Erika's p.o.v I'm 18 weeks pregnant me and Jake have decided names and every thing all mine jakes Lexie's and Milos stuff are in Ohio today me Jake milo and Lexie are flying to Ohio and we are staying there permanently It's milo's first time flying i get dressed into this
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Then Lexie is awake so I change her into this
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With these shoes
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Then milo woke up and I changed him into this
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And then Jake changed into this
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After that we all got our bags and left well I put milo in his car seat and put the stroller in the car then we left
Skip flight
We got to Ohio and found Pam Milo. Gma Pam. Hey bub Lexie. Hi grandma Lexie gave Pam and huge hug then Jake gave Pam a hug then I did Jake was also blogging
Vlog Welcome back jake Paulers we're back and we are in Ohio my home and if your new here smash the subscribe button and out update on Erika she is 18 weeks along and is already getting so big can't be leave we are having three babies and we already have milo and Lexie And if you also didn't know me Erika milo and Lexie will be moving in with my mom permanently so no farther due let's get to the new house
He shuts his camera off
Pam. Okay let's go
We get into Pam's car we get home and I go To what Is supposed to be Lexie's room and see this
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( were the b is imagine it says L.m.c ) I go down stairs
Erika. The room is beautiful how did you know what she wanted
Pam points to Jake Pam. Go down stairs
I go down stairs and see milos room like this
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Pam. I would have done the triplets rooms but I don't know the genders Erika. It's perfect thank you so much Pam. K go see your room I go to mine and Jake's room and see
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Erika. Thank you so much Pam Pam. Call me mom after all you are having my sons babies Erika. Yea okay thank you mom Pam. You welcome Jake. They all look perfect and we are gonna tell you and you only the genders Pam. Yay