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Erika's p.o.v
I'm 17 weeks pregnant we know the gender but me and Jake are gonna keep that a secret until the birth first we are telling jakes mom then dad then Logan

Pam. Hey Jake
Jake. Hi mom
Erika. Hi
Pam. Hi Erika
Erika. We have something to tell you
Pam. Okay go ahead
Jake. Erika is
Erika. Pregnant with
Jake. Triplets
Pam. Okay that's a lot of babies Especially with milo only 4 months old
Jake. Yea but it will take the babies 9 months to develop
Pam. Jake triplets come 2 months late most the  time
Jake. Milo will still be like 11 months almost one
Pam. Jake you guys are having triplets how are you gonna do that
Jake. Me and Erika are thinking of finding a house in Ohio to be close to you
Pam. Jake I will not take care of your
Jake. I know
Pam. Okay if you guys have it planned out then I guess I'm okay how far along are you Erika
Erika. 17 weeks
Pam. How big is the bump
I show her my stomach which looks like this

 How big is the bump  I show her my stomach which looks like this

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Pam. Your so big
Erika. I mean there are three of them
Pam. Yea
Jake. We gotta go we are gonna see you next week to look at houses
Pam. Why don't you move in with me
Jake. Mom it's a 4 bedroom house your room my room Logan's room and soon were gonna have triplets not only triplet milo and Lexie so five kids  so
It's a hard pass
Pam. The basement has 5 rooms Lexie's room can be upstairs and you 6 can be down there
Jake. Fine I guess were moving in with my mom
Erika. Yay
Pam. See Erika is happy
Jake. K well me have to go by love you

After that we told Greg and Logan

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