Alissa. Give me my baby Alissa smacks Erika Jake. What was that for End of recap
Alissa. She is hogging our baby Jake. You put him in her room Alissa. What ever I told you not to mess with my family Erika Or I'll kill you Jake. No you won't cause you won't see us any more and you won't be here anymore Erika. Jake don't do this you'll regret braking your family apart Jake. Erika it fine ide rather milo be yours than mine or this sluts She a bad mom and I'm a bad dad Erika. No your not Jake. Alissa we are over and you have 30 minutes to get your shit and leave Alissa. What ever I'm coming for you Erika Jake. 10 minutes let's go
Jake pushes. Alissa up stairs and they pack Her stuff then I hear and knock on the door I still have milo in my hands I walk over to the door I open it to see my little girl that is now 4 and Justen
Lexie. Mommy Erika. Hi baby Lexie. Don't cry mommy Erika. Mommy's not crying baby Justen. Who's baby Jake. Mine who are you Erika. This is my ex Justen and my daughter Lexie-Ann Jake. He's the one that didn't let you see your family Erika. Jake stay calm I'm the one who left to come here and Model Jake. Okay here let me see him I hand Jake milo
Erika. You guys hungry we have left over from breakfast Justen. Sure Lexie. Mommy Erika. Yea baby I bend down to her level Lexie. Why did you leave Erika. Mommy wasn't ready and wanted to come here and get a job but I'm here now okay baby Lexie. Okay I pick her up I walk to the kitchen and make two plates for Justen and Lexie Erika. Jake were is milo Jake. Over here I go over and pick him up I felt something wet all up his back
Erika. Jake why didn't you change his diaper Jake. Sorry I'll go do it Erika. No I got it keep them Company Jake. Okay
I go upstairs and he pupped all up his back I change him and put his clothing in his basket then I put him in this outfit
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Then I go down stair
Lexie. Momma can we go to the park Erika. How about we go swimming instead Lexie. Yayyyy Justen. I didn't pack her or me a bathing suit Erika. That's okay jake has any extra I'm sure and for you Lexi we can go get one how does that sound Lexie. Okay momma
Me Lexie Milo Jake and justen get in my Jeep and we go to target We go to the girls summer stuff and we found this bathing suit for Lexie
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Then we got her two outfits
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After that we went and checked out Skip car ride home Me and Lexie go upstairs I change into this
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Then I invite Tessa so she changed into her matching bathing suit then me Lexie and Tessa go down stairs I go and start to heat the pull I go and get milo and put his little out side bed up and put him in it. It just looks like this
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And then I go and get Lexie I blow up her Floaty since she is only 4 and can't swim then Justen and Jake come down Jake is in his blue swim shorts and Justen is in jakes black one Tessa was outside with milo and Lexie. Me Jake and Justen go out side I run to the deep side and jump in after I move to the side Jake does a flip in and Justen just carries Lexie over to me
Lexie. Momma Erika. Yea baby Lexie. Let's go under water Erika. Here come here
I put Lexie on my shoulders
Erika. Plug your nose Lexie. Okay Erika. 1......2......3 We go under than I hand Tessa Lexie and then I jump on Jake and push him under.