Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to my girlfriend, Leonie<3

As I kissed Leonie I felt her place her hands on my waist. I felt my body gently press against her's. I kissed her for a while, then began to kiss her neck. I kissed her neck passionately and bit her neck a bit, but not hard enough to leave marks.

She let out soft whimpers as I did so. I whispered in her ear, "You need to sleep," and I bit her ear lobe gentley and tugged. I giggled and finally sat up and looked at her. She gave me a pouty look and I couldn't help but chuckle at it. She looked so cute when she pouted. Everything she does is just cute.

I laid next to her, finally, as I opened my arms, signalling her to cuddle up next to me. She did so, and I wrapped my arms around her. I grabbed her leg, and pulled it up so she could wrap her leg around me. I let my fingertips slide up the outside of her theighs, and up her sides, until I reached her neck. I looked into her eyes and put her chin between my thumb and index finger. I kissed her, once again, but just a peck on the lips. "Sleep, baby. I'll be right here when you wake up," I whispered softly.

"Okay. I love you," she said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and told her I loved her too.

-----AT MIDNIGHT--------

I woke up and my girlfriend was still sleeping. I got up and looked the clock. Midnight, darn. I heard someone knocking on the door. Who could be knocking at midnight?

I sat there waiting for the person to go away for about five minutes, then got up to go check if they were gone. I heard the sound of glass shattering as I approached the top of my steps. It sounded like a window in my dining room broke. Was someone breaking in?

I went into my room to try and find a weapon to protect myself with. All I could find was a pair of scissors. I held it by the handle and looked for more weapons. I walked into my younger brother's old room and found a baseball bat he doesn't use anymore. Thank goodness he left it here.

I put the scissors tucked under my pants, against the side of my waist. I held the bat in my hands and began to walk down the stairs, slowly. None of the lights were on, and it was almost pure darkness. I crawled and peeked down the steps to find two men looking around our house. What the heck could they want from here?

I crawled down the stairs and they didn't notice me. As I approached I could make out their figures. One was larger than me, by larger I mean fatter. The other was far more muscular.  He looked like a weight lifter, almost as big as The Rock, or Dwayne Johnson. Hopefully if I hit him hard enough, he'll get knocked out. I was strong, I suppose, but this guy could be much tougher than he seems.

I crawled closer to him and lifted the bat, getting ready to hit him. I drew the bat like I was batting by home plate, ready to hit the ball in baseball--or softball. I swung the bat, and the guy ducked. Apparently, he bent over to pick something up. I missed his head horribley. A blind kid probably could've had better than I would.

"What was that?" the big man turned around to face me. I could see his skin more clearly. Of course, they wore masks so I couldn't tell who they were. His arms were exposed and he had tribal tattoos on both of them. His skin was tan and he was much taller than me. I was 5'4 and he seemed like he was one of those tall, professional basketball players you see play on the NBA. He shoved me against the wall behind me and into a corner. The man pulled a gun to my head, it looked like a revolver.

"Should I shoot her?" the Rock-looking man asked his friend.

"No. Capture her, for our own pleasures." he responded.

"Oh, hell no. I'd rather die." I said.

"Is anyone else home?" the Rock-looking man asked. I shook my head no, even though I was lying. I could not endanger Leonie. Not on the week of her visiting here. Nothing bad could ever happen to her.

"Good. If I find out someone else is here, I'll shoot them..." he paused for the moment then hit me with the end of hit gun on my forehead and continued his sentence, "through their goddamn head."

The Rock-man gave his friend the gun and he walked over to me and watched me as they looked through my stuff. "What is it your looking for, anyways?" I asked. They ignored me. The man that was watching over me began to touch me. He began by stroking my cheek, creepily.

"You're so pretty," he said, licking his lips. I slapped him.

"Pervert!" I yelled. Crap, I forgot Leonie was sleeping.

The man slapped me harder than I slapped him. "Shut up you stupid whore!" he yelled. I glanced at the top of the staircase and saw someone begin walking down. No, she can't come down. I couldn't say anything, though, because they would both here me and kill her. She walked slowly down the steps. I tried to motion her to go back up while they weren't looking, but she couldn't see me. The-Rock man walked in and out of the house, grabbing things, taking it out, then coming back for more. I was assuming he was putting it in their car or something. The pervert kept toying with me, and I kept pushing him away. "Screw off." I said firmly. He grabbed my jaw and spit in my face.

"You're the one who's going to be screwed tonight." He said. His voice was geeky and nerdy. Like the guy Lester, in the game Grand Theft Auto V (apologies if you don't know the reference.) He began to grab my breasts and I just let him. He reached further down and I kicked him and he finally stopped. "I'll just wait until later, then," he said. Then there was a creaking sound coming from the staircase.

"Hey who's there?" the Rock-man heard her step down the stairs because one of the stairs creaked that she stepped on.

Too late.

I ran toward the Rock-man and pounced on him. He pushed me off, pointed his gun at her, and pulled the trigger.

A loud BANG! echoed through the house. I froze as I saw her fall down the steps. I ran toward her and the men just watched me as I ran toward her. I held her in my arms and began to cry. I cried and cried. I felt the warmth of her blood spill from her stomach. I put pressure on it, and checked her pulse quickly.

She had no pulse. "Baby, please wake up. Please," I cried my eyes out. I bawled and bawled. I screamed, yelled, and cried. The Rock-man pulled me off her and I kept kicking at him and finally kicked him in his crotch. He almost fell down, grabbing his crotch. I ran to Le and held her in my arms. I heard the Rock-man grab something from the pervert. I heard him reload his gun. He finally pointed his gun at me.

Then, he pulled the trigger.

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