Jake's p.o.v Today is Erika appointment to see if she is pregnant like actually pregnant
Erika. Babe you ready Jake. Yup
We go down stairs
Erika. Milo mamma and dada got to go but before we leave can you say dads Milo. Dada mamma Erika. Good bye mister
We gave him and hug
Lexie. By mom Erika. By baby Jake. Can I have a by hug
Lexie hugs us Then we left to go to the doctors
Jake. What are we gonna do if you are pregnant Erika. I know we are for sure gonna have to by our own house cause we can barely stay there with milo and Lexie Jake. Yea Erika. So Jake. So
We get to the doctors
Dr.harman. Erika Costell Erika. Yup We go to the room
Dr. Harman. You must be the dad Jake. Yup Dr. Harman. Erika this gel will be cold a bit but I'm just gonna but this on your stomach Erika. Okay
He puts it her stomach and we see this
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Dr. Harman. Congrats Erika and Jake you guys are having triplets Erika. What Jake. Triplets Dr.harman. Yes triplets Jerika. Wow Dr. Harman. Would you like the pictures of the ultrasound Erika. Please
Erika wripes of her stomach and pulls her shirt down Jake. So who we gonna tell first Erika. Milo and Lexie Jake. Okay then Erika your family Jake. What about yours Erika. Did you forget Jake. Right sorry Erika. It's okay I love you Jake. I love you to
The doctor comes in
Doctor. Harman. Okay just set up your next appointment is 2 weeks and you might be able to find out the gender even Jerika. Okay thank you
We get home
Erika. We're home
Lexie comes running to Erika Lexie. Mom come look what we did
Me and Jake go to the kitchen and see a poster that said I love you mom and dad
Lexie. I did it with just a bit help from aunt Tessa Erika. It's perfect were gonna hang it up in your your new baby siblings rooms Tessa. Your pregnant Erika. Yea Tessa. Wait you said siblings Erika. Yea Tessa. Your having twins Erika. No Tessa. What Jake. Triplets Tessa. What
Lexie. Mommy has a baby in her belly Erika. Mommy has three baby's in her belly Lexie. Three Erika. Yea three Lexie. I think I'm gonna go CRAZY
we hear milo cry
Erika. I'll get my baby I walk in his room and see this
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Milo. Mamma Erika. Hi baby I pick him up and go down stairs I set him down and he crawls over to Jake Jake. Hey buddy Milo. Up
Jake picks him up
Jake. It's very rare for babies's to Start talking at his age Erika. Well we have a smarty pants