Chapter Nine

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I woke up in Le's arms. We were both laying on our sides but she held me. I was curled up in a ball. My eyes felt dry and I wiped the crust from the tears off. I got up and she removed her arms from me but still slept. I looked at the clock. It was six-fourty two P.M. I decided to go out, but without Le, just to run a quick errand. I left a note on the door, hoping she'd see it. I kissed her forehead and whispered, "I'll be back soon."

She made this low groan iin her sleep, but her eyes were still closed. She is just so cute.

(Leonie's POV)

I woke up and realized Cassie was gone. My heart sank a bit. I wonder where she'd gone? I got up, yawned, and stretched. I noticed a note on the door.

Hey, babe. Sorry I left. Just going to run a few errands, I'll pick you up some food on my way home. I love you. Help yourself to anything in the house.

Love you,
Cassie xoxo

I went downstairs and made myself some tea, my favorite. I just sat on the couch and watched TV. I went on Netflix and put it on Doctor Who for a bit. Maybe I'll just watch this until Cassie gets home. I got comfortable and wrapped myself in a blanket she had. The blanket was fuzzy, blue, and had snowflake designed all over it. My girlfriend's cat, Spooky, hopped into the couch. A smile appeared on my face, because this cat never wants to be by me. I made some room for her, hoping she'd lay by me. Which, she did. I pet her soft, black fur as she purred. I stopped petting her for a bit and she looked at me with her light yellow eyes. She meowed. I giggled began to pet her again.

I slowly began to grow tired until I heard someone knocking on the front door. I walked over to see who it is. It was Cassie's mom. She was banging on the door as hard as she could, but she couldn't see me through the binds that were covering the window.

"Cassie!" she yelled. "Open up!" I wonder what she had to say. Is she going to apologize? But she seems so angry. I wanted to open the door, but then again... I thought I shouldn't. I walked closer to the door and reached for the door nob, but pulled away. I walked away and just sat on the couch. She'll go away at some point.

I sat next to Spooky and cuddled myself in the blanket. I picked Spooky up and put he in my lap. She tried to jump away, but I wouldn't let her. She finally gave in and just sat on my lap as I pet her. I finally fell asleep waiting for Cassie to get home.

(Cassie's POV)

I'm on my way home from running errands. I picked up some food for Leonie. I drove home and finally pulled into my town. I drove past my mom. I began to tear up again, she didn't notice me drive by, though. I felt a lump in my throat, and managed to swallow it. I breathed slowly trying to calm myself down, which worked. I finally pulled into my driveway and turned the door nob. I forgot I locked it. I pulled out my keys and unlocked it. "Le?" I called out. I walked in and set my groceries down. I turned my head to find Leonie sleeping on the couch with my cat sleeping on her lap. Which was strange, because Spooky isn't a lap cat. She only laid on my lap once throughout the entire time I had her.

I set a bag of her favorite food down, onion rings. I quickly ran upstairs and hid another bag in my room, hoping she won't find it. I pulled out a bracelet from my pocket that I forgot to give her the day I met her.

It was a bracelet that said "hers." I put mine on, which was purple, then in carefully put hers on, which was a light-teal color. I accidentally woke her up.

"Sorry for waking you." I said. I kissed her forehead and grabbed the food from the bag. She sat up and noticed the bracelet on her wrist. I noticed her blushing a bit.

"Did you put his on me?" She asked, shyly. I smiled and said yes. I placed her food in the table and quickly sat on her lap for a moment and pecked her lips twice.

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