Chapter 13

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"What was that about?" Juice asked as he passed by Tara, a manila envelope in his hands. "She raced outta here quick."

Before Tara could speak, not that it was any of Juice's business or her place to tell, Opie barged out of the clubhouse. He looked around the lot and, not seeing Mae or her car, made a beeline for his bike.

Knowing their history Juice nodded when he saw Lyla follow Jax out as he tried to stop Opie from making a bad decision. "Oh, never mind, think I got the picture."

"I'll never understand you men." She said sadly and turned back toward the clubhouse. Juice chuckled, he didn't really understand why they did those things either but then again, he was just a bit more old-fashioned.

Probably nothing else could have stopped Opie from going after Mae except Tig and Clay returning from a busy morning of fact-finding. They saw him and Jax in a passionate conversation as they parked and quickly jumped off their bikes.

"What's the problem?" Clay asked. As President he needed to make sure everything was going smoothly. It wasn't, he knew that, but he didn't know how much Opie had figured out.

Jax shook his head and pulled the brim of his baseball hat down. "Domestic shit," he said as a quick explanation.

"You talk to Mae?" Clay asked.

Opie nodded and clipped his helmet under his chin.

"Chapel, now, everyone."

The Sons assembled all listened to Clay dutifully and made their way in except Opie, Jax and Tig. The four of them stared at each other, two against two.

"I can't, Clay. I gotta find her." It wasn't a question and Opie wasn't waiting for approval.

"You can't, we need you at that table. This involves you and Mae more than you know right now."

Jax looked questioningly at Clay and Tig, his eyebrows raised high into his hairline. "What's going on? What aren't you tell us?"

"What happened here?" Tig asked and although Jax didn't want to he relayed the story to them. "Shit."

"Yeah. Now why don't you two come clean?"

"Chapel." Clay said again and walked toward the building. "We'll talk about it with everyone."

"What the hell is going on?" Opie snapped now, furious. "Talk to me, Clay." He called after him. "What do you know?"

Clay and Tig shared a quick, almost impossible to catch, look. This had to be done very delicately. "I found her," Tig said regretfully. If they admitted to using Mae, even if they had every intention of keeping her safe, Opie would lose his mind.

Opie looked dumbfounded at the idea, it just didn't make any sense. "Why the hell didn't you call me? What happened?" Off his bike and in Tig's face in seconds Opie was shaking.

"We tried, your phone was off, brother." Tig had his hands raised high. Tig, Clay and Gemma all tried but Opie was busy apparently.

"How did you know? Who?"

"Brother, if we tell you, you gotta hold it down." Clay said supportively.

Jax put a firm hand on Opie's shoulder but even he wasn't ready for the shock that hearing it was Weston would cause.

"Juice has new info," Tig added. "This needs to be smart."

"Juice knows?" Opie roared.

"No," Tig and Clay both answered quickly. "No one but us and Gem, she helped patch her up." Clay's shoulders dropped as he looked at Opie. "It was Weston. He attacked her, wanted something to use on the club."

The specifics didn't matter, Opie's mind was suddenly racing. All the little questions, like why Tig had been the one to find her, weren't a concern right then. He just needed to find her. He couldn't believe it, the man he saw, the man he swore she was sleeping with, was Weston. "I have to go." He muttered, distracted.

"Brother, you need to let her cool off." Jax couldn't imagine what Opie was feeling but he knew they were both on edge and a meeting now could be dangerous. "I'll ask Tara to go check on her. We'll send someone to keep an eye on them."

"Opie," Clay grapsed his shoulders and forced eye contact. "Get with it. We need to talk about Weston and Zobelle, taking them out and then you go fix things with her."

Jax had to agree so Opie nodded slowly, unsure, but following their lead seemed like the best idea. He mournfully walked up the lot with Jax, Clay and Tig followed behind. It didn't take much to convince Tara to speak with Mae, she shot Opie a spiteful look as she headed out with Half-Sack following.

When they all gathered at the table Opie hardly listened to anything anyone had to say. He was silently obsessing over how close he came to saving her. Opie replayed their conversation repeatedly while his brothers discussed what had happened and where they could go with it. Mae's role was kept quiet, for Clay's and Tig's safety mainly.

"It wasn't too hard," Juice muttered. He slid the photos he had of Zobelle meeting with Marcus Alvarez. "Followed him for a few hours before I caught this, he only had one man with him. Not too sure he wants this getting out." He was obviously proud of himself.

"We might not have to get our hands too dirty," Clay mused as he took a long glance before sending the photos around.

Chibs chuckled at the photos. "Aye, we might just be able to watch these two take each other out."

"This piece of shit is easy. I want Weston and I know I'm not alone in that." Jax said as he declined to look at the photos. He didn't care, he wanted to move.

A few ideas were thrown around but they all knew what was going to end up happening. "Me and Jax, alone, we'll go show him Zobelle's little paparazzi shots."

"You think he'll turn?" Bobby asked. "We don't know which loyalty he takes more seriously."

"You ever see that guy?" Chibs asked with a dark laugh. "Stout little psychopath. These shots'll send him howling."

"He'll turn." Piney said confidently. "He's got hate in his blood, the only thing Zobelle is more into than hate is greed."

"That's what we're banking on." Clay said as he brought the gavel down. Step one was underway.

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