Chapter 1 - Minecraft Vacademy??!

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Hey guys, Brendan here. You might know me from my first adventure, it was when we defeated the death game of "Him" along with my friends, Jordan and Hannah.

It was another Saturday morning, much like when we started the Death game before.

I went online in my server and found Hannah and Jordan just sitting around, discuissing something, so i decided to go join them.

"Hey guys, how you guys doin' here?" i said

"Ah! Brendan. Perfect timing!" Jordan said.

"We were just talking about the letter Mojang gave us this morning." Jordan continued

"Did you get one in your mail too?" Hannah asked.

"Dunno.. I'll check right now though." i said.

I went down the stairs and checked my mailbox.. There was one real mail along with alot of junkmail in a pile.

"Oh, what's this! Look what i found!" i happily said


Hello fellow minecraft user.

You might be wondering. "What's this mail?" "Who wrote this letter?"

Well, you'll have your answer if you continue reading this mail. My name is Notch, maybe you've heard of me, maybe you know me in real life! Or maybe, we're friends.

This mail includes an invitation to a Minecraft Academy, where you'll be doing all sorts of Minecraft things. To learning how to play and to learn how to code your own game! You'll be doing Art-stuff and more!

Once you get to the Airport, just show the people there your mail and you'll be good to go.

And after you get to london, there will be taxis waiting for your arrival. Then again, just show your taxi driver this invitation and they'll escort you to the Mojang office.

                                                                                                            Sincerely, Mojang's one and only                                                                                                                                              Notch.

"Minecraft Academy??!? It's my dream to go to this place!" I said

Turns out i had the mail too. Whatever, i'm the one who saved everyone from that Death game, so i should have fun... I'm just kidding.

"I should go back and tell Jordan and Hannah about this!" i said

So i didn't go to Minecraft, but i contacted both of them via FaceBook.

So, did you get the mail? - Hannah

Yep! - Brendan

Minecraft Academy, huh. Never thought i could go to that place - Jordan

Oh yeah, guys. I have something to tell you.              -   Brendan

What is it? -Hannah

Listen, back there at the Death game. I'm sorry for betraying the both of you - Brendan

It's okay.. Just.. Don't do it again, talk to us about your problems. We're your friends! - Hannah

I'm sorry - Brendan

Anyways, once we get to the Airport, let's meet at Cafè Food, okay? - Jordan

Sure! - Hannah

Yep! - Brendan

So i went to take a bath in the shower and get dressed, ready to go to the airport.

There i went to Café Food. I saw my friends waiting for me.

"Hey guys." i said to Hannah and Jordan

"Hey guys as always, huh? Hehe." Jordan said

"I change it sometimes, you know." i said

"Craaap!!" Hannah muttered

"What's wrong?" i asked Hannah

"We're gonna get late for our flight!!" Hannah said

"Well, let's go then!" i said

We didn't know which of the lines were for our flight. But then we forgot that we had the i--

"Invitation! We have the invitations, right?" Hannah asked

"Yyupp!!" Both me and Jordan said

"Great! Now, which line is it?" Hannah asked

"Hmmm, at Flight 5 Line 15." Jordan said

"Let's go!" i said

We then went to our own private plane from Mojang along with 8 more people!


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