Chapter 14: Kinks

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When (Y/n) opened her eyes again, she found that they were back in Chase’s room. She then let out a huge yawn, which then caused Chase to yawn, and the yawn rippled through the cats. “Hahaha! It has been a long day. What do you say we go straight to bed, Kitten?” Chase asked knowing that (Y/n) had to have been even more tired than he was. (Y/n) didn’t even bother answering. She jumped out of his hands onto the bed and curled up, almost instantly falling asleep. With a chuckle of amusement, Chase looks at her sleeping on his bed and says, “I’ll take that as a yes” before taking off his armor, leaving nothing but a pair of boxers to cover him as he slips into bed and falls asleep.

The next morning, (Y/n) woke up to realize that she had somehow ended up placing herself up against Chase’s chest and was now capable of seeing a view very few have ever seen and lived to remember, the peaceful, defenseless look on Chase’s sleeping face. After watching Chase sleep for a little bit the doors suddenly swung open, revealing Scar and one of the lions. Their sudden appearance caused Chase to awaken and sit upright in a flash. “Master! The two idiots are on their way.” The lion exclaimed. 

“Very well, you are free to go.” Chase replied, rubbing his temples to relieve the headache that’s already forming. Once they leave, Chase gets up and begins to get dressed. "Aww." (Y/n) sighed in disappointment, causing Chase to look over his shoulder with an eyebrow quirked up and a smirk on his face. “What’s the matter Kitten? Are you disappointed that I have to get dressed?”

"NO!… Maybe… Alittle…… yes." She responded getting quieter with each word. This made Chase laugh before turning around and walking back to the bed. He then began stroking (Y/n)’s head, a little tendency she grew to enjoy because of her cat form making her… well, a cat.

“I’ll tell you what Kitten.” He said still petting (Y/n) while trying not to laugh at the fact that she has yet to realize that she was purring. “Because of all the chaos from yesterday, once the idiotic duo leave, we’ll have a nice little lazy day today. How does that sound?” At the suggestion of a lazy day, (Y/n) couldn’t help but jump into Chase’s arms in excitement. "That sounds like a dream. Count me in!" She replied enthusiastically holding her paw up in the air for a fist bump, or in her case, a paw bump. To which Chase humored.

"Now if you will excuse me, I have to get dressed before the worms inch their way in here.” He says before putting her on the softest pillow on the bed, making her sink into it and struggle to get out again. "DANG IT, CHASE!!!" She exclaimed as she tried to get back out. Before (Y/n) was able to get out of her pillowy prison, Chase had finished getting dressed and picked her back up. "Jerk" was all she said before they made their way to the entrance of the lair. 

Once they got to the entry way, (Y/n) realized that there was a luxurious couch that had never been there before. Chase laid lazily on it, placing her infront of him as he began stroking her head yet again. It wasn’t long after the two of them got comfy that the doorway opened downward, crushing the red-head. After he managed to crawl out from under the massive stone door, one of the leopards walked up to him and began carrying him by the back of his jacket. This scene made it very difficult for (Y/n) to look stoic like Chase was somehow able to. (Y/n)’s mood instantly died when a certain creepy little ghost flew up to Chase. “Ah! Chase! You are looking as handsome as always. Have you missed me?” Wuya said in her best seduction voice, which is even creepier than her normal voice. This caused (Y/n) to climb up onto Chase’s shoulder and hiss at the ghost before Chase replied, “Unfortunately. However I’m sure my aim would be much better at this range.”

“Oh! Hehe… I see you have a new cat. Cute.” Wuya said before sourly floating back over to Jack’s side now that the leopard had dropped him. This earns another hiss from (Y/n), just for good measure. “Yes! She is a much more useful companion than YOU ever were.” Chase responded while scratching under (Y/n)'s chin, making her pur. “Now! Back to business. I trust you succeeded in the extremely simple task I’ve given you?”

“OOH!!! YES SIR! I’ve got the Sleep Sprayer right here. And just to show how much I respect you, I also swiped the Mantis Flip Coin for you.” Jack said proudly while handing over the Shen Gong Wu. “Well, well, well. Who knew you were actually NOT a complete waste of space?” Chase said taking the items from him and giving them to one of the lionesses. “THANK YOU SIR!!!” Jack replied happily while giving Chase a proud salute.

“Now get out of my sight. I’ve already got a headache forming from being around you for too long.” Chase said while turning away from the duo and rubbing his head. One of the pumas then grabbed the back of Jack’s jacket, again, and began dragging him out, with Wuya close behind. “Okay, so we’ll hang later then?” That was all Jack was able to say before the puma threw Jack out and the stone door closed firmly behind him.

Chase and (Y/n) had then gone straight back to the bedroom. Chase removed his armor yet again and turned around to find (Y/n) pacing at the foot of the bed. He then laid back down on the bed, watching her go back and forth in irritation. “Penny for your thoughts, Kitten?” Chase asked causing the dame to break. 

“I CAN NOT BELIEVE THAT DISCUSTING BALL OF MASKED GAS!!! I MEAN, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT DESPITE HER BEING HIDIOUSLY PUTRED, SHE STILL TRIES TO FLIRT? I MEAN, THAT IS WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS.” (Y/n) continued her rant without realizing that, not only did what she was saying be yelled in jealousy, but that she was being surrounded by streams of white mist as she began to shift and that her pacing ended up going from on the edge of the bed to on the floor at the edge of the bed. When she finally finished her ineligible rant, she then looked at Chase to find a look on his face that was a mix between trying not to laugh and utterly shocked. “WHAT?” She said in irritation, still fuming from her rant. Chase simply pointed at a mirror as a respond. (Y/n) looked over at the mirror and finally noticed that she was no longer a kitten. “YES!!! I’M A HUMAN AGAIN!! Wait!” She then got closer to the mirror. Upon closer observation, she found that not all of her cat-like features changed back. She still had her calico ears and tail that she had as a cat and she still had her claws and her (e/c) cat-eyes too.

“AWW, C’MON!!!”

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