Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to My girlfriend, Leonie<3

I see a girl turn around the corner, with her head low, and walking fast. Looks like Leonie. My heart pounded as hard and as fast as it could. She reached the end of the hall-way/exit and looked up. Her face blushed. I don't even think she noticed me until now. We were about ten feet away.

"Leonie?" I called out softy, stood up straight, and stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"C-Cassie?" she said shyly.

"Oh my god," I ran toward her and hugged her. I picked her up and spun her around, once again, she's taller than me and I didn't care at all. I put her down and her arms were around my neck. I looked into her eyes, but then hugged her tightly again.

"I can't believe your here," I began to cry. I felt so happy. I've never felt this happy throughout my entire life. "You're really here. That means..." I paused for a moment, "... We made it. We made it, Leonie. Leonie freakin' P. You're actually here, which means we made it!" I began to cry more.

I stopped hugging and looked at her. She was crying as well, she had the cutest smile ever, too. She had the biggest smile on her face. I could tell from the way she smiled, from the way her eyes would sparkle, she was happy. She was truly happy.

"Le," I said, looking into her eyes, smiling. I wiped her tears away, and she wiped mine.

"Yeah?" she asked and giggled.

"I-I love you," I mangaged to say. I looked into her eyes, she looked into mine.

"I love you too," she said. She leaned in and kissed me. This was my first kiss. I am 17, she's 19, and this is my first kiss, and my first kiss with my girlfriend. What makes it better? The kiss was perfect.

The kiss broke and I began to cry even more. I never cried, but I couldn't help it. She cried as well. "I'm just so happy y-you're here," I said. My cries of happiness made it a bit hard to speak. She chuckled at me and hugged me tightly again. I love her so much. I loved the feeling of her arms wrapped around my body, feeling her body against mine, and especially feeling her soft lips press against mine.

"I'm happy too," she cried. We broke the hug and we finally decided to leave the airport. We walked out and it was snowing a bit but only very lightly. "Wow," she said. She smiled at the snow falling. There was snow on the ground as well. We walked over to my car, which was a Mustang, and we got in.

I began driving us home and it was quiet at first, but then I broke the silence. I grabbed her hand, glanced over at her, then back on the road. "I'm so glad you're here," I said, smiling. I felt something warm touch my right cheek and realized it was her lips. I blushed and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm glad I'm finally here, too," she said. I kept driving home in silence, I turned to look over at her as we pulled into my home town to find her sleepign. I smiled and kept driving. I finally pulled into my driveway. She was still sleeping and I decided to do something to wake her up.

I got out of my car and opened the trunk of the car. I pulled a bouquet of white roses out, which was her favorite flower, and held it in my hands. I looked at the flowers and smiled. I walked over to the passenger seat-side of the car and opened the door slowly. I put the flowers ontop of the car and sat on her lap. She moved around a bit, and I whispered, "Baby."

She let out this soft groan, "Mmmm, just a little longer." She turned her head to her side. Her neck was exposed more so I took the opportunity and began to softly kiss her neck, trying to wake her up. I felt her hands placed on my cheeks. I stopped kissing her neck as she pulled me toward her lips instead. I kissed her slowly and passionately. The kiss broke and she gave me a sleepy smile. Damn, she looked adorable.

I kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand. I got up off of her, and got out of the car. I helped her out and said, "We're here!" and smiled. The house was small, of course, but she didn't mind. I grabbed the flowers from the top of the car and handed them to her. "I love you," I said and went to the back of the car and began grabbing her luggage.

"You don't have to get that, I could get it myself, you know," she smiled at me with the perfect smile. I shook my head and helped her. I grabbed the rest of her luggage and we went inside the house. I took her into the house and walked upstairs, and into my room. I put the luggage down and turned and looked at her.

"Well, you may sleep if you want. I've got plans for us the rest of the week. I was assuming you'd be tired from jet lag. Considering you are six hours ahead of me in England," I looked at her. I took her jacket from her and went downstair to hang it up. I hung mine up, too, and took my hat off. I ran back up stairs and into my room. I found Leonie laying on my bed in a black T-shirt and a pair of black pajama pants with white mustaches on it. She must've changed.

I walked over and hopped on the bed. "You going to sleep?" I whispered in her ear and kissed it. She nodded and slowly closed her eyes. She opened them again, though and looked at me. She rolled onto her back and was laying right next to me. My knees gently touched her side and she reached up and stroked my cheek. I smiled and kissed her lips. "Did you need anything?"

"Yes," she said as she held my hand. "Sleep with me, baby?" My heart melted. She was so cute.

"Of course, but I have to change. Jeans aren't comfortable to sleep in," I laughed. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my Batman tank top (or what they call a vest in England), and almost began changing. I forgot Leonie was in my room. I noticed her staring at me and I made eye contact with her when I looked at her. She quickly looked away and her face turned bright red. She's my girlfriend, I'm sure she won't care if I change in front of her. I took my shirt and pants off, then through on my Batman tank top. I grabbed a pair of black spandex and put that on. I through my clothes in a hamper and scurried over to the bed. I closed the curtains so it wasn't extremely bright, but you could see in the room fairly well.

I hopped onto the bed and Leonie motioned me to sit on her waist, so I did. I looked down at her and smiled. I noticed she had put her hair up in a bun as well. I always loved it when she wore her hair up, and she looked especially cute in a bun. I lifted her shirt up a bit and let my fingertips run across her stomach. "Hmmm, your stomach is even cuter in person," I giggled. She blushed as I said so. I don't know why but I always thought she had a cute stomach.

"Hey, Le?" I asked as I was still gently running my fingers across her stomach.

"Yeah?" she asked. She put her hands on my waist and looked up at me. I stopped doing what I was doing, and pulled her shirt down. I put my hands on her cheeks and leaned in closer to her.

"I love you." I said. This time I didn't stutter, I said it firmly. I really did love her. I finally pressed my lips against her's before she could reply. I kissed her very slowly, but passoinately. My heart pounded as our lips interlocked. This felt amazing.

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