Shes gone and shes not coming back

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Anna's p.o.v
I wake up to Skyler crying for Erika so I decided to go into her room grab her and bring her into mine I set her on my bed and I cuddle with her until she fell back asleep then I
Went into the bathroom and took a shower then got dressed into this

vI wake up to Skyler crying for Erika so I decided to go into her room grab her and bring her into mine I set her on my bed and I cuddle with her until she fell back asleep then IWent into the bathroom and took a shower then got dressed into this

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Then I do my hair like this

Then I get Skyler dressed into this

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Then I get Skyler dressed into this

Then I do her hair in a pony tail at the top then I put her bow in then I go down stairs and mom was awake so I put Skyler down and she walked over to Erika then I went upstairs and got Hayden and Finley ready

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Then I do her hair in a pony tail at the top then I put her bow in then I go down stairs and mom was awake so I put Skyler down and she walked over to Erika then I went upstairs and got Hayden and Finley ready

Then I do her hair in a pony tail at the top then I put her bow in then I go down stairs and mom was awake so I put Skyler down and she walked over to Erika then I went upstairs and got Hayden and Finley ready

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Both there outfits
Then I went down stairs with the boys
Erika. Thank you honey
Anna. Welcome mom
Erika. What did you say
Anna. Welcome mu oh well I guess you are
Erika. Aww I love you
Anna. I love you to

Then I go back upstairs and I played on my phone after and little bit I here that breakfast was done so me Caleb and Lexie go down stairs and we eat

Erika's p.o.v
Me Lexie the triplets Caleb milo Anna Jake Tessa tony and chad were all eating breakfast when I got a call from the doctor

Doctor. Maya. Erika Costell and Jake Paul
Jake. Yea that's us

( the phone was on speaker )

Doctor. I hate to tell you guys this but you guys have lost the baby
Erika. What you mean I won't be having a baby
Doctor. Yes
I start to tear up
Doctor. I'm sorry but you will have to
Make an appointment to get the baby removed
Jake. Okay thank you

We hung up

Tessa. I'm sorry rik
Erika. It's fine leave me alone

I go and run up the stairs and lock the door behind me
( she is in the bathroom )

Jake. Babe let me in
Erika. No
I say while looking at a razor blade
Jake. Let me in before you do some stupid shit
Jake. Fine I won't try to help

I hear Jake go down stairs and slam the front door I. Continue looking at the blade I cut 3 times
1. For being a horrible mom
2. For being a horrible girl friend
3. For being a horrible friend
Then I clean the blood and my face up then I go down stairs

Tessa. Let me see your arm

She says because she knows I used to cut when I get upset
Erika. No

She grabs the arm and I flinch

Tessa. Really Erika
Erika. What it's not like any body cares
Tessa. I do jake does tony does YOUR kids do
Erika. Whatever

Tessa's p.o.v
I text Jake

J=Jake t=Tessa

T. You better get your ass back to this house Erika just self harmed and I think she is about to do more
J. K on my way
T. K by

We stop texting then the west of the day we spent watching movies and Erika and
Jake crying 

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