Chapter 21: Back with (Y/n)

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(Y/n) sat curled up in her prison, silently crying as flashbacks of what had just happened, before arriving at Jack’s house, goes through her head. Sounds of people screaming in both fear and pain filled her ears, as bodies fall motionless onto the ground, one after another, before being teleported to some unknown location. Then there was the sight of the head monk, with Wuya’s claw-like hand going straight through his chest. (Y/n) had only met him once, but she could still remember how much he was looked up to. Master Fung fell to the ground in a lifeless heap, never being able to give his wisdom to those who looked up to him again. Chase lifeless in her arms, and then she was ripped away from him before she could use the Wu to save him. It all went through her head like it’s stuck on repeat.

(Y/n) quickly snapped back into reality by the basement door being opened. When she lifted her head, she was met with the one responsible for it all. He walked right up to the prison and bent down to be at eye-level with her. “How are you enjoying your new home, my little canary?” This causes her to growl before turning her head with a grumble. “If you’re going to kill me, then just do it already. I have nothing left to live for anyway.” She says as a single word of her past comes back to haunt her. ‘Curse.’ The word that she finally had hope would never hurt her again. She closes her eyes tightly, trying not to let the tears spill. Then she falls an inch. She opens her eyes to find that her confinement was now gone. “Now why would I kill you? There’s a reason why I wanted you alive, you know.” He says with a creepy grin on his face. (Y/n) slowly crawls backwards, away from HIM, until she hits her back on the wall behind her. “And what reason would that be?” She asks, glowering at him in a sidelong look. He then grabbed her chin to force her to face him directly. Their faces are merely an inch apart as she tries to wrench herself free from his grip. “I want to use you of course. I knew by the way he allowed you to hold onto him so closely, that he would do ANYTHING to protect you. And the way you stood up to me when even HE sat there trembling, I knew I had to have you. And even with Chase gone, I can still USE you.” That causes (Y/n) to fear the worst, making her struggles intensify. When the door suddenly opens, she takes advantage of the distraction and shifts into a kitten and makes a break for it. “CLOSE THE DOOR!!!” King Yan yells but it’s too late, (Y/n) had already slipped under Wuya before she could react. She was almost out the main door before *CLUNK* a steel cage big enough for any of her forms with the bars too close to one another for her to squeeze through trapped her. She then looked up to find Jack, of all people, was the one who trapped her yet again. “Better luck next time kitty cat.” Jack says teasingly. “Well done Jack. He reacted quicker than you did,  Wuya.” King Yan says as he shoots a disapproving glance towards his daughter. “Thank you Sir- I mean King- I mean-” Jack stutters until King Yan places a hand on his shoulder. “Yama works just fine Jack. It's what my closest followers used to call me before I was imprisoned.” To this, Jack beams with delight to the point where it even creeps out King Yan. “Anyway, it seems that we should have a more… comfortable cage for our little pet here. Don’t want her getting a crick in her neck, or her escaping.” He says as he lifts the trap and grabs her before she can make another run for it.

“OOOOHH! OOH-OOH! I know the perfect room. The door locks from the outside and the windows are bolted shut and unbreakable. And there’s only one key. The key is in my room. We can use that room so that we don’t have to worry able her escaping AND she’ll be comfortable.” Jack responds excitably, before leading them to his room to retrieve the key and then to where (Y/n) was going to be kept, with her struggling every step of the way. When they got to the room, Jack gave King Yan the key before opening the door for him. King Yan then pulled (Y/n) to where she was at eye-level and said, “Now, be a good girl and don’t cause any more trouble. There will be time for plenty of that when you realize who calls the shots.” He then tosses her onto the plushy bed and closes the door, locking it once it was closed. (Y/n) began banging on the door, hoping that she could at least do a little bit of damage, but to no avail. She then slid to the floor crying. “I’m sorry Chase. I’m so sorry. *sniffle* You knew I was cursed, yet you still took me in, gave me the happiness that I thought I would never have again. I swore my loyalty, but instead, I gave you nothing. *hick* I have to get out of here and hope that by time I do, the Light of Life will still work on you. I won’t lose you too Chase.” She says as she gets up and starts looking for a way out. “Because I love you.”

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