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Aileen leaves the throne room, accompanying Jareth and Sarah as they go back to their room. Aileen bids them a good evening and goes back to her own room. She plops down on the bed and closes her eyes, it's been a long day and she's very tired.

The knock on her door has her cursing under her breath but she stands and opens the door to find the goblin from before.

"You have a reward for me?" She says undoing the leather straps of her vest

"Come on in" Aileen growls and closes the door behind her.

When the goblin has gotten her reward Aileen decides to take a small nap. She's just fallen asleep when the door opens, she opens her eyes but doesn't stand, her back is facing the door.

"Aileen?" Samuel asks quietly she groans internally and stays still, maybe if she acts like she's asleep he'll leave. Sadly that's not the case as Samuel closes the door and sits on the edge of the bed

"I missed you while you were gone" he says softly "I'm sorry for being such an asshole" Aileen bites her lip to keep herself from yelling at him

"I know you're asleep but I wanted to tell you I regret my actions these last few days" he leans forward and places a gentle kiss on her naked shoulder "I might be falling for you Aileen" that makes Aileen snort and he pulls back shocked

"You're awake?" He asks clutching his chest

"You are an idiot" Aileen says turning over "what kind of soldier can't recognize the breathing of someone asleep and someone awake" she rolls her eyes at him

"So you..." He asks stepping closer

"I heard" she says sitting up, her hair falling over her breasts

"And?" He asks and Aileen shrugs

"Pathetic really" she says licking the edge of her mouth "I've had better love declarations from my one night stands, hell I just had a better declaration from the goblin I just fucked"

"That's so unfair of you Aileen" Samuel says angrily

"Go away and don't come back unless you actually mean it" Aileen says pulling the sheets around her

"No" Samuel says ripping off the sheets earning himself a hiss from Aileen

"Get out!" Aileen growls her hands twisted into claws "out before I claw your eyes out!"

"Do whatever you want Aileen but I am not leaving until you listen to me" Sam says quite calm given the current situation

"I listened and guess what I do not care now get out" Aileen says she makes fists with her hands to keep herself from throwing herself at Sam and ripping his throat out

"You do care Aileen I have seen it" he whispers "you care for me like I care for you" blood drips onto her bed sheets "you just don't want to listen to me because you are afraid that if you let yourself love me that I will leave you like Jareth" Aileen's vision goes white and she screams, a feral scream much like that of an animal. Everything made of glass shatters, the wood even splinters, the bed is practically destroyed sending filling and feathers everywhere. Samuel is thrown into the wall, debris slashing and digging into him. He falls to the ground his hands around a particularly nasty wound, a piece of her headboard stuck in his gut.

"Say that again" Aileen growls stalking towards him, she leans over him and he coughs up blood "say that again" Sam wipes the blood from his mouth and reaches up to caress her cheek

"You love me Aileen" Sam "and I will.... never hurt you" Aileen grabs the headboard and twists it

"You are an asshole Samuel" Aileen growls and pulls it out, Sam gasps and holds both his hand over the wound "I am not afraid of being abandoned. I am not a damsel in distress that needs someone to love her to feel complete, I am complete and I don't need you"

"Maybe not" Sam coughs "but that does not mean you don't want me"

"That might have been true once but not anymore Samuel, now get out before I kill you" Aileen stands and stares at her broken bedroom, silently tears start to stream down her face without her permission. She holds herself together waiting for Samuel to leave but when she doesn't hear noise behind her she turns around

"Sam?" she asks nudging his foot but he doesn't move, the blood has begun to pool around him and Aileen sees another deep cut on his leg "Sam, I am not in the mood for tricks get out. Please" but he doesn't move. Aileen leans down but can't hear him breath, she slaps him but there's no response.

"No" she whispers kneeling down holding his head but it lolls back to the side, she holds her hands over his wounds but the blood seeps through her fingers "you are too annoying to be dead you idiot" she shakes him violently but still he doesn't stir. Tears are now falling faster, she covers her mouth with bloody hands and shakes her head, she can't lose him.

Aileen holds her hands over his leg wound and closes her eyes. She can feel the skin knit back together beneath her hands and moves onto his gut once it's fixed, she heals all his tiny wounds and places her hand under his nose but feels no air. She smooths his curls back and presses her forehead to his

"I told you once your heart would get you in trouble" she cries over him "why couldn't you just leave me alone you idiot?" she cries and lays down on his chest she holds him tight, she takes a deep breath and clears her throat

"I love you alright? I love you and were right I was scared and now," her voice cracks as her sadness overwhelms her "is this what you wanted you idiot?"

"Yes" he croaks, Aileen's eyes snap open and she jumps back violently, Sam smiles weakly and coughs

"Sam?" she whispers, her heart going a thousand miles per hour

"What kind of solider can't recognize a dead person from a living one?" he chuckles, well tries to and fails. Aileen stares at him dumbfounded, she doesn't know what to do

"Come here love" Sam smiles and weakly motions her over. Aileen slowly crawls over to him and looks him over, with trembling hands she touches his face and runs her fingers through his hair

"Sam?" she whispers touching his forehead with hers "you're okay?"

"I'm okay" he whispers slowly putting a hand on her head

"Good" Aileen says leaning back and slapping him "that is for scaring me half to death" Sam laughs and pushes himself up a little Aileen grabs his shirt in fists and pulls him to her, and kisses him fervently. Sam wraps his arms around her and kisses her back.

After a couple of minutes they both pull back , breathing quite heavily

"The things I want to do to you" he growls "sadly your bed appears to have been destroyed"

"Well who's fault is that?" Aileen scoffs her breathing heavy "can you stand?" Sam thinks for a minute

"I'm not sure" he says and tries to stand but fails, Aileen licks her lips and closes her eyes, warmth radiates off her body and into Sam giving him strength and helping his body regenerate his lost blood cells

"Try it again" she says a bit out of breath this time he manages to stand effortlessly, he helps Aileen stand and holds her to him, his hands roaming her body freely

"My room is still intact" he whispers in her ear and then proceeds to nibble her earlobe

"We are covered in blood Samuel" Aileen moans "don't be disgusting"

"I thought you liked that" he smirks and kisses her again

"Not like this" Aileen whispers "not when this blood could have meant your death" Sam wipes away fresh tears. Aileen shakes her head and wipes the tears away as well

"My bathing room however" she purrs taking off whats left of his shirt "is still very much intact"

"Well then" Samuel smiles taking off his pants "lets get ourselves cleaned up love"

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