Chapter 26

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"Dad-" Aurora started to say, standing from the couch

"This isnt her fault" I cut her off

"Luke" She hissed, grabbing my arm. I grabbed her hand

"Mr. Smith, Aurora-" I was now the one being cut off

"Shut it" He told me, pointing a finger at me and a stern look on his face "I dont want to hear anything from the likes of you. Let go of my daughter" He said, as his eyes landed on our joined hands and his anger was not missed

"Dad, stop" Aurora begged her father

"Aurora come here" He told her and to my surprise, she didnt, she went behind me and still held my hand tightly

"Dad, he's not going to hurt me" Aurora told him "I know you think-"

"I dont think, i know" He said "He's just like him" still looking at me with burning eyes

"I would never hurt Aurora" I said, sternly and completly serious. Who did he think he was? Saying things about me when he didnt even know me? I was pissed that he would even compare me to Aaron. When the thought of that assholes name made me sick "I Am NOT Aaron" My jaw tightened

"You told him?" Her dad asked, finally looking at Aurora

"Yes" She said, coming out from behind me "Because i trust him" She continued "He is the first person i have completly trusted since....that happened"

I gripped her hands tighter, almost in fear that she would be taken away at any moment and i knew that that could very well be possible

"Matthew" I heard a femine voice enter the room, I saw Aurora's

mom "Just let them talk" She told him. His face was getting redder by the minute and he only calmed a fracion when his wife touched his arm. Aurora's mom looked at her and then to me and she gave me a nod to tell us it was time to talk

"We never broke up" Aurora Admitted "I know that lying to you guys wasnt the best thing to do, but i couldnt just walked away from Luke...." Her voice started to waver

"I Love Your Daughter" I told them, no hestitation in my voice

My mother looked directly to Aurora, who nodded her head and then took one of my hands in both of hers. The corners of her mother's face curled into a small smiled. Her father on the other hand was a different story. He looked like he wanted to.....Well....Kill me.

"Get out" He said

"No" Aurora said, before i had a chance to and i couldnt help but feel guilty

I was the reason that this was happening, Aurora was getting in trouble because of this and i killed me to know i was to blame

"Matthew i know that you are scared that something will happen again, but not every boy is like......Him" Aurora's mom couldnt even say his name and i couldnt blame her "She can make her own choices and we have to trust her"

"I do trust her" He defended "I dont trust him" He directed towards me

"You cant just push everyone away from her! She-"

"Stop it!" Aurora yelled, getting her parents attention and mine "Stop talking about me, like im not here" She said. She sighed before dropping her voice a few volumes and speaking again

"Dad, i know you dont want me to get hurt.....Again, But what happened, Happened and i know you want to change it and fix it but you cant. No one can" She said in a sad voice "You cant keep me inside a bubble dad, i can make my own choices and this is one i already made" She pressed herself into the side of my body and i held her a bit closer

Her dad didnt say anything for a moment. I thought at any moment he was going to lunge at me or some shit, but that didnt happen

After what felt like forever, he took a step towards us and i tensed

But he wasnt going to hit me, he took Aurora's hand from mine, gently and hugged his daughter

"I love you"

"I love you too dad" She sniffed into his shoulder. I took a step away from them and walked out of the room. Letting them have their moment. Her mom gave me a small smile as i walked out and i found myself outside

I dont really know how long i leaned against my car, looking up at the now darker sky and the stars just barely starting to shine. I dont know what i was waiting for, if they were still talking inside and if Aurora had even noticed i had left yet. I starting to think about going back inside when the front door opened and Aurora ran outside, I turned my body towards her and was about to ask her what was wrong, when she threw herself into my arms

"Aurora-" I started, but my words were then lost inside her mouth as she pressed her lips against mine and i wrapped my arms around her body

"Let's go somewhere" She told me when we parted

"What?" I asked, still a bit dazed, But she now getting into the passenger seat and i shook my head before i got into the drivers side.


I know i havent updated in a while. I've been super busy with school starting and everything. But here it is!

Well they got caught. Wonder where they are going?

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