Part 35

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By the time we all were done getting dressed it was almost time for the party.

Jenna was wearing a red dress that came down a little lower than her knees, and it had white flowers around the waist and with thin straps, her hair was in a very tight bun, and she was wearing black four inch heels.

Mom was wearing a lime green dress that made her sandy blonde hair twinkle and with matching gray heels with me.

Reina was wearing a air nun dress robe that we thought was going to be ugly but it was stunning on her.

Carter was also wearing a air nomad suit, with red shaggy pants, and his yellow shirt that seemed to be making all sorts of twists and turns, and he did not look his best.

Spencer was wearing classic water tribe white pants with a black jacket and a blue tight shirt.

Grant was wearing something from the water tribe that was so ugly he made Carter look amazing.

Jenna and I walked in the garden as we waited for guests to come. I thought it was going to stay silent until Jenna asked how I was doing choosing between Carter and Spencer.

"It's going good." I said with a fake smile. Jenna gave me a look that said, "Girl you're lying so hard."

I sighed. "It's horrible! Spencer is always glaring at Carter. Carter looks so worried-"

Jenna sighed. "Girl, I asked about YOU not them. How are you handling this?" Jenna asked while holding my hands.

"I guess...I'm doing alright. But sometimes I get these headaches and I feel like I'm going to vomit. And I feel like if I don't choose now, then they'll both leave me."

Jenna was about to respond but we saw the first plane arrive. "How many people do you think are in there?" Jenna said instead.

"Reina said there would be a plane from each hide out so I don't know, maybe a dozen?"

But I was way off. That plane had about two dozen people in it.

Jenna and I ran to the door and through the temple. The temple was so big it took us a few minutes to get to the front door.

When we were half way through the temple I shouted, "Wait!"

Jenna stopped turned around and hissed, "What?"

I took off my heels held up my dress and started to run again.

We finally made it when the second plane came and I had dozens of guest to greet. The first plane came from Ba Sing Se, and the second from a small earth kingdom hideout with only about ten people.

Carter found me greeting guests in the main hall when Spencer was right behind me. "There's a lot of people huh?" Carter said giving me his classic smirk.

"You have no idea how tired I am from saying 'Yes, I am the Avatar that has a father hunting me down' and yet I still have to say it with a smile."

Carter frowned and Spencer put his hands on my shoulders. "Hey, it's okay." Spencer said. "You didn't choose your family."

I gave him a thankful smile as Carter said, "Yeah, listen to ponytail, I didn't choose Leo."

Spencer looked so offended that Carter had said that. "Excuse me, but it's a water tribe braid. All water tribe men wear it like these."

"Oh really then why is a boy wearing one?"

I glared Carter in the eye. "Stop it."

I walked away from the two leaving them to argue about Carter's ugly outfit to the way Spencer does his hair.

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