Sequel 2: A Honeymoon and Sweet Revenge

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The reception goes off without a hitch, except for Raimundo attempting to slip some wine passed the older monks and getting caught by one of Chase’s cats instead. He’s still too young to drink after all. With the reception drawing to an end, the couple says their goodbyes and thank yous. And in Chase’s over the top fashion, goes to the edge of the cliff off jump off with the bride in his arms. Chase tightens his grip on (Y/n) and transforms into his dragon form and spreads his new wings at the last second to keep from crashing into the ground. “You’re really getting the hang of those new wings.” (Y/n) states with a teasing grin on her face. “Yes well, it helps that I simply want you all to myself as soon as possible.” Chase says with his own teasing grin. “Ooh. Did I just end up with a selfish little dragon? Hmm. I hope I won’t have to take you back to the pet shop any time soon.” (Y/n) teases, taking it as far as she can. “Who are you calling little, or a pet for that matter? Besides you’re stuck with me for all eternity, whether you like it or not.” He says while tickling her making her giggle. “So where are we going, oh husband of mine?” She asks curiously. “You’ll see.” He answers getting a dramatic groan as a response making him laugh. 

Somewhere along the way, (Y/n) ended up being placed on Chase’s back while she was sleeping. “Wake up Kitten. We’re almost there.” Chase said going even higher up. “Then why are we going up?” She asks rubbing her eyes. “You’ll see in 3…2…1… Now.” As if on cue, the city infront of them lights up bright against the night sky. With a gasp of pure joy, (Y/n)’s awake in an instant. “You brought us to PARIS!?” She asks excitedly, not believing her own eyes. “No. I brought you to the boonies. Can’t you tell?” Chase responds sarcastically earning himself a light smack on the head. Chase laughs and quickly does a barrel rolling to get her from his back into his arms. As she giggles and playfully beats his chest, Chase finally finds the hotel building and lands on it so they could enjoy the view, after going back to his normal form. Once they’ve finished enjoying the view, they decided to head inside. As they headed towards the elevator, (Y/n) grabs Chase’s arm to stop him. “Chase? What are we doing? If we just walk out of the elevator and THEN check in, they’ll know something’s up.” Chase simply pats her on the head. “Trust me Kitten.” 

As soon as they exit the elevator, they find a line of staff members bowing to them. “Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Young.” The staff say in unison. (Y/n) then looks up at Chase confused. “I may or may not be an eternal regular here.” He whispers in her ear making her look up at him in shock. “And they haven’t thought anything weird about the fact that you don’t age?”

“They don’t care as long as I don’t go to any of their competitors.” As soon as Chase said that a tall man with white hair comes out of the same elevator they had just came out of moments ago. “Ah! Chase Young! It’s been far too long my old friend. You cannot believe how thrilled I was to hear of your reservation.” The man says shaking Chase’s hand before turning towards (Y/n). “*GASP* And you must be the reason behind such luxurious demands.” He says taking her hand in his and giving it a gentlemanly kiss on the back of her palm before Chase pulls her out of his reach, putting himself in between them, glaring at the man in the process. “Zen. I suggest you behave yourself when speaking to MY WIFE.” Chase says, almost growling at him while saying this. The man looks up at Chase in shock before looking back at (Y/n). “My deepest apologies. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Zen Demise. I am the owner of this fine hotel. It’s a pleasure to finally meet someone who could tame the mighty Chase Young.”

“WHO ARE YOU CALLING TAME!!?” Chase snarls as Zen laughs it off. “What might your name be, Sweetheart?” Zen asks returning his attention back to (Y/n). (Y/n) huffed, not liking the nickname coming from anyone other than Chase. “My name is (Y/n). And I would very must appreciate it if you refer to me as such.” Zen lifts his hands up in surrender as he laughs at her attitude. “Woah! Feisty little one, aren’t you? No wonder you like her so much Chase. But a little tip, before you go biting peoples’ heads off cutie, I suggest you make sure that they won’t bite back.” Zen says and his eyes glow blood red while, what looks like fangs, begin to poke out of his cocky grin. Chase then cuts in, glaring at Zen. “Can we get the key to our room now? We’d both like to get some rest.” Zen then heads over to the front desk, gesturing for them to follow. “Of course! Let me get that for you. Ah! Here you are. Though, face the facts Chase, I doubt you have any intensions of sleeping while you’re in there.” Zen comments, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Chase angrily snatched the key away from him with a slight blush forming on his cheeks. (Y/n) couldn’t help but let out a giggle before joining in the teasing. “Chase? Tired? *GASP* It’s a miracle!!” (Y/n) said before Chase shoots her a glare. It was Zen’s turn to giggle making Chase blush deepen before he threw (Y/n) over his shoulder and marched off to their room. “Well, I guess we’re going now. It was a pleasure meeting you, Zen.” (Y/n) waved as Chase continued to storm off with her in tow. Once they were back in the elevator, (Y/n) began to squirm. “Okay. You can put me down now.” She said as she struggled to get out of Chase’s grip. “Do you honestly think that you were going to get away with teasing me like that, Kitten?” Chase asked, his voice becoming deep as he growled. “Well, how could I resist? You look so cute when you blush.” (Y/n) responded, earning a firm slap on the butt by Chase. “HEY!!!”

