Chapter 2

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"Nah, no, no, no." Kip was shaking his head as Tig and Chibs railed on him. "That's didn't exactly go down like that."

"Come on, prospect," Chibs shouted and began slapping him playfully. "Just admit it."

Opie entered the clubhouse with a heavy foot, as usual, from the garage to have lunch with the rest of the boys. Reaching over he grabbed a slice of pizza and settled at the bar with a beer.

"What happened to you?" He asked with amusement gesturing to Half-Sack's black eye.

"Nothing," he huffed running his nails along the scruff of his chin.

"Old lady." Tig laughed. "I mean, an old lady." He shoved Half-Sack around with an obnoxious grin. "What did she call you?"

"A bully." Juice piped in. "She parked on a yellow curb, we went to tow it and she lost her shit." He chuckled. "A pretty boy bully, then she threw a mean right hook."

The club burst out in laughter at the prospect's expense, he took it as he was meant to. Jax clapped his hand on Half-Sack's shoulder and gave him a supportive nod before taking the stool beside Ope.

"Hey man." They hadn't spoken much, things within the club had been crazy for Jax while Opie had been trying to make things work with his kids.

As he swallowed the last of his pizza Opie pulled his cigarettes from his cut. "Did they end up towing it?" He pointed toward Half-Sack.

"Nah, they let her go. Juice said she was about seventy-five." Opie laughed at that, his beanie slipping back as he shook his head. Pulling it off he tossed it on the bar and looked at Jax as he started to speak. "Mary still around?"

"Yeah," he shrugged. "I'm trying to be there too though."

Jax understood that, how could he not, they were his kids. "Are you okay, brother?"

Actually, he was. The last few weeks had been going surprisingly well. The kids were still awkward but slowly coming around and meeting with Mae seemed to be more than just good for the kids. Opie was getting more out of it than he cared to admit.

"I'm good, really. You don't have to worry about me."

Piney groaned as Mary stormed in the clubhouse, Kenny and Ellie behind her, the former had a fat, bloody lip. She was on the warpath and both Winstons knew better than to mess with her.

"What the hell happened?" Opie hopped off the bar stool and looked at his son's face with anger and concern. "Are you okay?" The boy simply nodded and looked away.

"Principal called me." Mary snapped at him. "Got in a fight in the school yard, Ope. I can't be doing this, you have to answer your damn phone."

Opie rolled his eyes as he checked his cell, two missed calls. Of course they would have called her next, she was the second emergency contact. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the buzz of his phone in his hands. Putting up his finger he answered without checking the ID.

"Yeah, I just saw the calls...Sure, I'll come over now." Shoving his phone away Opie looked at the kids and tried to hide his annoyance. "You guys stay here, I gotta go sort this out at school." The nodded and hurried out, the tension between Mary and Ope was upsetting to say the least.

"Go man, Gemma can watch them." Jax was already pushing Opie out. The last thing they needed was Mary to start nagging him. "Thanks for dropping them off." Smiling at her sweetly Jax tried to smooth her annoyance but it seemed impossible.

"Yeah," she looked at Piney and shook her head. "I can't leave these babies here." Defeated Mary sighed. "I'll take them home but I won't stay after dinner."


Opie balanced his helmet on the throttle and looked at the school building for a second. Swinging his leg over as he adjusted his hat Opie started to head in slowly. He stopped and glanced back, his eyes settling on the man across the street. He was sporting obvious Aryan ink and watching the school intently. Opie would have to mention that to Jax, he sent a quick text as he walked in the building.

Why did he feel anxious? Mae was kind enough to call, they were comfortable now and he knew he'd get some answers from her. He thought Kenny was doing well, this was a setback. He smiled as heard her humming from a few feet down the hall.

"Mae?" He knocked quickly before sticking his head in the cracked door.

Looking up over her laptop she smiled sadly and motioned for him to take his usual seat. He did and quickly began to speak as to not waste any time.

"What happened?"

"Neither of them would say but," she smiled a bit. "A little birdie told me the other boy was teasing Ellie and Kenny said something which got him the busted lip."

Opie's chest puffed out with pride, his son was a good boy. "What'd he do?"

Lowering her voice she leaned over the desk. "I shouldn't be saying this but you should see the other kid."

"My boy," he beamed. "I shouldn't tell him I'm proud he kicked his ass, huh?"

Mae laughed. "Maybe tell him you're proud he stood up for his sister, that'll work better." She slid a form across the desk. "Principal wanted to suspend him but they both only threw one punch and Kenny's was self-defense. I was able to talk him down to two days detention."

"Really? You did that for him?" Opie wasn't used to people doing things simply out of kindness. That wasn't the world he lived in.

"Yeah, he's a good kid and he's going through a hard time. Besides, he was sticking up for his sister, that's awesome."

Signing on the line Opie couldn't fight the punishment, it was much less than he expected. "Thank you. That's really nice."

Before she could answer the bloodcurdling screech of her car alarm pulled her attention out the window. She cursed under her breath and jumped to her feet. "That's my car." She groaned and headed out to the lot with Opie following behind.

"Shit," he pulled at his beard when Mae stopped. Her tires were slashed but it wasn't until the attacker tried to smash a mirror that the alarm had spooked him off. "Disgruntled kindergartner?" He joked seeing how upset she was.

Mae knew who it was, there was no one else. She figured it was all the lip she'd given him the last few pickups but Mae didn't know he'd been having her watched. It was the weekly visits from a SAMCRO member that made her so-called boss take things up a notch.

"Or a parent," she forced a smile. "Or asshole kids."

"Don't worry about, I work at a shop. I'll have it towed, fixed up with no charge. As a thank you for saving Kenny's ass."

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