Chapter 18: Eternity without you!

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They stood there on the black grass and next to burnt trees just staring at each other. Daetrin didn't know what to say or what to do. Why was Imelda there? And who was the kid she seemed to be protecting.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" Imelda asked with anger and hate for both of them clear on her face. She hated all of them and she made that clear when she left them.

"What are you doing here?" Daetrin asked her confused and she had to stop the urge to growl at him and attack him then and there. After all, Daetrin was one of the first people to vote for the punishment of her soulmate which eventually lead to her death. Daetrin was also not proud of that moment and wished he could take it back but he knew he couldn't. And so he went through life carrying that guilt in his heart and never saying what he really felt to anyone.

"I was asked to help. I acctually wanted to let you all die but then I realized that if everyone in the world was to die I would no longer have any food. And so I came to help but it looks like you managed to kill the entire world instead." She said as she hid the boy behind her who hugged her right leg as he looked around frightened. But he knew that he would be fine as long as he held onto Imelda. He remembered her telling him that.

"And who is this?" Elois asked as he pointed to the small boy. He looked like he was seven years old the most. And he didn't look like a supernatural at all or he just hasn't shifted yet.

"This was the only person I managed to save from the fire that you released onto this world." She said as she looked at Daetrin who closed his eyes and gulped.

"It was supposed to harm only Ophelia but she...did something to me and it spread to everyone and everything else too." He said and Imelda snorted and rolled her eyes.

"You went against Ophelia Rexon, the very witch who survived everything anyone threw at her, the witch who created dark magic, the witch who was gifted by the devil himself. She was called the Malicious Witch for a reason. Of course she would find a way to finish what she started. And all of you gave her exactly what she needed to go through with her plan." She said as she looked around and saw no houses or anything that survived the fire.

"Well, we need to find a place where we will be able to sleep until we find a way to fix all of this." Daetrin said and they nodded their heads.

"Wait a minute. Sebastian used to tell me that the Saga family would put protection spells onto the castle every five months. Maybe it survived the hell fire too." Elois said and they highly doubted that but still nodded their heads and started walking towards the castle. About ten minutes later they saw it and gasped in surprise. The castle was still there. Its walls were black from the fire and smoke here and there but it was still standing there. And once they walked inside they saw that the inside part of the castle was completely saved.

"We need to find a way to fix this as soon as possible." Imelda said and they all rolled their eyes as they said they knew, they didn't need a reminder of that and Imelda snapped as she pushed Daetrin against a wall and squeezed his neck.

"Now listen here, you new born asshole, what I previously said I meant it." She said as she showed him her black eyes and he first gasped but then he growed at her and tried to push her away. But who would win in a fight like this? An over a thousand years old aswang or a three hundred years old hellhound?

"I haven't fed on human flesh for weeks and if we don't come up with a plan soon enough you will be my next meal." She said as she calmed down and backed away from him. They stared at each other in anger until Elois pulled Daetrin to his side and looked at Imelda.

"I know you hate us all for what happened with Astrid but you must calm down and control yourself right now. Need I remind you that the two of us lost our soulmates today? If anyone wants to fix all of this it would be us. So, we are going to feed this child you managed to save and then we will go to Sebastian's library and figure out a way to fix this." Elois said with great authority in his voice. Elois still hasn't mentally recovered from what Dany Rhaegos did to him all those years ago but he needed to gather all of his strength right now. He did not like to command people but he was a King too and right now he was the only King alive and he has to make sure these two don't kill each other until they can change what happened.

"And we WILL fix this even if I have to summon Fate herself." He said with determination in his eyes and then he tried to make himself seem approachable and friendly but Elois was never nice to kids, not even when he was the Alpha. He took the child by his hand softly and made him come to the kitchen where he made him a sandwich and told him to wait in the living room and to yell if anything happens and then he motioned to two pissed off people and they went towards the library. Elois sat on one of the Kings's chairs and blinked a few times as if to avoid crying. Imelda and Daetrin sat infront of him and Elois sighed.

"I know you hate us because of what we did to Astrid, Imelda. But you need to understand that we never wanted her to die. However, she had to be punished for what she did. She killed hundreds of innocent people and said she did it in my name. I never asked of her to do that. Those people had nothing to do with my death. She was your soulmate and I understand what it feels like to lose a soulmate. But she was like a sister to me." Elois said and he took a deep breath in order to calm down and then he looked at the table.

