⌜ thirty two ⌟

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renjun groaned as he was regaining consciousness and realized that he was laying down. first guess what at the ground and jaemin just left him there but no, he was laying down at a soft matress. he then widened his eyes upon finding out that he's laying down at jaemin's hospital bed.

ugh..❞ renjun clutched his head, regretting sitting up quickly.

a person clicked his tongue and forced renjun to lay back down the bed again. ❝you're sick.

no, i'm fine.❞ renjun forced himself up and held jaemin's wrist. ❝you should be the one resting here.


i'm very sorry for fainting.❞ renjun sighed. he wished he was strong enough to fight the pain away. he even got a detention after class for the first time just because he was caught sleeping during classes were ongoing. he never sleeps during class hours, he'd usually do it in his free time or when he visits the library. maybe he overdid himself this time—

no, he is not. he is doing this for jaemin, for someone very important in his life, there is no such things as overdoing things. renjun can still do it.

he is not tired.

huang renjun.❞ jaemin pushed the male down the bed a little bit too harshly. he didn't mean to push him that hard but renjun is just so stubborn. ❝you are sick, you need rest.

i can sit at the chair and rest, you are the one that needs to—

if you're going to disobey me then it's better if you leave.❞ jaemin said, crossing his arms at the older who's now looking down upon hearing him say that. ❝go home, rest, and don't ever show up in front of me.

renjun didn't want to rest, he needed to take care of jaemin, but for the sake of being able to still see jaemin and for the sake of the younger not to get annoyed at him, he will rest.

i called the nurse and told her to get medicine for you.❞ the accident caused jaemin to limp, which is why he is recovering now. this is why renjun wanted jaemin to rest instead of him. the short male watched the younger limping his way to the plastic bags and took a water bottle out. ❝here.

it came too fast that renjun didn't expect for it to be thrown at him, his body moved late and the water bottle went pass by him. but even though, he still needs to thank the younger for at least caring for him and taking care of him. ❝thank you.

can't you do anything right?❞ jaemin groaned when the water bottle missed renjun and fell flat on the ground.

renjun frowned, looking down. ❝i'm sorry, i'll get it.

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