“Looks like some little kitten need’s some discipline, and we have PLENTY of time for such training.” Chase said in a seductive growl. This caused (Y/n) to blush a whole new shade of red as they entered their room for their honeymoon.

(I’m going to skip the rest of the honeymoon because it is completely unnecessary to the story and I’d like for this chapter to not become a lemon. But I will be writing the juicy part in a bonus chapter to prevent age from being an issue.)

They checked out of the hotel after their honeymoon and traveled to (Y/n)’s hometown. Before they went to her home, Chase decides to take her out to dinner at the restraunt that she worked at. (Y/n) was hesitant but eventually agreed. As they sat at their table, Chase needed to go somewhere real quick and dashed off. Figuring that he may have simply needed to go to the restroom, she shrugged her shoulders and resumed reading the menu. As she was reading, she felt a wooden object hit the back of her head. She merely turned around to find her old boss holding the usual wooden spoon. The hit was no longer strong enough to really hurt, but the memories of what he used to do made her flinch. She quickly jumped up in fright as the boss began to yell. “HOW DARE YOU COME CRAWLING BACK AFTER THE WAY YOU LEFT. IF YOU’VE COME BEGGING FOR YOUR OLD JOB BACK THEN YOU CAN FORGET IT. LIKE I WOULD EVER TAKE BACK A PATHETIC, UNGRATEFUL, CLUMSY, CUR-” The boss’s rant was interrupted by the large foreboding figure walking up behind (Y/n) while snarling at the boss and the waitresses that began to form around them. The threatening figure, being Chase, wrapped an arm around (Y/n) while still scowling at the boss before asking, “Is there some sort of problem?” while resting his head on (Y/n)’s shoulder. He then kisses her cheek, eyes staying on the boss while he does so. “I-I-I-I-I-I-” The boss stammers in fear at the look in Chase’s eyes. (Y/n) cuts in, getting some courage from Chase’s presence. “This is my former boss. He thought I came here to beg for my job back.” Chase’s glare sharpened, if looks could kill. “You mean the same boss who BEAT YOU IN THE HEAD WITH A RUSTED FRYING PAN JUST BECAUSE ONE OF THE OTHER WAITRESSES TRIPPED YOU!?” Chase yells loud enough for the boss to understand how pissed off he was and for the other costumers to hear. The boss shrunk back in fear. “I-I-I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” The boss pleaded. Chase stares at him skeptically before glancing back at (Y/n) and noticed that she was rubbing the back of her head. “Did he hurt you Kitten?” Chase questioned, looking at (Y/n) worriedly. Before she was able to answer, Chase handed (Y/n) a bouquet of flowers, turned back toward the boss and began walking up to him until he towered over the old man. “If you ever even attempt to hurt her again, I will make you wish that you had never existed.” Chase threatened before turning back to (Y/n) and having her take a seat before sitting down in his own seat. “Now. I think we should eat before we head home. I do hope that the food here is suitable for, what this place claims to be, a high quality establishment.” Chase says staring daggers at the boss again as the boss bolts off to the kitchen.

(Y/n) then leans over, whispering to Chase. “You know as well as I do that nobody here is strong enough to actually hurt me anymore. Well, nobody but you.” Chase merely smirks and whispers back, “I’m aware. But sometimes the worst damage someone can experience is to their ego. And the fact that I worship you, someone he looked down upon, and I looked down on him…” (Y/n), understanding his reasoning, finishes for him. “…Is the worst blow to the ego that could possibly be dealt!” When Chase nods, (Y/n) grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him into a kiss. “Best. Husband. Ever.”

“Eh. Tell me something I don’t know.”

Yin-Yang (Chase Young x Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now