Chapter 7: Escape!

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They all ran outside of the office where they were met with two guards who were on high alert.

"My Kings, it isn't safe out here. Please, return to your office until we have made sure that everything is alright." One of them said and was met with a furious Sebastian. Every day his wolf was waking up more and more, ever since Elois returned.

"Damn right it isn't safe. Ever since Rhaegos took down that Sky barrier it hasn't been safe." He said and wanted to move forward but the guard stood infront of him blocking his way. Khaldun looked interested in this interaction. Not because he was interested in Sebastian, no. He was only interested in Daetrin, but because he wanted to see the Red Wolf in action.

"Please, King Saga Apollyon. Return to your office." He said and Sebastian growled as he neared the guard. He looked him in the eyes as he growled once again.

"This is my Kingdom, my home and I am the one who gives orders to you. Not the other way around. Forget that and I will consider you an open rebellion. Now, show me where the explosion happened." He said in a dark voice and the guards gulped as they nodded their heads. Elois put his hand on Sebastians' shoulder and everyone could see Sebastian calm down a bit. Then they all followed the guards to the dungeons. And once they came to the end of the hallway Sebastian gasped once he saw what happened. He walked inside the dungeon whose doors and walls were destroyed. He walked through the dungeon and soon he ended up outside again. His eyes were wide and worried. Then Gehenna saw someone walking towards the woods. Someone dressed in black and grey. She frowned and stepped forward.

"Hey! Stop!" Gehenna yelled and the person turned around to look at them. She looked young, but she was anything but young. She smirked and continued walking. Gehenna raised her hand towards the woman and said a spell, but nothing happened. The woman just continued walking and then disappeared in the grey smoke. She turned around confused and looked at Sebastian who simply looked worried.

"It didn't work. My magic." She said and then she looked at Enfys and the rest who looked confused as hell. Then she looked at Sebastian and realized that he knew what was going on. He knew who the person was.

"You know who that is, don't you?" Gehenna asked him and now Daetrin looked confused as hell. They were all confused, except for Khaldun and Sebastian.

"I didn't think this would happen. Our powers.. must have overloaded the spell... Khaldun must have been that something she needed to get out." He kept saying without making any sense at all. And Daetrin spoke up.

"Will anyone please explain to me what the hell is going on? Who is that?" He asked in confusion and Sebastian looked up at him with an appologentic smile on his face.

"My mother had a thing for making dungeons and cages that could hold the strongest beings in. She would talk about that woman a lot when I was a kid. She would say how she was the only one who defeated her in one to one combat, but still was not powerfull enough to kill her. So, she came up with an idea of locking her in here. She...uhm...put thousands of spells on this dungeon and sealed the doors shut so that the woman could never escape. Our powers must have overloaded the spells and broke the barrier down which the woman used to run away." He said and then he gulped and continued his story.

"This woman was insane... She wanted to destroy the whole world. She wanted to burn it to the ground and she was also the one who had the power to do so. The true Evil." He said and then he looked towards the woods again as flashbacks of what his mother told him when he was a kid overloaded his mind.

"Who is she? What is her name?" Daetrin asked and Sebastian didn't dare look at any of them.

"Her name is Ophelia Rexon." He said and they all gasped. All, but the Moon who just stood there listening for he already knew it all. Like always, he knows everything but is unable to act on his knowledge for he respects Fate too much to mess with her.

"I thought that Ophelia is a myth. A story that used to be told to kids in order to scare them at night." Daetrin said but Sebastian just shook his head as he turned around. He still looked shocked, but his face also screamed something else. Tired. Sebastian Saga Appollyon was tired of fighting and saving the world.

"No, she is very much real. And you have all seen her. And now no one knows what she will do. The very person who invented magic, who created werewolves, vampires, goblins etc. As a sign of revenge is alive and is now once again free in the world." Sebastian said as he turned around and started walking towards the stairs. He told them to follow him and they all did. All but Khaldun who disappeared once again. Daetrin was not surprised by that fact. He disappeared all the time. However, he was disappointed.

"Now, we must come up with a strategy." He said and they looked confused.

"You want to fight her?" Enfys asked him and Sebastian smirked.

"People like her don't start over. Trust me when I tell you that you are a fool if you think that Ophelia Rexon won't try to kill us all." Sebastian said and they nodded their heads understandingly. They knew that Esme would never tell lies to her son.

"Now, we have to come up with some strategy. Actually, not any strategy, but a rather strategy that will ensure our survival." He said and they nodded their heads. And Daetrin could not stop himself from wishing that Khaldun was there as well. With him, but he wasn't. He never was.

"And the only way we can survive is if we kill her for good." He said and they nodded and sat down on their chairs. Flashbacks hit them all once again. Flashbacks from when they sat at the same exact table years ago, as they were coming up with a plan to save the Moon and Elois. And now the Moon wasn't there for them. They were once again forced to fend for themselves. The Moon left them once again, even his own soulmate, and Ophelia Rexon knew better than anyone what that felt like. She knew what it felt like to be abandoned by the infamous Ortega.

* This one is short but oh well.... I just finished writing chapter 16 and have come to a conclusion that this will probably be the longest book/story I have written. *

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