Chapter 5: I Swear

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“I swear. Just don't leave me.” Those words were all it took for (Y/n) to make Chase’s heart skip a beat. When (Y/n) went to continue however, he quickly knelt down and covered her mouth with his hand. “I must warn you that making such an oath comes with consequences. Many in which, I’m thinking of altering just for you.” He told her before removing his hand. “Why’s that?” She asked. She knew that breaking any oath was looked down upon whether you’re good or not, but what kind of consequences would be so bad that he’d want to alter them for her? “Let’s just say, there’s a reason why I have so many, well trained, jungle cats. But never mind that, for now, let’s just get back before either it starts raining again or that bear comes back with its mom.” He says as he scoops her up into his arms. “Mom? But that bear was, at least six feet tall. Are you saying that was just a baby!?” She asked hoping that he was joking. “No! Don’t be ridiculous. It wasn’t a baby…. But it was still young enough for the mother to protect it. I suggest you hang on tight.” He changed the topic as quickly as he could before bolting off towards his lair before she could ask any more questions. He was so fast that (Y/n) was pretty sure that if they were on a road, Chase would end up getting a speeding ticket. Before she knew it, they were back at his lair and in a room she hadn’t been in yet. Still in Chase’s arms, she looked around the room, not believing what she was seeing. “Wow! This place is so beautiful, it looks just like a throne room.” She commented. “Because it is.” He says before gently setting her down on the floor, then went to stand in front of his throne. “Now (Y/n). I want to make absolutely sure that you want to do this, because once you swear your loyalty, there will be no going back.” He warns her with a stern look on his face but a kind look in his eyes. The thought of him being worried about her warmed her heart, but she was determined. If doing this meant that she didn’t have to go back to that town but could keep her home and never feel alone again, she’s not even going to think about hesitating. With a determined nod, she then states, "But I want you to promise one thing. Just don't leave me." She waits for him to give her permission to continue, but instead, she finds the cats begin file into the room before changing into PEOPLE?

People of different countries, tribes, and eras were now kneeling on one knee and bowing their heads. She figured out what he meant by there being a reason he had so many cats. Not knowing what to do, she sat there trying to figure everything out, until she noticed that Chase was in the same position, bowing to her. “Allow me to go first, since I’m swearing to you as well. Plus, you are the first person to willingly do this.” He states, looking up at (Y/n) with his head still partially down. “O-okay. Um… should I be scared of that fact?” Chase smirks at her question. “Only if you’re regretting your decision. But don’t worry, I have a feeling that I’ll be making a lot of exceptions with you.”

With her mind put at ease by his comment, she nods her head, giving him permission to continue. He then closes his eyes and bows his head completely, then extends his right hand to her. She stands up as best as she can with her injured leg and places her left hand in his. 

He then begins his oath. “I, Chase Young, Heylin Warrior, and Prince of Darkness, hereby swear my loyalty and trust to you.” As he gives his oath, a dark aura forms around him and crawls up (Y/n)’s arm a little bit before fading into her skin causing her veins to turn black. “And I vow to keep you safe and never let you feel the pain of being scared and alone ever again.” With his oath complete, the aura fades and her veins return to normal. He then opens his eyes and stands, still holding her hand. Then he leans over and whispers in her ear. “Your turn. You can still back out but my oath will still hold true.” Hearing this she simply whispers back. “I’m not backing down, only problem is, I don’t know if I can stay upright if I bow like that or make my oath sound as pretty as yours.” Chase chuckles at this and replies, “You don’t have to kneel. Just sit on the ground with your legs under you and keep your head down. And don’t worry about making it sound nice, just say your promise.”

With that, she sits on the ground with her legs under her, they switch hands so that her right hand was in his left hand, bows her head and begins. “I, (Y/n) (Y/l), hereby swear my loyalty and trust to you.” As she gives her oath, just like with Chase, an aura forms around her, crawls up his arm a little and fades into his arm, except, instead of the aura being black, hers was white and Chase’s veins turn white as well. He watches this in complete shock. Never has he ever witness a pure white aura form when an oath like this was made. “And vow to stand by your side no matter the results.” The aura fades before she lifts her head. “I don’t know what else to say.” Snapping out of his shock, he pulls her too her feet. “That was perfect.” With (Y/n) now on her feet, the warriors surrounding them return to their feline forms and go to resume whatever they were doing. The scarred tiger walked up to his master holding a reasonably large first aid kit. Once Chase took the first aid kit from the tiger, he gave him a nod and the tiger bowed his head and as he turned to leave, he stops to look at her, to give her the most elegant bow a feline could ever give before continuing out of the room, closing the two large doors behind him with his tail.

With the tiger now gone, Chase takes her into his arms and places her in his throne so that he can properly tend to her wounds while (Y/n) began to ask question after question. “What was with the black stuff that was surrounding you when you made that oath? Why did it go into my arm? Why did my veins turn black? Did that same stuff form when I made my oath? And what about the cats, how and why did they turn human? *GASP* Did they also swear their loyalty to you? Is that why they’re cats now? If I’m the first person to willingly swear their loyalty to you, then does that mean they were all forced? Am I going to end up turning into a cat now? WHY AREN’T YOU LAUGHING AT ME?” She finally stops, and Chase is trying so hard to stop laughing at how fast her questions were going. He knew exactly what questions she would ask, but he just couldn’t  get over how fast they were coming out of her mouth and the fact that she wasn’t giving him any room to try and answer wasn’t helping much either. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry for laughing.” He says finally managing to stop laughing. “I’ll answer your questions, all fifty of them.”

“I didn’t ask fifty questions. Wait, did I?” She began counting the questions on her fingers until Chase puts her hands in his to stop her. “I honestly couldn’t keep track, you were going way too fast. But for right now, let’s get your injuries patched up properly before they get infected. Then I’ll answer your questions, ONE BY ONE.” He said with a slight scowl in his smirk at the end. “Good idea.” She said with a slight blush on her face, finally realizing how quickly she launched her questions earlier.

Yin-Yang (Chase Young x Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now