Jake's p.o.v Today we are going home skyler Hayden and Finley I wake up to Skyler crying I get up since I can walk on my ankle cause of my boot I walk over to her bed thing at the hospital and change her diaper and change her into this
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Then she fell back asleep then Hayden woke up so I did the same thing and changed him into this
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Then he fell asleep so I started walking over to my chair and Finley woke up I did the same this and changed him into this
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Then he went to sleep then Erika woke up so I just stayed awake
Erika. Thanks for changing them Jake. Anything for you Erika. Today we get to take them home and we can finally show the rooms on the vlog Jake. Yea the doctor came in and said we can leave at any time Erika. Okay well let's start packing cause I still gotta get my stitches out since I ripped a lot while giving birth
Doctor. Erika are you ready to get stitches out Erika. Yup Doctor. Okay
They take Erika's stitches out then we finish packing
We put skyler in a black car seat Finley in a grey and Hayden in a black and grey car seat then we put them in the triplets stroller we got a triplet stroller and a four person strollers After that I grabbed the bags and Erika pushes the stroller and we went home