Chapter 8: Control is all you have!

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The following day Daetrin was in the training room, but this time he was not training by himself. He was training with Gehenna. He, however, did feel sad and miss a certain someone but he also knew that the Moon could not be with him 24/7. But, he did notice that Khaldun would appear when he needed him the most. And while he was thinking about him he got a fist in his face. Yes, he was sparring with Gehenna. He looked at her to see her smirking.

"Pay attention to the person you are fighting. Stop thinking about whatever or whoever it is you're thinking about." She said and moved few steps away from him while she waited for his next move but for some reason it never came. She was about to call his name when he looked at her and she noticed his orange-red eyes. She rolled her eyes and sighed. People may be afraid of hellhounds but not her. Gehenna was born and grew up in hell. Her friends there were either demons or hellhounds. She was no longer afraid of either of them.

"Control yourself, Otis. Control is all you have." She said and he growled and went to attack her but she pinned him to the floor while she held him by his neck.

"I said, control yourself." She hissed at him and he growled back before his eyes changed back to their brown color. He took in a few deep breaths and then she let go of him. He got up on his feet and turned his back to her.

"I'm sorry about that." He said and she smiled sadly.

"It's okay. I know what it feels like." She said and he snorted before he shook his head.

"That's the thing. I don't think that you do know." He said and she tried to hold her anger back as much as possible.

"Trust me, I do understand what you are going through." She said and he turned to look at her before he said that she could never really understand his struggle.

"Do you know my full, real name?" She asked him and she laughed when he shook his head.

"Let me tell you a little story about me." She said before she sat down on the floor and he did the same.

"Before I came to Earth I used to live on a different place. My home was made of fire. I was given birth so that I could become Lucifers' killer. And over a hundred years of training, I did become what was expected from me. But over the years I started questioning everything I thought I knew. I started realizing that all the people I killed were really innocent and I was the big bad. So, I left his army and came here in hopes of living in peace but I soon found myself struggling with my bad and good side and so I befriended the person who helped me overcome it. But because of that I could not accept my soulmate because the bond would destroy everything I worked on. Soon afterwards, a demon from hell, my biggest enemy, came to the Earth and told those from my village who I really was. He even gave them something that would weaken my powers." She said and soon hate was on her face.

"So, they unexpectedly put the chains of Lucifer on me and burried me alive. For 23 years I was burried alive, the only thing keeping me alive was the thought of revenge. And then my friend finally found me and saved me but in the process of doing so, the mind wall he put in my head collapsed. And so my bad side overwhelmed my good side. Then, I went to war, tried to kill my soulmate and his friends until my good side started showing itself again. Few months later, I was able to control myself again." She said and smirked when she looked at a confused Daetrin.

"I am half a demon and half an angel. I am Gehenna Pandemonium, the Wicked Beast." She said and he looked at her in shock.

"So, you see, when I tell you that I understand the struggle you're going through, I mean it. You have to learn to tame the beast within you. Do not let it out just because it wants to and when you do let it out, keep it at a tight leash. You are a Hellhound, Daetrin. Hellhounds were always the most reasonable Beasts in hell. Trust me when I tell you, I know what it feels like to be a hellhound. To want to burn in a quiet place. This world has its own wars, but this what they call a war is not even close to one. I know what it feels like to want to burn in a world with no fire." She said and walked away leaving Daetrin to think by himself. Once he felt himself calm down he went to his room and took a shower before he went downstairs with a book in his hand.

He went to the living room and saw that it was empy, except a girl who was sitting at a window with a book in her hand. He smiled kindly as he neared her and then he sat next to her. She looked up and smiled at him. She was maybe the only friend he had in the pack. He would often recommend books to her and she would always listen to his recommendations.

"Hey, Dae. I finished the book you gave me so I started reading it again." She said. She was always kind to him so he was kind to her in return and he even let her pick a nickname for him.

"You don't have to do that. Here, I brought you a new one." He said as he waved the Lord of the Rings to her face and her face light up the moment she saw the book. She hugged him as she thanked him and he smiled softly, completely ignoring the fact that he hated any skin to skin contact with other people.

"Read that one and I'll bring you a second part of it. I have to go now, good luck." He said and she smiled as she thanked him and he walked out of the living room afterwards. She was kind but when it came to battle, she was lethal. He was about to go to the office to investigate the escape of the Ophelia Rexon but a guard ran after him with terror in his eyes.

"Sir, there has been a breach. Just one of the rogues but their scent is different, weird, we are not sure what she is." He said and Daetrin nodded his had as he ran out of the castle and ran towards the place where he could smell a rogue. A minute later he was there with few other guards and sure enough there was a girl there. And the moment he looked her in the eyes and smelled the air around her hate was back on his face.

"She's a hybrid." He said and the two guards that were holding her looked at him confused as they asked what kind of hybrid she was.

"A hybrid of a scorpio shifter and a werewolf. Take her to our most secure dungeons." He said and the girl shook her head.

"No! I am not the enemy, I swear it to you on Goddess Laysee. I came to help you." She said and he chuckled.

"A Scorpio shifter will always be the enemy of mine. What would we need your help with?" He asked out of curiousity.

"Ophelia Rexon has escaped and contacted the Scorpio Shifters. I know what they are planning." She said and he motioned to the guards to walk and they did. Daetrin was not an idiot. This was the only lead he had on Rexon and he would take it. That did not mean he trusted this girl. He never will be able to trust her. After all, half of her is a Scorpio and he would never again be a fool and trust them. Not after what happened to his brother. A minute or so later, they were in the castle but the moment they walked in the girl stopped in her tracks and seemed in trans as she looked at the girl going downstairs. It was the girl from before, the one to who Daetrin gave a book. Blyna was her name and she stopped walking too and looked at her in shock and then she looked at Daetrin. He was not an idiot, he knew what was going on but he had to do his job so he told to the guards to keep moving and they did so. Once the girl was in the dungeons Blyna spoke.

"Is she dangerous?" She asked Daetrin who sighed.

"That I do not know. She could be." He said and she sighed.

"Do you trust her?" She asked him and he sighed before he shook his head.

"Then I do not trust her either." She said and Daetrin shook his head as he looked at the kind girl infront of him.

"Blyna, she is your.." He was about to continue but she stopped him.

"I know that! But I will never forget what you did for me, so I trust you with my life, Dae. And, if you say that she is not to be trusted yet, then I believe you. " She said and he nodded his head with a sigh before he kissed her forehead and told her to go back and read if she wanted to and then he went to the office, finally. Once he opened the doors he saw the whole team sitting there already, including the Moon. He looked at him with a raised eyebrow before he looked at Sebastian.

"We have news about Ophelia." He said and Daetrin nodded his head in understanding.

"I've got some news too." He said and closed the doors behind him.

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