Or, let them free." Kirishima noted.
The pink girl laughed like a know it all.
"Bakugo is totally in love with you, that's the only way!" The girl let out a hand. "You'll probably be here a while if not forever, so my name is Mina!"
Shoto shook her hand trying every way to subtly hide his blush from what she said.
"Shoto, Todoroki." He responds quietly.
Everyone else stated their names, thus Shoto stuck it in his memory to not forget. He looked behind the fire and noticed several more tents. Shoto looked back at the fire, and it reminds him of his father. He'd been away for about a week, hadn't he? Shoto let out a long sigh.
"Miss home?" 'Kaminari' asked.
Shoto shook his head.
"Not really, this is a lot more exciting then that boring castle." Shoto responded flatly.
Mina laughed and nodded, clearly amused.
"I bet so!" She winked at him while Kirishima chuckled.
Shoto couldn't help but remember the night Bakugo made him moan.. they heard that didn't they? Shoto looked away his face turning red quickly. This was the exact moment Bakugo emerged from the woods. Shoto tensed and nearly jumped up to go to him, which didn't go unnoticed by Mina and Kirishima. Bakugo walked to the fire.
"We need to go hunting sometime today, our food supply is getting low." Bakugo muttered.
The fact that Bakugo ignored Shoto's presence was annoying enough but the fact that he didn't even go near him was far more irritating. As Bakugo began to walk back to his own tent, Shoto stood up, and with out a word, followed him. Bakugo, at first, did not notice him, but as soon as he stepped into his tent he was aware. Bakugo turned around.
"What the hell, Half n half." Bakugo grumbled.
Shoto glared back at him.
"Why did you ignore me?" He asked, being as blunt as possible.
Bakugo looked away a look of pain spreading his face.
"I wasn't, I just had nothing to say to you, now back off your being sensitive." Bakugo responds.
That flipped Shoto's pickle jar lid. (I had to) He grabbed Bakugo and turned him around to look at him completely.
"Lies! You didn't even go near me!" Shoto yelled back.
Why was he so agitated with the fact that Bakugo ignored him? Why was it painful, over such a petty, small thing. That itself irritated Shoto to no end. Bakugo finally just stared at him.
"You'll never understand, Icyhot." Bakugo sighed.
Shoto's eyes widened and he didn't know why he did what he did but he kissed Katsuki Bakugo. In that moment the only thing in his heart was that Bakugo was hurt, and so was he. Kissing boo boo's are supposed to help right?
"..I wish I could kiss your heart, Katsuki.."

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