Chapter 18: Back with Chase

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Chase's smoke clears, revealing the Xiaolin monks, Clay and Raimundo, dodging green fireballs being thrown at them by a tall woman with red hair and green eyes, with claw-like hands, fang-like teeth, and pointed ears. One look and he knew that that was Wuya. Looking past the fight, he saw the object in question, The Crown of King Yan. Seeing his goal, he decides to go around the battle infront of him. Unfortunately, by time he got around the fight, he got spotted. The moment he was spotted, it became a mad dash for the Wu. As Chase grabs the Crown, he finds two other hands on it as well, Clay's and Wuya's.

"Chase Young and Wuya, I challenge y'all to a Xiaolin Showdown Trio. I wager my Fist of Tebigong. And y'all?" Clay states, glaring at his opponents. "I'll be wagering my Silk Spitter." Wuya says with a cocky grin. "I doubt I'll need mine but I wager my Falcon's Eyes nonetheless. The game will be Cat and Mouse. Last to keep from getting stuck wins." Chase says looking to the others for objections. When he got none, Wuya says "Then let's go."

"XIAOLIN SHOWDOWN!" The three yell simultaneously. With that, light around them began flashing as the earth began to shift. Cliffs got taller, rocks got bigger, towers of rock and rivers of water and lava formed. When the flashing stops, the three yell, "GONG YI TEMPI!!!"

Then the three take off. Clay is the first to attack. "FIST OF TEBIGONG!" he yells before slamming the golden glove up against the side of a cliff causing rocks to begin falling onto Wuya and Chase as they jump out of the way. "SILK SPITTER!!" Wuya yells as she shoots globs of sticky silk at the cowboy monk until she finally got a hit. "Oof! DAGNABBIT!" Clay exclaimed while he struggles to get out of his sticky situation. As Wuya looks down at the poor monk, she hears the sound of falling rocks. When she turns to the side, she finds a large group of boulders rolling towards her with Chase on the other side of them, grinning down at her. Wuya acts fast and dodges a few of them and blasting the others. When she gets through and to Chase it becomes and one-on-one fight with each of them trying to get the better of the other. Until, Wuya uses her magic to duplicate herself. "HEY! THAT'S LOW! EVEN FOR YOU WUYA!" Raimundo yells, knowing that the worst thing to do is have Wuya as the victor. Chase deftly takes out each duplicate until, not even the real one remained.

The real Wuya disappeared. "FALCON'S EYE!" Chase yells before placing the eyepiece over one of his eyes. He searches for the real Wuya and finds her hiding behind a large boulder at the base of the canyon. He smashes the boulder just to find that it was yet another duplicate. "SILK SPITTER!" Wuya yells from behind him. By time he reacts, it's too late. He falls to the ground, stuck to it by the clingy silk. As Wuya laughs maniacally as the Crown of King Yan begins lowering itself into Wuya's hands. "It is over." She says with a creepy grin on her face.

Light begins to flash as the terrain shifts back to normal. Just as the flashing stops, white mist begins to form not far from Chase. The fog clears and (Y/n) opens her eyes to find Chase lying on the ground. At the same time, Dojo is flying into view and lands close to where Raimundo is helping Clay to his feet. "What happened?" Dojo asks not wanting to assume the worst. (Y/n) and Scar are already at Chase's side, wondering the same thing. Clay and Raimundo hang their heads in shame. "Chase?" (Y/n) asks worryingly. "I'm sorry. I... failed." He responds looking at (Y/n) guiltily before she wraps him in her arms.

Just then, Jack comes flying in. "Judging by the fact that you're empty handed, I'm guessing you didn't get the Light of Life." Wuya asks Jack, to which he immediately turns his head scratching the back of his neck. "No matter. We got the Wu we needed." She then held the crown up high facing away from her enemies. "CROWN OF KING YAN!" She exclaims loudly before the Wu begins to give off an ominous aura as it starts levitating farther up and away from Wuya's hands. Wuya then backs away as the aura begins to spread downward and starts to take a human-like shape before the aura bursts into a bright, somehow evil-looking, light.

When everyone decides to unshield their eyes, they find a tall, broad man with grey skin, jet black slicked back hair, and wine red irises with the rest of the eyeball being just as black as his hair. He's wearing a red tux with a white undershirt and black shoes and tie with the black crown upon his head. The malicious aura still surrounds him as he stands tall and intimidating as Wuya kneels before him with her head down. "Welcome back." She greets before looking back up at the malevolent-looking man. "Father."

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