Chapter 16

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Weston was able to use the photos Jax and Clay had given him to garner some support from the most militant of Zobelle's crew. They didn't have a plan, these men were far from intelligent and their tempers got the most of them in every situation.

Armed with handguns, information and an overpowering urge to right Zobelle's wrongs they charged into Impeccable Smokes in broad daylight. Polly Zobelle was behind the counter, she gasped when she looked up to see Weston pointing a gun directly at her.

"Where's your father?" Weston asked as one of his men locked the front door and pulled the blinds. Polly didn't answer, she cowered as he moved closer to her. "Where. Is. He?" Weston asked again, louder this time.

"He's not here, I'm not sure where he is."

"Get him here." Grabbing Polly's hair Weston pulled her from behind the counter roughly and pushed her down into the leather armchair. "Now, call him, get him here."

With a gun to her head, the barrel pressed against her temple, Polly wouldn't fight it. She nodded, her fingers shaking as she called Ethan. The call wasn't necessary though, as the phone rang he appeared from the back room.

"Let her go, A.J." He said calmly, his hands raised above his head. "Please."

"You betrayed us, betrayed the cause." He shouted, ignoring the request. Weston's gun was still on Polly as they spoke.

"I had to, we had to," Zobelle tried to explain. "We needed the Mayans. It was about gaining control, don't you see that?"

Shaking his head Weston looked away toward Polly for a split second as she let out a stifled sob. It was long enough for Ethan to reach under the counter and pull his own weapon. "Get out."

"You lied!" Weston snapped. "You're working with the Mayans. You never cared about a unified White America."

Zobelle could see the crazed look in Weston's eyes, this was delicate but he had numerous things in place to help diffuse situations that seemed simply out of control.

"You know what I stand for, who I really am." Zobelle tried to reason with Weston, not that he really believed it would work.

"You're a traitor." Weston said wistfully, his anger ebbing as he thought of how much work he'd put in and how much he believed in Ethan. "It's not about control of this shithole town or money, it's about stopping color."

Even with a gun aimed at his chest Weston wasn't backing down. Zobelle didn't know what else he could do, he wasn't willing to shoot a man, that was for sure, he gave kill orders but never pulled the trigger himself.

"I was the one thinking bigger," his free hand moved around the room. "Globally. Working with color was a necessity, one we will soon be rid of once we own this town and remove those that are in our way."

"You lied to all of us." Weston was suddenly furious again, the speed with which he flipped terrified Polly and Ethan.

Buying a few minutes would be exactly what they needed to diffuse the situation, Weston's phone rang cutting through the tense silence. He didn't flinch, his unnerving stare still locked onto Zobelle.

"There were other ways." He objected and reached in his pocket to glance at his phone. "Stay here," he instructed the two others, he'd never ignore a call from his boys.

The other day when Jax had mentioned to Clay about removing the boys from the Weston home, he was far from bluffing. The eldest boy called A.J. in a frenzy, protective services was there to take the boys in. Weston hollered in to leave Zobelle's shop and the three went off to try and rescue the children as if it were possible.

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