Chapter 19: Possible Solution!

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Elois, Daetrin and Imelda sat in the library with the child Imelda saved as they looked through the books and tried to find a way to fix what they did. But nothing like that had ever happened before and therefore, there was no answer to be found in any of the history books. An hour passed and they were still nowhere near finding the solution. Daetrin, by now, sat on the balcony and watched as everything around them burned with the eternal fire. His fire. He felt his eyes water at the sight and he sighed when he felt a small hand on his shoulder. He turned to his left and saw the boy Imelda saved. Daetrin calmed down a little bit and smiled at the kid who now sat next to him.

"What's your name, little guy?" Daetrin asked as he tried his best to make himself seem nice enough so that the kid would not be afraid of him.

"Ryan. I'm seven years old." He said and Daetrin smiled at him and he gulped. He didn't really know how to communicate with children.

"My name is Daetrin Blackbourne." He said and the kid looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"So, if you are a hellhound....then that means that this is your fire that's burning everything, right?" He asked and Daetrin sighed a little bit as he nodded.

"This wasn't a part of the plan... But don't worry... We won't stop until we find a way to bring everything back to normal. " Daetrin tried to reassure the kid as they continued sitting there and talking about the movies and cartoons. Soon afterwards, Daetrin had learned that the kid was an orphan. About ten minutes later they went back in and saw Imelda walking around with furrowed eyebrows. No one seemed to have any idea of how to make Fate change everything to how it was before the fire started spreading. Then Imelda stopped walking and looked at Elois.

"I might have an idea. I'm not sure it would work but it could." She said and Daetrin and Elois both turned to listen to her.

"Before I completely turned into an Aswang I was just a human being. And like any human being I had a faith of my own. I believed in the Ancient Gods and the Goddess to who I prayed all the damn time was the Goddess of War and Power. Arthenia. If we could summon her and ask for help.... she could agree to help and make Fate change the outcome of all of this." Imelda said and Elois seemed interested into the theory where as Daetrin looked sceptically around.

"But we can't know for sure if she'll help, can we?" Daetrin asked and Imelda shook her head as she sat back down on the sofa.

"I stopped praying to her when I became an Aswang because I lost faith. She could be pissed because of that and she might refuse to help but we could try to summon her, right? I mean.... do you have any other ideas?" Imelda said and then she looked at the both of them. Elois just shook his head and Daetrin did the same.

"Well... how do we summon her? Did you ever summon a Goddess before?" Elois asked her and Imelda shook her head.

"I just prayed to her and that was it. But since I am the only one here who ever believed in her then I would have to be the one to summon her. And knowing her temper.... she's going to ask for something in return. I just don't know what." Imelda said and Daetrin furrowed his eyebrows.

"She's not gonna kill you, right?" He asked and Imelda just shook her head without looking at him.

"No. I am the true Immortal on this planet. No Gods or other Immortals can take my Immortality away." She said. Little did she know.

"Okay. And where do we have to summon her? I take it that it can't exactly be in this library, right?" Elois asked and Imelda nodded her head.

"Arthenia had her own sacred cave near the Augustus' Lake. Geographically it should be near the west border of the Royal Grounds." Imelda said and Elois and Daetrin looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"Do we need anything special to summon her?" Daetrin asked.

"You have me. Something tells me that's all she's gonna need." She said and they looked at Ryan who was reading some Manga in the background.

"Do we bring Ryan with us?" Daetrin asked and Imelda nodded her head.

"We have to. He's a child and we can't leave him alone in the burning world when he can't even fend for himself." Elois said and they all agreed with it.

"But in order for us to go to that cave we have to go outside. How can we protect him from the fire?" Elois asked and Daetrin sighed with furrowed brows.

"I'll carry him. I'm not a witch but I am powerful enough to use my powers to shield him from it."Imelda said and Elois got up from his seat. Daetrin and Imelda both looked up at him and then he sighed.

"Then let's go to the cave, shall we?" He said and left the library with Daetrin following him and Imelda soon came out as well with Ryan in her arms. Daetrin opened the front doors and soon they stepped out into the fire again. Daetrin and Elois were not in any way affected but they waited for Imelda to step out who had her hands around the child who was holding onto her with a strong grip. As soon as they saw Imelda's skin become red but not burn they knew the kid was gonna be safe. Daetrin tried his best to control the fire burning infront of them so that he can make a path for the rest of them and he succeeded. While he concentrated Elois and Imelda saw the fire infront of them part to make a way for them towards the west border. They came to the border sooner than expected and both Imelda and the child sighed in relief once they were walking near the water. It was the only part that wasn't burning and the coldness of the water made the air lighter and a tiny bit colder. Imelda may be an Immortal but she still felt how hot the fire was and the poor child was still not of age to shift into his wolf and was therefore just a human. Had Ryan not been carried by Imelda the entire time, he would have most definitely been dead by now.

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