Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to my girlfriend<3

It was the 17th of December. Tomorrow, I got to see my girlfriend for the first time ever. She's distant, of course. I met her online. She's from England, and I'm from America. Just think of it! She's coming to see me for the first time. Thinking about it gave me butterflies and made my heart pound. I'm so nervous, I hope it goes well.

I got her a braclet, too. One of those relationship ones where straight couples get things that say Hers and His. Of course, the ones I've bought says Hers on both of them, because we are lesbians in love. In Minnesota, I'm glad gay marriage is legal. I'm just glad. I don't know if I'm going to marry her in England or in Minnesota, or just where ever. I know one day I'll marry her. I just know it.

It's about 6 in the evening. I just wish the hours would go by faster so I could see her. I'm picking her up in the afternoon and I'm seriously just so scared. Maybe I'll take a nap. That should make it go by a bit faster.


I was at the airport waiting for my girlfriend. She should be getting off the plane any minute. I stared out the giant glass window and the plane that she was in landed. At least, I think that should be the plane. Everyone walked out and I found out that no one else was getting off. The line of people ended and Leonie, my girlfriend, was no where to be found.

An announcement played in the airport, "There has been some bad news. Someone on the plane had gotten a heart attack. Everyone must remain calm and give her room. Steer clear of the medics making their way toward the plane now."

What? What what what? I thought to myself. HER. The announcement said HER. This can't be. Out of all the times for this to happen. This can't be.

I saw the ambulence walk by, but I closed my eyes and covered my face. There's no way I could watch them even go in there and take my baby girl out. After five minutes I opened them. They took her away already, and I went up to one of the medics that came off the plane following them.

"Excuse me, what's the name of the girl that had a heart attack?" I asked, politely, trying not to let my eyes water.

"I believe her name was Amanda." As the words spilled out of his mouth, my eyes widened and I let out a deep sigh of relief. He walked away and I felt arms wrap around my body from behind.

I turned around and saw my girlfriend, Leonie. Of course, I was waiting by the wrong plane. Luckily she found me. I felt joy dwell within me. So much joy, I began to tear up and hugged her tightly. "Oh my god." The words spilled out of my mouth as I cried of happiness. I hugged her so tightly and lifted her. I didn't care that she was taller than me, I could do whatever I want. I hugged her and we moved in a direction of a wall and I ended up pushing her toward it and she finally hit the white-painted wall.

I didn't let go for about ten minutes. "We made it," I said. I grabbed her cheeks and leaned in to kiss her.


Damn! I couldn't have at least kissed her? Oh well. I looked at the clock. It was four in the morning. How could it be four in the morning already? I only wanted to take a nap, but oh well. I tried to sleep again, but couldn't. I looked at my phone and got a text from Leonie. She texted me about 20 minutes ago. It read:

Nervous!!!! I can't wait to see you though. Love you! :*

Butterflies. Major butterflies. I don't know if I can do this, I'm so nervous. I have to get ready! Wait, no I don't it takes about 8 hours for her to finally reach Minnesota. I don't know if I can wait! I have to go put on some clothes and clean the house before she gets here. It is the middle of winter. Leonie lives in England, so they don't get to much snow. She's lucky that there's a ton of snow on the ground and it's suppose to snow tomorrow, too! A blizzard ontop of it. Which sucks because I have to shovel all the snow AGAIN. Then again, it doesn't suck because Leonie will be here to see it, and I'm pretty sure she's never seen a blizzard. All it really does is rain in England. Little bit of snowfall, but not too much.

I cleaned the house in my batman tank top, or what she calls in England, vest, and my zebra-striped pajama pants. Comfortable.

I cleaned my room, the entire house, did the dishes, laundry, shoveled a little more snow, everything. I looked at the clock and it was six-thirty.

This is going to take forever. Everything was cleaned so I just went up and changed into the thing I told Leonie I'd change into. Assuming the airport would be warm, I put on a cut-sleeve shirt that had a colorful design of the character Domo. It was meant to be worn under black lights because it would glow brightly. Then I put on my VGHS sweater, then my blue and plaid winter coat--my favorite coat. I threw on a pair of ripped jeans. The jeans were gray and it was ripped at the knees. I put on my winter hat too, which was a Cookie Monster hat. It was my brother's but he never wore it, plus it was bigger and fit me better so I wore it.

It was cold in Minnesota and I didn't like it. I just stayed in my cozy and warm house. I took my jacket off, at least, and began to draw.

I doodled some pictures of me and Leonie. One of us kissing while it was snowing outside, another with us lying on the bed. She was laying on the bed and I was laying on her waist, looking into her eyes, and holding her hands. I just smiled at the picture and drew a small heart by it. Drawing took quite a while. I looked at the clock and it was 9 o' clock now. I had to leave in an hour, because I wanted to be an hour early. I threw my jacket on and went out the door. I thought I'd grab buy some stuff before I went to the airport.

Just thinking about meeting her gave me major butterflies, again.

I really did love her with all my heart.

-------------AT THE AIRPORT----------------

Alright, I picked the things I wanted up and now I've been at the airport for about 30 minutes. I looked around and just sat in my spot. I had a bag with me. I pulled out my phone and began to fiddle around with it, checking me and my girlfriend's Tumblr account. I saw a post that she had posted and it read:

Can't wait to meet my girlfriend for the first time!!! I'm so nervousss!!! <3 I love you, baby<3

I smiled at the text. I heard an announcement. The announcement said that Leonie's plane has landed early. I was freaking out in my head, I don't know if I was close to ready. She told me that she had enough time to mentally prepare herself for this day, and I thought I'd be fine. I'm not. I'm so scared.

I went over to where the plane parks for people to exit. I stood outside of it, leaning against the wall. I looked around, whistling the song Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. Leonie showed me that song, and I just loved it. I just whistled the song and tapped my foot. People began to exit and my heart began to pound faster and faster. I thought I'd die right then in there, I didn't think it'd be possible for my heart to pound this fast. Everyone was off and the line of people came to an end. I pouted and felt heart broken.

Where is she?

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