Chapter 10: Collar

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"It means a powerful Shen Gong Wu has revealed itself." Chase answered with a fire in his eyes. "A what da who?" (Y/n) asked, wondering if it was code or something she should know about. "A Shen Gong Wu. They're magical objects that have special powers depending on which one you possess. They can be objects of mass destruction... or items of pure idiocy. All depends on who uses them." Chase looks as though he had someone specific in mind for the idiot part.

Once Chase gets to the scroll, he opens it to show a name and a moving picture. "The Sleep Sprayer. Whoever gets sprayed by this will instantly fall asleep. The effects last as long as normal perfume." He explained before closing the scroll. "Okay, how is that powerful?" (Y/n) asked. "Tell me, Kitten. How long does perfume last?" He answers her question with his own. "Most of the day, but I don't... Oh!"

"Exactly. It's not exactly powerful, but it can be dangerous if it ends up in the wrong hands." Chase said while going to one of the walls and opening a drawer. "Won't that be your hands though? I mean, you are evil and all." She asked trying to figure out what he means. Chase then pulled out a lasso that had the same pattern on it as a boa constrictor. "Technically yes, however, notice how I've not used any of the items in this room. I only use Shen Gong Wu to retrieve other Shen Gong Wu. And I only use the ones I received as... bonuses."

"What do you mean by bonuses?" (Y/n) asked. "I'll explain it to you when I get back." He said as he started off back towards his room. "What? I thought I was going to go with you." She said hopefully. "No! It's far too dangerous. You're not going. End of discussion." He said as he walked into his room. He then dropped (Y/n) onto the pillow that acted as a cat bed for her. As she tried to get out of the pillow, she found it as difficult as walking through snow that's almost to your hips. While she struggled with that, Chase began putting a clean suit of armor on. "You swore." Those two words were all it took to stop him in the middle of putting on the last piece of armor. He looked over his shoulder to find that she had managed to get out of the pillow to stand on the edge of the bed with ragged breathe.

"You swore that you would never let me feel alone. You're the first person who's cared about me since my friends and family died. Do you really thing I won't feel lonely if you leave?" She said with tears in her eyes as she began to curl up in a ball. "Hey, hey, hey, c'mon now Kitten. Don't cry. I would never leave you like that. ... *sigh* Fine! You can come. But I want you to listen to everything I say. Do everything I tell you to do. No arguments and no complaint. Got it? So please Kitten, no more tears." He said as he gently wiped away her tears.

"Okay...*sniffle* I won't argue *hick* or complain." She responded, trying to stop crying at the thought of being alone. Chase then scooped her up and placed a small peck on her head, causing her to give a small giggle. "Alright now let me finish getting my armor on and we'll be ready to go. Okay?"

"Okay!" She responded happily.

Once Chase finished putting his armor on, he made a noise like he had just remembered something. He then went up to the bed and grabbed a box off the nightstand and presented it to (Y/n). He snapped his fingers then opened it.

"Aww! You shouldn't have. No, seriously, you shouldn't have. Take it back." She said unenthusiastically. He let out a small laugh before pulling out of the box... a collar. A black collar with white diamonds on it and a yin charm on it.

"I know you don't like the idea of having to wear a collar, but this is no ordinary collar. The collar itself will change into a normal necklace whenever you go back to your human form. And the charm contains some of my magic, so if we end up getting separated somehow, I'd be able to find you no matter where you may be. It will also keep you safe if I'm not close enough to protect you." Chase explained while putting the collar around her neck.

"Why do I not believe you?" She asked suspiciously. "Because you don't want to wear a collar." He stated with a smirk on his face. "True. So where is this sheng bong too thing anyway?" She asked as Chase gently picked her up and places her on his shoulder yet again. "Shen Gong Wu. And this one, if memory serves, is in the Amazon Rainforest." He said as black smoke began to surround them and a few of the other cats, including Scar, as they teleported to the Amazon Rainforest.

"Wait, the AMAZON!?"

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