Chapter 17: Death of the World!

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Thirty minutes later they were still standing....waiting for something to happen and people started doubting that anything would happen but Daetrin knew better. He knew to trust his instincts and they were screaming at him to be on guard right now. And just then a hiss was heard in the woods infront of them. And with a hiss a group of vampires jumped out and the attack began. Daetrin growled as he swung his sword and it went right through the heart of one of the vampires.

He knew this wouldn't kill him but it gave him enough time to snap his neck and so the first body was on the floor in span of five seconds. In that moment no one could deny Daetrin's skills when it came to war. He turned around with his orange eyes and growled into the darkness of the woods. And then all the vampires along with Scorpio shifters and their very leader, Ophelia Rexon came out. And so the battle began. They all ran around slashing throats and ripping the hearts out for thirty minutes and then Daetrin felt heat coming from his left side.

He turned to the left and saw Elois in his full Pheonix form with his huge wings on fire out. But in the mean time another Scorpio shifter jumped on him and scratched the side of his neck. Daetrin grunted and then the shifter just dropped dead onto the floor. He looked up to see who was it that saved him when he saw Khaldun offering him a hand.

"You have to be more careful, Dae. Keep your guard up. You will survive this." He said and then he saw Blyna on his right side killing one of her own...a scorpio shifter and in that moment he wondered if he had been too harsh on her. She looked up and nodded towards him as a form of greeting and ran away again.

Screams could be heard throughout the woods and the grass became red with blood. Daetrin was sure that that night would go down in the history books as the bloodiest, darkest and most dangerous night and war ever. And then he saw her.... the very person he had to kill. He growled as he kept glaring at the smirking woman.

"I have to get to her." He said and Khaldun sighed. He did not want to let him do this. He didn't want everything to happen the way it was about to happen, but he bit his tongue as to not say anything. This had to happen. Life made sure he would know the truth... But he was once again forbidden from telling anyone else. In the mean time the witches of the Silent Coven were holding their hands together as they said nothing but everyone who came near them and tried to attack them would immediately start choking on their own blood and die or their insides would melt.

Brina and Blyna were fighting side by side, most of the time. And Blyna couldn't hide her surprise at the brutality Brina showed. A girl who was obsessed with books and looked like an innocent flower just kept going around slashing people's throats out with clear determination on her face. Elois's wings were so big that the moment any of the enemies came anywhere near them, they would burn and scream in agony as they died. Sebastian was with him, by his side at all cost, making sure that this time Elois would live. No matter what. Enfys and Gehenna were a match made in hell right now.

Enfys's use of his ability and Gehenna once again acting on only her demonic side as she let her power choke on their last breath. And then there was Maya Demetre, the very person no one thought would ever side with the Kings. But the loyalty of a dragon was not to be questioned either, even though her family had been a family of humans for a long time. She made one of the Scorpio Shifters look her in the eyes and her dragon's look made the person scream in pain as they clawed at their own face and slashed their own throat out.

She smirked and looked up, but she did not expect to see who she saw or she hoped she would not see him. Not then and there. Not when she was at her worst. Not when she was fighting against his kind.

"You're fighting this war on the wrong side, love." The leader of the vampires said as he looked at Maya with fondness in his eyes no one had ever seen before. She scoffed as she took her sword out again and looked around.

"I'm not but you are and you know that. Take your people and retreat, Levvy. If you don't I will be forced to kill them too." She said as she masked her face from any emotion but he knew the truth. Levvy knew Maya better than she knew herself and she would never ever admit that.

"They will listen to only their queen now and you know that." He said back and she saw how every vampire avoided hurting her as they continued to fight everyone else.

"I left you nine years ago. I am no longer their queen but I am the leader of my own kind now." She said and he took a few steps towards her.

"You will always be their queen, their Maya Demetre." He said and she snorted as she shook her head once again and backed away.

"The world knows me as Pegah Demetre now. And you can retreat with your own people or they will burn in my fury too. It's your call." She said with a smirk on her face as she ran forwards and saved Brina from being bitten by a Scorpio shifter. She did not look back, but his eyes never left her. In the mean time Sebastian ran towards Ophelia who tried to leave the battle.

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