⌜ special chapter ⌟

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hugging the short male from behind, jaemin curiously peeked at what his lover is making. ❝are you excited for later?

renjun smiled as he turned to the side and place a peck on the male's cheeks. ❝of course, it's a special day today.

come here jin!❞ a small boy shouted, getting the kitty's attention. he then started to run around with the kitty following from behind.

the couple turned around and saw their angel running around with the kitty trying to catch him from behind. jaemin helped renjun in placing the plates down as the baby went inside the kitchen running along with the kitty. jaemin, now having a soft spots for cats and can't resist them, abandoned renjun in setting up for their breakfast and went to play along with the baby. renjun break into smiling at the two as he tried to dodge the food from getting hit whenever they'd pass by him.

jun, jaemin, breakfast is ready.❞ renjun went to the two and picked up their little angel while he held the hand of his lover. he brought the two to the kitchen and made then sit down at the dinning area.

i want to play with jin.❞ the baby pouted as he eyed the kitty that's making its way to kitchen.

after you eat, okay?❞ renjun placed the baby on his lap and showered him with kisses. ❝you know what day it is today?

the three-year-old baby tilted his head to the side, wondering what day it is today. it seemed so special as he could see a big smile on his dada's and papa's face. ❝sunday?

jaemin chuckled and took a spoonful of the baby's cereal, making an airplane way to the baby's direction. jun giggled loudly as he clapped his hands and opening his mouth wide for the spoon to enter. ❝not just any sunday baby.

the baby munched the cereal he is eating, making a loud nom-nom noise, before gulping and thinking again on what is the day about. his eyes then went up to the calendar posted on top of the kitchen counter and made a victory noise. ❝it's dada's and papa's love day!

it's their wedding day.

something happened to the two that caused them to get married after having a kid. jaemin didn't want to immediately want to get married months after having jun in his life. not because he didn't love renjun, he loved him so much with his whole heart, but he knew that getting married needs to take months to prepare and it's going to be hard for them and especially for renjun since the baby has still been born. they waited for a year thinking they could finally get married but suddenly jun got hospitalized for some reason which spent them inside the hospital for a year. luckily, the child is okay and is doing well. second year of the child and they got busy with their works. working at the cat shelter were only their side jobs and being busy caused them to leave the baby with the old woman. jun's third year in this world and they finally got the chance to plan out for their wedding without anything on the way.

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