Erika's p.o.v I wake up and run to the bathroom this has been happening the last week
Jake. Babe are you okay Erika. I think Jake. You think what Erika. I might be Jake. Pregnant again Erika. Yea Jake. Wow that's a lot of kids Erika. Yea six that's 8 people in this tiny house Jake. What if we move back to l.a Erika. Would it be safe there Jake. Yea of course Erika. Okay then let's do it let's move
Me and Jake call team ten and they said they already have a 10 bedroom house 5 bathrooms so it's like a Mansion so that wouldn't be bad cause chad tony and Tessa all could stay with us still and the girls would have the same room the boys would have the same room oh and we go to court tomorrow for custody of Caleb I hope we win to be honest I don't Trust Logan with Caleb or anybody and we might get custody of her daughter Anna Jake goes and gets the test and I take it when I look it says this
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I take it down stairs and show Jake Jake. Your pregnant Erika. Yea I say with tears in my eyes Jake. Hey don't cry I know it's one more thing to worry about but in the end it's all worth a beautiful baby Erika. Yea but tomorrow is gonna put so much stress on me Jake. I know but I also know we are gonna get Caleb and Anna I promise you Erika. Promise Jake. Promise Erika. I love you Jake. I love you more Erika. Wanna go tell the kids Jake. Sure
We call Lexie milo and the triplets down Erika. Kiss I'm going to have another baby Milo. Another Lexie. You already had those three Skyler. Aya dats ude Lexie. Fine you already had all these boys Finely and Hayden. Dats ude to Lexie. Fine you already had all of us Erika. Lexie I'm sorry but it's just how things work Lexie. Well I don't want another sibling I already have these four and Caleb Erika. Caleb is for one older and his sister might be moving in Lexie. Yea how old is this one Jake. She is 11 so she will be older and we are moving Lexie. So we're not gonna live by grandma Erika. No we are moving with aunt Tessa and uncle. Tony Lexie and milo. Uncle tony Erika. Hey don't forget about aunt Tessa did you know uncle tony and aunt Tessa are dating and aunt Tessa is gonna have your baby cousin Lexie. Wait what Erika. Yea Lexie. Yay