Chapter 20: Life or Death

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“So, what do you guys say we recap, just so we’re all on the same page here.” Dojo asks getting a nod from everyone before they continue. “So… Turns out that the little kitten that we found in the Amazon that ended up disappearing was actually a new member of Chase’s army of cats and the only one that we know of that can go into a half-feline state and transform into any of her forms at will.” Kimiko says to explain what Clay and Raimundo missed. “She’s also quite the skilled fighter.” Omi adds. “Right, and because of that, she won the Light of Life.” Dojo comments before leaving it to Raimundo to explain what happened on their end. “We also lost the Crown of King Yan to Wuya who used it automatically to revive King Yan which turns out to not only be the God of Death but also WUYA’S FREAKING FATHER!” He says still not sure how to handle that bit. “Correct. And let us not forget that Chase Young sacrificed himself to protect Yin- err I mean (Y/n), and if we want any chance of defeating King Yan. We must find a way of getting the Light of Life away from Chase’s tiger in order to revive him, so that we may work together.” Omi concludes before Kimiko states, “But before we do anything, we should explain everything to Master Fung before it’s too late.” With determined affirmations, they pick up speed to the Xiaolin Temple.

But once they got there, they could do nothing but stare in disbelief. The Temple was destroyed. Once they landed, they split up to look for survivors only to find that not even the dead remained, their Shen Gong Wu vault was emptied, and the only parts of the Temple that were still somewhat standing were the living quarters and the mess hall. The only Shen Gong Wu they had left were the ones that Kimiko and Raimundo had when they left. After realizing that there wasn’t anybody to help them figure out what to do next, they decided that the best course of action was to put Chase in a semi-safe location, find something to eat, and try to sleep on it and hope that an idea will come to them in the night. They managed to get the tiger to trust them enough for them to move Chase, though Scar held on to the Wu while Clay and Raimundo moved Chase to a room that had been forbidden to them, Chase’s old room. After Kimiko changed the old pallet for a spare one she found in the closet, they set him down and closed the door on him and Scar. They then split up into two groups, one to build a fire and one to look for food. Once they ate, all they could do was sleep and hope for a miracle. Little did they know, the miracle had already begun.

The next morning, Dojo decided to fix eggs and toast to help lift their spirits. Unfortunately, nobody was able to think of a plan, so after they ate they fixed a plate for the tiger and added a bonus raw pork chop, hoping to gain his trust. When they turned to leave the room, “Ugh… ahh… ow…” At the sudden noises they all looked over at Chase to find him groaning and breathing heavily. Omi is then spurred into action, not only bringing a bowl of water for the tiger but also bringing a glass of water and an icepack for Chase. Clay and Raimundo helped him upright as Kimiko wrapped and placed the icepack on his back while Omi got him to drink the water. After successfully getting Chase to drink the whole glass and bandage his wound and get the icepack to stay put, Chase was then awake enough to take in his surroundings. When he realized that (Y/n) wasn’t there he began to freak out until Scar explained what had happened. Hearing that she was held hostage by King Yan infuriated him but then he realized something else. “Wait, if (Y/n) was taken prisoner right after I shielded her… How am I alive?”

“(Y/n) and Wuya each used their Wu at the same time. But I think that (Y/n) might have been just a bit faster and when she dropped the Light of Life, it was still activated but since the user was no longer holding it, the effects must have been delayed. … I think.” Dojo explained trying to figure it out himself. “Well, however it happened, even with you back, we are still in quite the cucumber.” Omi says earning confused looks from everyone, including Scar. “I believe you mean, in a pickle.” Chase clears causing everyone to understand what the little bald-headed boy meant. “Before we decide anything, we need to know, will you help us Chase?” Kimiko asks with pleading eyes. “Why don’t you ask your master for help, since I know this wasn’t Fung’s idea to ask me for help?” Chase snaps still feeling pissed that he couldn’t protect (Y/n). “Cause there ain’t anyone left.” Clay admits causing Chase to look back at the young monks once more before sighing in defeat. “Very well, only because I don’t like ANYONE taking what belongs to me. But we won’t be going anywhere until I’ve recovered enough to travel. Be prepared, for once I’m well enough to travel, we’re going to my lair. I’m not going to wait on anyone and you are all to do exactly as I tell you until King Yan is defeated.” Once everyone agreed, including a very nervous Dojo, he shooed them away so that he could eat and rest. The warriors decided to ready their things then try to at least start on the repairs on the Temple. Chase then attempted to rest but found it useless since all he could think about was if (Y/n) was alright. ‘Wait for me Kitten. I won’t leave you with him for long. I swore to keep you safe and I have no intention of breaking that promise. Besides, I haven’t been able to tell you yet.’ Chase thought to himself as he finally drifted off to sleep. ‘I love you.’

Yin-Yang (Chase Young x Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now