Chapter Seven (RATED R)

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.(WARNING: Some "intense" or rated "R" stuff happens here.)

"I didn't say to stop," Le said in a rather seductive voice. I felt my face burning, but my body grow weak. She moved my hair out of the way and kissed the back of my neck. I let out whimpers and put my hands on the wall. She slid her hands from my shoulders, down my sides, and on my waist. She grabbed my waist gently and pulled me into her. I felt her tongue slide down the side of my neck and I practically melted. She took my shirt off and unhooked my bra. I felt her tongue slide down my back and stop in the middle of my back. She kissed my back so passionately and I kept whimpering from the touch of her lips and tongue. She moved back up and kissed my neck again.

I felt her hands move over my breasts and massage them. I let out soft moans as she did so. "L-Le," I whimpered. "Is it y-your turn yet?" I asked, softly. I felt her gently bite and tug the back of my ear.

"No." She continued at what she was doing, but then I stopped her. I turned around, grabbed her by the waist and pushed her against the wall gently. I grabbed her hands and raised them above her head.

"It's your turn." I said, seductively. I kissed her lips for a moment, then gently bit her lip and tugged. As I tugged looked into her eyes giving her a lustful look. I kissed her cheek, her ear, and then moved to her neck. I kissed her neck gently at first, as she let out whimpers as I did so. "Mmmmmm, you're so beautiful," I said. I stopped kissing her neck and let my hands explore her body. Her body felt warm as I slipped my hands under her shirt and took it off. I let my eyes wander about, looking at her body as I looked up at her. She watched me just stare at her body, and I smiled. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close. I moved my head closer to hers so our lips almost touch. I felt the warmth of her breath gently blow onto my lips. I looked into her eyes and whispered the words, "I love you." I kissed her with as much passion as I could. I soon slipped my tongue between her lips, exploring her mouth. I felt her play with my tongue with hers as I did so.

As I kissed her, I let my hands slide down her body. I let my fingertips run across her smooth, warm skin. My hands glided across her stomach, and to her back. I slid my hands up her back until I finally reached her bra. I unhooked it, and smirked between our kiss.

I took her bra off and smiled. I giggled and said, "Damn." I kissed her collarbone as I massaged her breast with one of my hands. She let out soft whimpers as I heard her mutter my name under her breath.

She took my shirt off as well as my sports bra. She backed me up against a different wall as I felt her body against mine. Her skin brushed against mine, her breasts against mine, all which made me feel warm inside. My knees felt weak and wobbly. My body felt warm and hot. She licked my cheek and giggled. "You're blushing." Of course, I blushed even more.

"Shhhhh," I said. "Kiss meeeeee," I begged. She smirked and pecked my lips. "Just a peck?" I pouted.

"You didn't say where you wanted me to kiss." She kissed my chin, then my neck, my collarbone, chest, and then just under my breasts. Then, she trailed her tongue down until she reached my belly button. (I'm in innie in case you didn't know.) she kissed me just above it, both licking, sucking, and those little love bites--not leaving any marks though. I flexed my stomach muscles from the touch of her tongue. I let my hands run through her hair a bit as I looked down at her. She was smiling.

She picked me up, and I wrapped my leggs around her waist. She put my up against the wall as she kissed me for a while. Then, she broke the kiss, "Let's take this somewhere else," she said, almost in a whisper. She carried me all the way to my room. Which I thought for sure she'd drop me, good thing she didn't.

She plopped me on the bed and sat ontop of me. She kissed me passionately, then went down my body. She planted kisses as she went down and looked up at me with a smile on her face. She reached my pants and slowly pulled them down, only revealing my panties. Before she could pull them down I quickly got up and flipped us over. She pouted at me, of course, while I just had the biggest grin on my face ever.

I slid my tongue down her neck, then made kisses on her body as I made my way downward. I heard her giggle as I slowly pulled both her pants and panties down.

She made a small gasp from the breeze of cold air taking her. I smiled and kissed the inside of her leg as I used my thumb to rub her gently. I heard her let out soft moans as I did so. She let her hands play with my hair as I did so. I finally moved my head to her vag. I gently let my tongue slide into her. She instantly let out a moan of pleasure. I flicked my tongue around inside of her slowly, but deep. I made circular movements as well, tasting all of the bitter-sweet flavor. "Mmm, you taste so good." I said.

She didn't say anything. She let her hands run through my hair as I ate her out, giving her as much pleasure and love as she wanted. I finally pulled my tongue out and gently slipped my index finger into her instead. She moaned softly, until I stuck two more fingers in her.

She let out a louder moan, which only turned me on even more. I kissed the inside of her legs as I slowly pumped my fingers in and out of her. My fingers were starting to get wet, so I began to pump a little faster. I moved my head over to her vag and licked her clit. She let out louder moans as I gradually pumped faster and faster. She let her hands free of my hair and grabbed the bed sheets. She kept arching her back as she let out more moans and whimpers. "C-Cassie," she muttered under her breath. I felt my body get hotter from hearing my name echo through my ears, so I stuck a fourth finger in and pumped faster and deeper. She let out a loud moan and gripped onto the bed sheets. She finally arched her back and came. I smiled at her and licked her juices up, which caused her to whimper.

I moved back up to her lips and kissed her. "That was amazing," she said. She looked into my eyes and smirked. "Now it's your turn."

I blushed, "Can I kiss you for a bit, though?" I pressed my lips against a hers, feeling her soft lips interlock with mine. I kissed her a bit more passionately, but slowly. I gently bit her lip and tugged, looking into her eyes as I did so. I let go of her lip and kissed her nose, then her cheek, forehead, and other cheek. Then I gently pecked her lips again. I pulled away and looked at her.

"I love you." I said. I said it like I meant it, even though I've always meant it. My love for this girl is just unbelievable. I would do anything for her, anything.

"I love you too," she flipped us around and she sat on my waist. I could feel he touch of her bare, warm skin on mine. My heart pounded in my chest. Butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

I suddenly heard a door slam in the house.

"Who the hell?" I whispered. Leonie gave me a worried look. I suddenly felt defensive. I quickly slipped back on my clothes. Le did the same. She grabbed me by the waist and kissed me.

"Just in case." She said, giving me another worried look.

"Babe, you've got nothing to worry about. No ones getting hurt, okay?" I grabbed her cheeks and looked deeply into her eyes. I pecked her lips and grabbed her hand.

"Let's go see who it is," I said tugging her. As I walked out the door I immediately stopped. Someone stood in front if me with a very familiar face and I knew who it was.

"What is she doing here?"

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