Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to Leonie

I screamed loudly and jumped in my bed, breathing heavily. Tears were streaming down my face. It was dark in my room. I looked over at the clock and the clock read 3 o'clock A.M. 

I felt arms wrap around me and I jumped and gasped. It was Leonie. Thank god, it was only a dream.

"Cassie, are you alright?" she asked, sounding extremely worried.

"Yeah, just a horrible dream." I said, still breathing heavily, tears running down my face. I don't know why I couldn't stop crying. She turned the lamp by us on and saw the tears. She wiped them away and kissed my nose, making me smile and let out a soft giggle. "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me," I apologized.

"You don't have to apologize," she said. I grabbed her and pulled her over to sit on my lap. She did, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, and her legs around my body.

"Don't you dare ever leave me," I wrapped my arms around her back, and almost cried into her shoulder again.

She pulled away so we could look into eachother's eyes. "Tell me the dream?" she asked. I nodded and explained the entire thing in full detail. I almost started crying again. The dream felt so real that it scared me. I could almost feel the pain and the touching from the pervert and being pushed into the corner by The Rock-looking guy. She hugged me again after explaining it.

"It's okay, it's just a dream," she said. Her voice soothed me so easily. I just wish we could stay like this forever. Other than the whole me crying part. Man, I never cry. Not in front of her especially. I remember over Skype I almost broke down crying maybe twice in front of her? Or just once? I can't remember. Twice was over her, but.. Let's not get into the details.

"That's not going to happen, so don't worry," she said. I hugged her tightly and didn't let go.

I whispered, "I just can't ever lose you. Especially if it were like that. I don't like it at all when you get hurt. Physically, mentally, or emotionally, I don't like it when your hurt. I want to protect you. That's all I want to do. Is to protect you." Our hug finally broke... darn. She looked into my eyes and smiled.

"I love you, Cassie," she said.

"I love you too, Leonie," I gave her a more serious look. "More than anything or anyone in the world," I looked into both of her eyes. Glancing into one, then back to the other. "You mean everything to me. You are my everything."

She finally kissed me. She kissed me slowly and so passionately. I could feel it. The love between both of us. We loved each other. I could just feel it, I really think--no. I know we were meant to be. Things like this happen for a reason, right?

She laid me down on the bed, sat ontop of me and kissed me for a while. After about 10 minutes of that perfect, passionate, and comforting kiss, she finally broke the kiss. "Are you okay now?" she asked, giving me a worried look.

"And if I told you no?" I smirked. She leaned in and kissed me.

She pulled away, but she was still close enough that our lips were barely touching. "Then I'll keep kissing you until you're better."

"Then, no. I'm not okay," I giggled. Then whispered, "Your lips are the cure to my pain." I was looking at her lips as I said this, then I looked back into her eyes and caught her blushing madly. I giggled. "Your blushing helps, too."

"Shush," she said and kissed me. She kissed me and kissed me for another fifteen minutes. She kissed my nose, cheek, forehead, my other cheek, then my lips again. She occasionally went and kissed my neck, which definitely made me feel "better." 

She stopped kissing my neck and pecked me on my lips, then looked at me. "Are you okay now?" she asked. I smiled and nodded. She laid next to me, only this time she looked at me with open arms, and gestured me to cuddle with her. So, I did. I cuddled up against her and she wrapped her arms around me. I felt her kiss the top of my head and that made me smile. I rested my head on her chest and heard her heart beat. Listening to it made me slowly fall asleep.

I spoke in a sleepy voice, "I love you, Le."

"I love you too," she replied as she played with my hair. I finally fell asleep.


 I walked around holding my girlfriend's hand. We were walking through this beautiful forest. It was fall and the colorful red, orange, yellow, and brown leaves were falling on the ground. It looks so beautiful. 

  "Where's this path lead to, babe?" I asked. She smiled at me and giggled.

"You'll see." she said. We walked further and it felt like forever. We would just play around by swinging our hands back and forth (the ones that were interlocked with eachother, of course.) We'd try to synchronize skipping. We'd skip every third step. We'd mess it up occasionally, but we'd have a huge laugh about it.

  "We're here!" she exclaimed with joy. We walked past the final row of trees and I looked past them and saw a beautiful pound with a bench right by it.

"Woah," I said. I loved how the leaves fell ontop of the pond, just floating there. It was so beautiful. We walked closer to the parking bench, and finally sat down by it. The sky was a grayish-blue color. Which, in my opinion, I loved that color in the fall. Leonie scooted closer to me. I looked at her and smiled. She looked ahead at the pond and giggled. I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

I slowly and sneakily put my arm around her, wondering if she'd notice. She rested her head on my shoulder. I was assuming she noticed what I had done. She began to lay down on my lap, instead. I looked down at her as she stared off at the pond, she watched the leaves fall, but all I could watch was her. She was so beautiful. I let my hands play with her perfect, brown hair.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm glad you finally agree with me," I said, smiling.

"Huh?" she looked at me confused. She caught me staring at her, as well.

I blushed and looked up really quickly. "Oh I-I uhm..." I paused, she was waiting for an answer. "I thought you were talking about yourself," I looked back down at her and she smiled at me.

"No, silly. The pond," she looked back over to the pond. She turned on her back and looked up at me. I looked back up at the pond. It was pretty, but not as beautiful as my girlfriend. This moment is so perfect. I love this place. I looked back down at her and she was still staring at me. She, too, quickly looked away.

I chuckled, "Stare much?" she sat up and sat on my lap quickly. I wasn't expecting it at all, especially when she kissed me. I kissed her back, of course, and placed my hands on her waist. I love this. I love her. 

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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