Chapter 19: God of Death

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“Welcome back.” Wuya greets before looking back up at the malevolent-looking man. “Father.”

With that one word, everyone, including Jack, look between Wuya and the man in shock. “Wait-wait-wait-wait. FATHER? As in, your father… is the… result of unlocking the… power of this Shen Gong Wu? THAT’S why you were so determined to get the crown thingy? FOR A FAMILY REUNION?” Jack asks sounding irritated. “JACK. I suggest you mind your tongue infront of the God of Death.” Wuya scolded her protégé. The man held his hand up signaling Wuya to stop her rant, which she does immediately. He then looks at Jack, which makes poor Jack begin to tremble uncontrollably as he reaches his hand out and pat Jack on the head. “Quite the interesting choice in comrades you have my daughter.” The man says looking at Wuya. He then sweeps his eyes other everyone else in the area before focusing on Chase, who is quivering in fear like everyone else. Narrowing his eyes, he asks in a scowling tone, “What is HE doing here?” Wuya then gets infront of her father once more and answers, “That’s Chase Young. He-” Before she is able to finish, he yells at her in an irritated voice. “I KNOW FULL WELL WHO HE IS WUYA. HE’S THE MOST GIFTED STUDENT OF THE XIAOLIN GRAND MASTER, DASHI, AS WELL AS THE ONE WHO IMPRISONED ME IN MY OWN CROWN. I’M ASKING WHY IS HE HERE?” Wuya begins to shake as her father’s irritation becomes obvious. “H-h-he’s on the Heylin side now. He betrayed Dashi for immortality not long after you were-”

“IMPRISONED?” He interrupted, yelling at the reminder, causing Wuya to timidly nod her head. Jack then responded in an upbeat tone, like the fanboy that he is, “He’s now known as the Prince of Darkness.” The man huffs in frustration at the fact that his enemy was now on the Heylin side. He then closes his eyes then opens them back up once he’s recollected himself before seeing all of the new, terrified faces. “Ah! Where are my manners? I have yet to introduce myself. I am King Yan, the God of Death. It’s a pleasure to be back.” He introduces, giving a small bow. “Tell me Wuya, how long have I been gone?” He asks as he scanned each quaking body he sees before him, stopping his gaze on the one clinging to Chase’s arm in fear. “F-for over 1500 years.” She answers with a sheepish grin as he gives her an impatient glare before sighing. He then walks closer to Chase and (Y/n), in her full human form, before stopping a couple of yards from them. 

“Despite having such a long wait for my freedom, I’m feeling generous. I’m willing to let any of you who wish it, to live through the events that will soon transpire, as long as you join me. The only exception is YOU, Chase Young. The only way I’d let you live through even a second of this… is if you give me that girl you have there.” He says gesturing for Chase to hand (Y/n) over with a toothy grin on his face. To this, (Y/n) glares at King Yan with all her might as she places herself in between the men. “As if I’d ever give you the chance to even touch him.” She states strongly, fighting every urge to tremble or run back behind Chase for comfort. To this, King Yan’s grin falls into a scowl before shrugging his shoulders. “Very well. Since you insist on forcing my hand.” He says as he turns his hand and blasts a black ball of energy at her.

Chase reacts instantly, shielding her with his body. "(Y/n)!! No!" The sound of a choked gasp is all that can be heard from Chase’s mouth before he falls to the ground. “Chase? Chase! CHASE! CHASE WAKE UP! CHASE PLEASE! Please… wake up.” (Y/n) panics before checking his pulse. “no… No… NO!!!” her panic heightens as she realizes that he’s already gone. Bursting into tears, even the monks begin to cry. “If only you had cooperated. None of this would have happened, my dear. Even an immortal dies when I’m the one to kill them.” King Yan says as he begins to walk forward but then stops when he notices what she has in her hand. “The Light of Life?” he asks in shock, reminding (Y/n) of the powers of the new Shen Gong Wu. 

“Hey!” Jack exclaims as Wuya grabs at his pockets before pulling out a ball-looking object and holds it out just as (Y/n) goes to use the Wu. “LIGHT OF LIFE!”

“SPHERE OF YUN!” The women activate their Wu almost simultaneously. There’s a bright flash of light, then (Y/n) finds herself within a spherical prison with all four of the Wu in her possession now on the ground, including the Light of Life which nobody notices is faintly glowing from the activation. (Y/n) begins to bang on the side of her confinement until green smoke lifts it causing her to lose her balance. “Very well done Wuya.” King Yan says as Wuya swells with pride. “Now then. What to do with this little cutie? Perhaps I should keep her as a pet. Or maybe a trophy if she misbehaves.” He wonders before signaling Wuya to put her with her and Jack. Then turning towards Chase to find that Scar is growling protectively infront of Chase with (Y/n)’s Wu lying on Chase’s chest.

Meanwhile, the Xiaolin warriors and Dojo are discussing what should be done about King Yan’s return. Realizing that reviving Chase is the only chance they have of taking down this new enemy, Dojo quickly grows to his full size, having the monks instantly jump on before flying towards Chase, snatching him and Scar, along with the Shen Gong Wu in the process, then fly off.

Wuya attempts to stop them but King Yan holds his hand out and stops her. “Don’t bother, they’re hopeless. Besides we have more pressing matters to attend to if we want them to stay out of our way.” He says as he walks back over to Jack and Wuya before grinning at the sight of their captive. “Now, what do you two say we show the Xiaolin monks just how helpless and hopeless they truly are?” He asks as black sparks surrounds the group as they teleport with one destination in mind. The Xiaolin Temple.

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