I wake up and run to the bathroom and Jake follows me I lean over toilet throwing up and Jake holding my hair back
Jake. You okay Erika. Yea it's probably the 24 hour flu Jake. Erika is there a way your pregnant Erika. What no Jake. You said it was the 24 hour flu the last 2 days Erika. Mabey I'm just sick Jake. I'm gonna go get a test Erika. Jake it's fine I'm not pregnant Jake. Were gonna make sure of it Erika. Fine
While Jake goes and gets pregnancy test I brush my teeth then brush my hair then I get changed into this
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Then I go into the nursery that's not in our closet any more this is milos room
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I go into his room since he woke up I get a diaper out of his drew his wipes and His outfit for today I change him into this
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Then I go down stairs and put milo in his high chair that looks like this
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Then I go get his banana baby food and fed it to him
Erika. Milo can you say mamma Milo. Ma Erika. Mamma Milo. Mamma Erika. Jake I say as Jake walks through the door Jake. What Erika. He said mamma Jake. He did Erika. Milo say mamma Milo. Mamma Jake. You said mamma
Erika. Do you have the test Jake. Yup Erika. Great
I go upstairs and do the test
5 minutes later Erika. Jake Jake. Yup Erika. Look Jake. Our third little one Erika. I'm pregnant Jake. You are Erika. I'm gonna have a baby and milo is only 4 months old Jake. That means they will be at least a year apart because she or he will take 9 months to develop Erika. Your right Jake. Okay Erika. Let's not tell any one until we go to the doctor Jake. I'll make an appointment Erika. Thank you baby Jake. Your welcome beautiful
Jake goes a make an appointment and I go to see milo with Tessa Tessa. Lexie is in her room she started yelling at me Erika. Okay thank you Tessa Tessa. Your welcome rik
I go into Lexie's room
Erika. Why did you yell at aunt Tessa Lexie. I didn't Erika. Lexie-Ann Marie Costell don't lie to me or you will eat soap now why did you yell at your aunt Lexie. Because she yelled at me Erika. Why did she yell at your Lexie. Because I was yelling at milo Erika. Why were you yelling at milo Lexie. I don't know Erika. Okay now you will come out say sorry to your brother and your aunt Lexie. Okay