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Then the triplets woke up so I changed them Into
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Both boys outfits
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Skylers outfit
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Lexie's outfits
( i know she's not one of the triplets but I'm just showing the outfits )
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Caleb's outfit
After the triplets got dressed Erika woke up and we went down stairs after about 10 minutes Caleb woke and came down stairs
Caleb. Morning uncle Jake and aunt Erika Jerika. Morning Caleb Caleb. I really hope you guys win against my mom and dad Erika. We do go but we can't do anything unless you can tell us what Clowey did to you and your sister Caleb. Clowey hit us every time we would say a word and dad wouldn't do any thing Clowey would also not let us eat if we told dad some Thing Clowey did Jake. Wow so it's not your dad it's your mom I can't believe what Anna is going through I'm just glad we have you right now I wish we could have Anna to or at least I wish your dad would do something Caleb. So I was wondering who is Tessa and tony Jake. They are our friends from l.a Caleb. Oh okay
We hear Skyler crying Caleb. I'll her
He gets up and gets Skyler
Skip tell ya court
We see Logan and Clowey in the hall way
Logan. Why I'm the hell would you take my kids from me Jake. Clowey abuses them she hits them every time they speck and pretty much starves your kids so I will fight for Caleb and Anna cause they don't deserve you as there dad and Clowey as there damn mother Logan. What ever fight all you want but you won't get MY kids Jake. We will see about that
Skip a bit
Court lady. Jake Paul who will be first to the stands Jake. May I please have two people up here Court lady. Yes you may Jake. Then I would like Logan and Clowey to the stands Court lady. Okay Logan and Clowey go to the stands Jake. What is Caleb's favorite color Logan. Green Clowey. Orange Jake. Nope what is Anna'a favorite color Clowey. Pink Logan. Purple Jake. Nope what's Caleb's favorite food Logan. Pizza Clowey. Pizza Jake. Nope what is Anna favorite food Logan. Tacos Clowey. Tacos Jake. Nope that's my two questions for now. Now can I have Erika up to the stands
Erika go to the stands Jake. What's Caleb's favorite color Erika. Blue Jake. Yup what Anna's favorite color Erika. Red Jake. Yup what's Caleb's favorite food Erika. Chicken Jake. Yup What's Anna's favorite food Erika. Meet loaf Jake. Yup that's all my Questions Court lady. Now Jake Paul why did you bring your brother and your sister in law here to Court today Jake. I don't trust Logan or Clowey Caleb had once told me Clowey hits and punches Anna and Caleb if they speak and if Anna and Caleb tell Logan what Clowey does Clowey doesn't let them eat dinner breakfast or lunch for 2 days Caleb gets picks on every day at school because he goes to school with bruises on him every Monday and so does Anna they also get picked on because there ain't and uncle are taking care of them 5 out of 7 days while there real parents are out getting drunk and doing Things they shouldn't do. Court lady. Caleb and Anna Paul is that true Caleb and Anna. Yes it is Clowey. Caleb and Anna why the hell would you to tell Caleb. Cause you to aren't parents you two are Drug addicts and mine and Anna's real parents are Jake Erika my real siblings are Lexie and milo Skyler Hayden and Finley Court lady. It's Settled Caleb and Anna will be living with Jake and Erika and They will have full Custody of these two kids and if Clowey and Logan Paul are to get pregnant the baby will be taken from birth and given to Jake and Erika Jerika. Thank you miss Court lady. Section dismissed
Me Erika milo Lexie Caleb Anna skyler Hayden and Finley all go to Logan's house we pack the to rooms up and we leave to mine And Erika's house