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Wuya struggled to her feet as she laughed maniacally as the black lightning became more and more intense before coming together to strike a single spot. When the dust clears from that spot, HE stood in its place. “Well, well, well. Look at this Wuya. Looks like the Xiaolin truly are kind. They took the liberty of catching my pet that YOU SCARED OFF. How nice. Now if you’ll just hand her over, we can start discussing a reward.” King Yan says with his usual, creepy grin on his face as he holds his hand out as if someone was actually going to hand her over. (Y/n) shrinks back at this as Chase steps forward, shielding her with his body. “Not going to happen, Yan.”

“You? That blast should have killed you. All well, I’ll enjoy killing you AGAIN.” King Yan says throwing blasts of energy at the group, causing them to disperse.

Jack then hovers into the fray with a large group of weird looking robots. “Jackbots, ATTACK!!!” With Jack’s robots being added to the battle, it became more difficult for (Y/n) and Chase to stay together and they ended up getting separated. Wuya then ran up to Jack saying, “Now’s your chance, Jack. We need to get her out of the fight so that they have no choice but to surrender.”

“Oh, right. SPHERE OF YUN!!!” Jack called out, attracting Guan’s attention in the process. “I don’t think so, Spicer. EMPEROR SCORPION!!” Guan called out holding a metal scorpion sculpture with red jewels for the eyes and stinger. Using it Guan was able to control the Sphere of Yun and turned it against them trapping both Jack and Wuya in the very cramped space. “Now you two be good and stay there until this is over.” Guan said as he pats the sphere and goes back to the fight.

“‘Here’s your chance, Jack.’ ‘Use the Sphere, Jack.’ ‘Do it now, Jack.’ You know, this is why I don’t listen to you.” Jack says mockingly as Wuya responds with an irritated “Ugh”. 

Back in the fight, (Y/n) tries to get away from the chaos. With the explosions from the robots getting destroyed, the flames flying left and right, and no Chase to help her keep grounded, she’s pushed into panic mode, mentally reliving the moments that caused her so much loneliness and torture. (Y/n) then shifts into her kitten form and runs into a small hole in the wall of a cliff, cowering in fear of it happening all over again.

Chase searches frantically for (Y/n) as he fights off robots and dodges fireballs. Knowing full well that this much uncontrolled chaos was not helping (Y/n)’s mental state. Especially right after being reunited with someone that she thought was dead. “(Y/N)! WHERE ARE YOU, KITTEN.” As he fought, dodged, and searched, he didn’t notice that King Yan had appeared right behind him. (Y/n) had just opened her eyes to respond to Chase’s calls when she saw King Yan about to strike Chase from behind. She then reacted on instinct, gunning to protect Chase. “CHASE!!! LOOK OUT!!!” She called, maneuvering though the fight in her kitten form with ease before pouncing as a white fog covered her tiny body and expending before clearing just as she hits King Yan and knocks him to the ground as she growls at him. “Don’t you EVER hurt Chase AGAIN. If you so much as TRY, I will personally rip you to SHREDS. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?” Chase looked in the direction of (Y/n)’s enraged voice and found that she was now a snow leopard with the fog that surrounds her when she transforms, radiating off of her continuously, glowing too. The fighting around them halts with the last of the jackbots destroyed as everyone stares at (Y/n) in awe. Guan slowly sidles up beside Chase. “I’m guessing this is new?” Chase, still slack jawed, could only nod his head, too stunned to properly form words.

King Yan laid under (Y/n)’s new form in shock. When she believes that he got the point, she slowly gets off of him and starts making her way to Chase. King Yan, for the first time ever, felt fear, and it infuriated him. ‘The God of Death, the King of Pain, the Lord of Suffering, the Master of FEAR, yet I fear a little girl? No matter how much I may want her for myself, I am NOT going to fear anything or ANYONE.’ He thinks as he launches his strongest blast yet at (Y/n). Chase throws himself forward while transforming into his dragon form. “NO! (Y/N)!” She turns around to see the blast but it’s too late to stop it, or to stop Chase from shielding her again. But as the blast hits, her pure white fog and his pitch black smoke begin the swirl around each other as they absorb the hit. “NO! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?” King Yan roars as he watches his attack be reduced to nothing. Chase and (Y/n) both look up at their powers swarming together before they attach themselves to Chase’s scale-covered back. When the smoke-fog mix disperses, they find that Chase now has green and black wings. As Chase tests the new addition to his dragon form, he finds that he isn’t the only one surprised by the new development. Everyone stares at him in wonder until a certain villain begins to rant. “NO!!! NONONONONO!! YOU COULDN’T HAVE! THE HEYLIN CURSE ISN’T SUPPOSED TO BREAK SO EASILY! HOW WERE YOU ABLE TO ACCEPT SUCH PURE ENERGY WHEN THE HEYLIN CURSE SHOULD HAVE MADE IT TO WHERE PURITY CANNOT BE ACCEPTED BY YOU!? IT’S IMPOSSIBLE.” 

Yin-Yang (Chase Young x Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now