Chapter Six

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"Cold, ain't it?" I laughed at Le.

"Y-Yess," she said shivering already. "How are you not cold?"

"I'm a Minnesotan," I paused, "I'll get cold after a while, though," I giggled. We walked further out. We walked on the sidewalk in front of our house--which was covered in snow. I plopped onto my front lawn--Which, too was covered in snow. Only the snow was much deeper because I never shovel my lawn, becuase that'd be weird.

"Come lay down with me," I laughed. Le jumped into the snow and laid next to me we made snow angels, which was fun. Although some snow went down my neck, but I didnt' care. After we made snow angels I sat ontop of Le and kissed her lips. I gave her a smirk.

"What's that look for?" she asked, confused.

"Oh nothing..." I walked away and sneakily grabbed some snow, made a snowball, and threw it at her.

"Hey!" she got up, laughing. She made a snowball, threw it, and missed horribly. I watched the snowball fly through the air and hit my car.

"Nice." I shook my head and smiled. I threw another one and hit her in the leg.

"Aw." She pouted at me.

"Aw, come on, baby, don't give me that look," I walked up to her and held her by the waist. She looked down at her feet, but I grabbed her chin and tilted it up. "Please?" I gave her a puppy-eyed look. She gave in.

"Fine," she said, smiling. She pushed me backward, causing me to fall on a pile of snow. She climbed ontop of me and slowly leaned in to kiss me. I closed my eyes waiting for her lips to press against mine. Suddenly, I felt an extremely cold spot on my neck. I opened my eyes to find Le stuffing snow down my back.

"Hey! That's cold!" I got up laughing. She ended up falling in the pile of snow as I stood up.

"You're a Minnesotan, you can handle it!" she laughed pretty hard at me. I felt the snow go down my back and I made all kinds of facial expressions that just made her laugh even more. Soon enough, the snow melted. All I could hear and see was Leonie laughing. Her cute little laugh.

"You have a cute laugh," I looked at her and she finally stopped laughing a rubbed the tears from her eyes. She obviously seemed like she was having a good time.

"No-no I don't," she giggled.

"Mmmmm, I think you do."

"Mmmmm, I think I don't."

"You do, though."

"I don't, though."

"You..." I walked over and sat on her lap-ish. "Have..." I leaned in, moving my head toward her ear, "A cute. Laugh." I whispered in her ear and gently licked her ear. I looked at her to find her blushing. "And you look extremely cute when you blush." I gave her a big smile. I suddenly felt a pair of lips press against mine--her lips. We kissed a bit, then I felt her shiver.

"Want to go back inside?" I asked, poking her stomach gently. She chuckled when I poked her.


We went inside my house and took all of our coats and such off. We ended up sitting on the couch and watching movies together. We watched both of the Silent Hill movies, even though we had already seen it. Of course, we kissed during the movie a lot. I'd say we kissed more than we watched the movies.

During one of the movies, something popped up on the TV and scared her. "I don't like this movieeeeeeeee," she said, covering herself with a pillow. I reached over, grabbed the remote, and turned the TV off. I slowly moved and sat on her lap. She moved the pillow away from her face and gave me a sad look. "It's scary."

"Not as scary as Jeff the Killer or Slenderman," I said. I knew she was afraid of those two things. Especially Jeff the Killer.

"Don't talk about th-" I cut her off by kissing her. She kissed me back, of course.

"Shhhh. Just let me kiss you," I kissed her for a while. Our lips interlocking, our tongues playing with each other, and gently biting eachother lips and kissing necks. I finally stopped. "I'm going to make us some food." I got up and walked off, then I got pushed against a wall, my stomach against the wall.

(Sorry it's so short. I wanted the rest of the story in a different Chapter)

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