"You can hate us all you want but for now we must be allies. Not enemies to each other. And we know that the only person who could ever fix what happened today is Fate herself. We, however, are the three people she hates most. She hates Barin and me because we are Sinclairs and you... she hates you because of your power." Daetrin said and sighed as he tried to keep himself together and not fall apart right then and there at the fact that he lost his own soulmate today. He lost Khaldun before he even got the chance to actually be with him, the chance to say those three words that Khaldun seemed like he had no fear of saying.

"So, what we have to do now is find out who can force Fate to fix this mess. There must be an Immortal of higher power than her." He finished saying and Imelda nodded her head with anger still in her eyes. She was still too angry and emotional to properly think. Little did she know that she already knew how to fix this. Then she looked at Elois with softer look in her eyes.

"May I first go to Astrid's room? I had missed her the past two years and I would like to remember even for a second what it felt like to have her here." She asked Elois who just nodded his head in understanding. The scent of a soulmate can calm the other one down and he knew Imelda needed this now.

"Take your time. In the mean time, we will begin our research." Elois said and she nodded her head and exited the room. Elois looked at Daetrin who didn't even dare look at Elois and Elois sighed.

"None of this is your fault, Daetrin. You did what Kali told you to do. You followed the instructions. There was no way you could have known this would happen." He said softly and Daetrin just shook his head in disbelief.

"I am the reason why you are once again separated from your soulmate, Barin. How can you still stay positive?" Daetrin asked him in shock and Elois only smiled at him.

"Because we are Sinclairs and we will survive anything and everything. Sebastian is a Saga Appollyon and I am a Sinclair. We always find our way back to each other." Elois said and when he saw Daetrin's sad eyes his heart broke for him.

"I was in your situation before, Daetrin. I died before I even had a chance of forming a proper bond with Sebastian and then we were separated for eleven years. I am not gonna let the same thing happen to you and Khaldun. My fate will not be yours too. I will make sure of that. " Elois said and Daetrin started crying then. He looked at the floor as he cried and his shoulders shook. Little did Elois knew not to make promises he has no control over.

"I didn't even get a chance to say I loved him. And I loved him from the moment I met him yet I acted so cold and irrational." Daetrin said through tears and Elois sat down next to him as he hugged him and let him cry his heart out.

"I spent eleven years in captivity, his cage was just next to mine. Trust me when I tell you he knew how you felt. And you will get the chance to say those words to him in person. I promise you that and a Phoenix never breaks his promise." Elois said as Daetrin cried even harder. He knew this feeling, this feeling of dread and agony because you lost your soulmate. And he was going to make sure that Daetrin would never again experience the pain the Sinclairs have been experiencing for centuries. Well, he was going to try his best at it.

In the mean time Imelda stood infront of Astrid's old room and hesitated to open the doors. She swallowed hard and pushed the doors open and once she walked inside she was attacked with Astrid's lingering scent. She took a deep breath as she started looking around and saw exactly what she thought she would see in her room. Paintings and albums of the groups she liked with tons of pictures she got from them in one big box. Imelda smiled when she saw them. Astrid really was a huge kpop fan. Then she saw a picture of Astrid and Elois smiling at the camera on the nightstand. She took the picture and sat on Astrid's bed.

Imelda cursed herself for starting to forget what Astrid looked like. How beautiful she was and how crazy she was from time to time. But Imelda loved her anyways. It had only been two years, how could she forget how beautiful her soulmate was... Imelda started crying while she was looking at the picture without even realizing. She remembered everything they went through, how though Astrid was and yet the Demetre Huntress pushed her to the edge.

She remembered when she first met Astrid, she remembered how Astrid killed the hunters who kidnapped her, how angry she was because Imelda didn't tell her they were soulmates, how Astrid almost killed herself walking in the lake hallucinating and thinking she saw Elois, how she got hurt in the Monster Forrest, how they crossed the lake no one dared to cross, how Astrid never got used to teleportation and would always feel the need to throw up afterwards. She remembered how determined and stubborn Astrid was and she remembered how much she loves and misses her.

"I miss you so much, Astrid. Eternity without you is a torture. I just found you back then.... Why did the goddess want me to lose you so quick? ...... I can't do this without you anymore. And if I have to help these people then I'm gonna make sure that I get something in return." She whispered through the tears as she sat on the bed.

"You didn't deserve to die like that." She whispered as she kept looking at the picture and the tears clouded her sight. About an hour later she calmed down and stopped crying. She got up from the bed and left the room and walked towards the library again. They had to find a way to fix all of this mess. Little did Imelda know that soon she would have to pray to someone she hasn't prayed to since she first shifted into her Aswang form.  

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