Chapter 2: There always is only one soulmate!

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He ran and he didn't stop running until he came to the gates and as soon as they opened he ran again. He ran across the garden of the Kingdom and ran even faster once he saw the Castle. He ran inside and went upstairs. Seconds later the second doors to the right were opened and he saw the Red Wolf sitting beside his sleeping and trembling Phoenix soulmate. Sebastian looked up and was on his feet the moment he saw Daetrin.

„I apologize for being late. Few rogues attacked me on the way back here." He said and Sebastian nodded as he took the potion from Daetrin and looked him in the eyes.

„Are you okay?" He asked him and as soon as Daetrin nodded his head he returned to sit beside his soulmate.

„Elois... Wake up, sweetheart." He said and Elois opened his eyes weakly and he looked at his worried soulmate.

„I need you to drink something so that you can calm down. Can you do that for me?" He asked him and Elois nodded slowly as he drank the potion without knowing what it was. It will take an hour to start working, but it will work and then Sebastian will be able to go inside Elois' head and see what was going on inside his head. What hell was he going through this time.

So, Sebastian dismissed Daetrin and told him to return in an hour and so Daetrin left. He walked across the garden and walked towards the woods where he neared the Royal River. He stood there, looking into it and he felt everything inside him build up. Everything was becoming too much. He started taking deep breaths to calm himself down, but kept failing. Two hundred years he was alive. Two hundred years that he knew he was adopted.

He didn't know who his real parents were and didn't care. He didn't even know what he was and he now believed what Astrid said months ago, before she died. He knew that when people are dying they tell the truth, and so he knew Astrid wasn't lying. He was something else, something important. He knew it because Astrid kept on insisting to tell him what he was. And so he let out the scream so loud that could shake buildungs yet he was surprised no one heard him. And then he fell onto his knees as he started crying. Why did everything have to be so hard and complicated for him? Why did he always have to be the odd one out? At this moment, there was nothing he wanted more than to just simply be a wolf.

„Are you okay?" He heard the familiar voice behind him ask and he growled lowly as he erased his tears and said that he was fine.

„You can tell me if you aren't fine. That is why you have me." He said and sat next to him and Daetrin took in a deep and sharp breath.

„You are right. I am not okay." He said as he looked at his soulmate beside him. Just few minutes ago he wanted to kill him for lying to him, but now he was thankful for him being there for him. Mood swings were not new to his kind.

„Want to tell me what happened?" He asked him carefuly.

„Everything is just too much. Two hundred years I have been alive and I still know nothing. I don't know where I come from, who my biological parents are, if I have siblings. I don't even know what I am. I don't even really know who you are. And yet I have to sit and watch everyone being happy with their families, being happy on their first shift, being happy to find their soulmate. And here I am, angry and confused and I hate it. Why does everything have to be so complicated? Does Fate hate me that much?" He said and a few tears left his eyes that were soon erased by the Moon and Daetrin felt himself leaning into his touch.

„I have the answer to every question you have, but it is not my place to reveal them. I can tell you everything you want to know about me though. Those answers are in my control. And I can tell you that Fate does not hate you. As a matter of fact, she is on your side, but she can not reveal the answers to you either for you need to find out by yourself."He said and Daetrin nodded his head. He wanted to feel angry at him for not telling him anything, but he knew he had no right to be angry. He had no idea how the Moons' world worked.

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