Part 18

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Yup, I'm on a bus. Screaming teens and potholes wake me from my dream-well more of a nightmare. I put in my ear buds and stared out the window. I then looked at the empty seat next to me. Jenna wasn't on the bus today and mom made me go on. Last time I saw Jenna she was saying goodbye from her door from Sunday afternoon. I was also dying to see her to see what her Aunt Mai said about (Uncle) Paul. Wow, I still couldn't get it through my head. Our firebending couch is her Uncle. Crazy.

We were about three minutes away from school. Today was looking bright. Jenna telling me about her Uncle, and my afternoon with Spencer.

We finally came to the school and I shot out of that bus. I saw Jenna heading inside.

I ran after her. "Jenna!" I shouted.

She turned and saw me. She came rushing over looking tired.

"So what is it? What did she say?" I asked, as we opened the doors to the school.

"Well," she said, while biting her lip. We came over to our lockers and she said in a hushed voice, "Turns out Aunt Mai used to work for the White Lotus and that's where she met P--Uncle Paul. They soon got married and about ten years ago Aunt Mai had a knee accident at work so she left the White Lotus, so she could also raise my sister and I, and she didn't want to raise us in a rebel hideout. Uncle Paul, was found out by the government, so they had to fake his death."

I shook my head in shock. "Wait, how did you ask her?" I asked.

Jenna straightened her shoulders. "I told her about you being the Avatar-- and don't worry there were no cameras-- then I told her about training. She said she knew! Then I showed her the picture and she told me."

I nodded my head. "Okay. How did Paul not recognize you?"

Jenna shrugged. "Maybe he was told not to tell me."


First bell.

Jenna and I giggled at lunch about all the untrue things they taught there.

Jenna read from her textbook: "The Avatar Spirit is the Spirit of darkness and foolishness." We laughed together, then something caught my eye.

"Oh boy here we go again." Jenna said as she rolled her eyes.

Spencer and Cindy were arguing.

"I wonder what they are fighting about." I said as I turned back around.

Jenna snapped her fingers. "I got it. You!"

I scoffed. "What?"

She gave me a smirk. "You're going on a date with HER ex. I'm not surprised."

I scoffed, for now the second time in a row. "Yeah, okay Jenna, sure." I rolled my eyes, but underneath, I was terrified. What if he cancels? What if she starts a rumor about me? Ugh I hate drama. Too bad I'm the Avatar!

After school I sat at the steps of the school waiting for Spencer. Where was he? I looked at my watch. I have been sitting here for fifteen minutes. What if he doesn't come? I checked my phone. He didn't text me. Would he leave me stood up? Well, actually I was sitting.

I heard footsteps, and I turned around. Spencer was standing there in ripped jeans and a blue jacket. "You ready?" He smiled.

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