Chapter 10: Pretending I'm not evil

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It was the time for the training again and Daetrin rolled his eyes as he entered the gym only to see Gehenna already there. He had to take care of another bussiness, so Gehenna had to step in and train the pack that day. Daetrin walked to the table and took a glass of water. Soon afterwards, Gehenna let the pack go and she went to her soulmate as well. Daetrin sat on a chair and closed his eyes as he inhaled deeply. He thought he was alone in the gym, but that was not the case. And he knew that the moment he heard two men talking. One of them was insulting Daetrin to his friend and thought he could not hear him, but that was not the case.Daetrin growled as he got up and looked at the man across the room.

"Say it to my face. I dare you." He said and he thought the man would back off but he did not. That was the man's first mistake.

"I just don't think you should even be training us." He said and Daetrin showed no longer any emotion as he listened to the man.

"You are not a wolf. You are not one of us. A wolf should train a wolf. No one else." He said and then Daetrin growled as he walked towards him and gripped the man's neck tight before he slowly started choking him and lifted him off the floor.

"Have you forgotten who I am, sir?" Daetrin asked him dangerously calm and the man gasped for air. His friend did not even dare say anything.

"I grew up with you people. I listened to you all insult me and shut me out just because I could not shift and here I am, centuries later and I am still the only one strong enough to train you. The Kings chose me for this job. THEY chose ME. So, who are you to question what OUR Kings commanded ME?" He asked as he started getting angrier.

"I am your trainer and I have been for the past two hundred years because none of YOU are good enough to take my position. Question me again and you will regret it. Or did you forget what happened the last time someone questioned a Blackbourne?" He asked him again.

"The next time you question me will be the last time you do so." He said as he let him fall to the ground and he looked up to his friend before he growled. And then the doors opened and in walked Elois who looked at the terrified men and then at Daetrin but said nothing.

"Daetrin, two rogues crossed the border." He said and Daetrin was immediatelly alarmed. He went to get out and to the border when he was stopped by Elois who had a strong grip on Daetrin's arm.

"The border patrol has caught them. They are in the dungeons, may want to go to the living room first." He said and Daetrin looked at him confused as he ran to the living room. There he saw Gehenna with Brina and Blyna trying to make the older woman talk. Khaldun just stood beside not knowing what to really do. His heart stopped when he saw who it was.

"What is going on here?" He asked confused and the moment the woman saw him she got up and hugged him as she started crying. Daetrin squeezed her and hugged her back as he tried to make her stop crying. No one knew who the older woman was. No one but Daetrin and he wished it had stayed that way. He tried so hard to keep her and her soulmate safe.

"Where is dad, mom?" He asked and everyone looked at each other confused at that. Daetrin made them all believe that his adoptive parents had died, because that was the only way he knew how to protect them from anyone harming them after his brother, Leonnell died.

"They... We....We were..." The woman tried to talk through her tears and Daetrin made her sit on a chair as he gave her a glass of water. He waited for her to calm down a little bit and then he spoke again.

"Now, keep calm and tell me what happened? Where is dad?" He asked and the woman looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"We were making dinner. We wanted to see you today. And then...out of nowhere.. two rogue Scorpio Shifters opened the doors and came in. Daniel was close to the doors so they....they attacked him and he told me to run, but I couldn't...I could not leave him alone to die. He....They ripped his heart out and were about to come after me when the patrol arrived and caught them." She said and started crying again and Daetrin growled viciously as he hugged her.

"Calm down, my sweet mother. Calm down.... Don't you worry, they will pay for what they did. I will kill them both." He said as he hugged her tighter.

"First, they took my brother away from me and now they took my father away from me and dared try to harm you. I promise you something now, I will not stop until their world is burning and trust me when I tell you that they will beg me to kill them. " He said and Khaldun was looking at him the entire time. He was about to walk towards him when Daetrin looked at Gehenna and Brina.

"Take care of her for a few hours, will you?" He asked and they nodded their heads as they walked towards the older crying woman. Khaldun looked after him as he walked towards the doors of the dungeons.

"I'm getting really tired of pretending I'm not evil." He said and Khaldun did not like what he heard in his voice. The truth, the honesty, the promise. He did not even want to know what Daetrin was gonna do to those poor bastards but he had to be there with his soulmate. He thought as he followed Daetrin to the dungeons.

** This is more of a 'filler chapter' which is why it isn't that long. Anyways, I hope you are all staying safe and practicing social distancing now that COVID-19 is going wild. Please, stay safe and don't leave your homes if not absolutely necessary. I, myself have been in quarantine for a week now just to be safe until this whole thing passes.

Stay homes if possible, be healthy and stay strong through this. <333*

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