Part Eight: Jisung is a cutie, guys.

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Third Person

Upon reaching his room, Minho unlocked the door and walked in. He set the sleeping baby on his bed and tucked him in, whilst being gentle.

He didn't wanna wake the sleeping beauty he calls his baby.

Minho kissed his head before going to put Jisung's clothes with his.

Soon there was a loud knock on the door. Minho panicked and looked at Jisung worriedly. He didn't want his baby to wake up. He noticed Jisung move a bit before curling up again.

Minho sighed before walking to the door. When he opened it, He saw Chan and Changbin. Minho sighed again,

"yes guys?" Chan looked at Minho, "can we come in?" Minho immediately shook his head,

"no. Pup is here and he's sleeping. I don't want you goofballs to wake him up." Changbin rose an eyebrow, "since when did you care about others...?"

Minho glared at Changbin, "since pup showed up to this shitty ass school." Changbin nodded. Chan looks at Minho, "what are you gonna do about his friends though? Don't they like hate us or something?" Minho looked at Chan, "I got it handled."

Changbin left. Chan looks at the younger, "you really care for him huh?" Minho nodded, "he's a cutie.. How can I not? I know I'll have to push him away. But I can't right now. His friend is mad and he doesn't wanna make things worse at the moment.." Chan sighs, "you can just tell your dad you're not attracted to girls?" Minho shook his head, "what good will that do? You know how much of an asshole my dad is. Please Chan hyung... Let me spend time with Pup while I still can because in a few weeks, we all know my dad is gonna show up.." Chan nods, "okay. Just don't be an asshole towards Jisung." Minho nodded. He then walked inside his room and locked the door. He noticed Jisung sitting up with a cute pout and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Minho sighed, a content smile forming. "Why arent you sleeping?" Jisung pouted, "wanted cuddles.." Minho walked over to the bed and crawled in next to Jisung. He put his arm around the younger and pulled him close, "this okay?" Jisung nodded and curled into Minho.

Minho had hoped the younger boy didnt hear his rapidly beating heart. When Jisung fell asleep again, Minho's phone beeped.


asshole dad: I'm coming up early. If you don't have a girlfriend for the company, I'm taking your credit cards.


Minho gulped. He wasn't ready to face his dad just yet. He gently shook the younger boy, "pup. you gotta wake up." Jisung whined before sitting up again, "what...?" Minho got out of bed, "you gotta go back to your room." Jisung felt hurt by the olders words but nodded anyway. He grabbed his bag and shoes then left without a word.

He didn't understand why Minho was suddenly pushing him away. Did he not matter to the elder? It doesn't add up.

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