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Erika's p.o.v

I walk in his door and I see a goat Jake knows I love goats after that Jake walks out in a cheer leading outfit

Jake. E..r..I..k..a Erika will you go out with me
I start laughing so hard
Erika. Yea

He screamed she said yes

Chance and Tessa walk out of the closet
Tessa. Yay Jerika
Lexie than care out of the closet ig they snuck her up here
Lexie. Yay momma and new daddy are together
Erika. Aww I love you baby
Lexie. Luv ya to
After that milo started to cry
Jake. I got him

Jake ran to my room

We all walk down stairs

Tony. So
Erika. Jerika is a thing now
Tony. Ya baby
Jake. Who want to go out to Dinner
Team 10. Me
Lexie. Me.

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