Chapter 10

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Little bit of a shortie chapter! xo


Meeting with LaRoy alone was a risk Clay was willing to take but Tig wasn't going to let that happen. Even though they were on good terms once the beef between them over the Niners catching blame for Donna's death was cleared this was a sensitive matter.

"You leave her with Opie?" Clay asked as Tig pulled up beside him at a red light. He nodded, there was so much to talk about but now wasn't the time. "Get anything?" Again he nodded and they took off as the light turned green.

They rolled up to the agreed spot, one of many the two crews used for meetings. LaRoy, as discussed, had one man with him and that was it.

"Weston was there, Clay." Tig muttered as they waited patiently. "And he was not happy, got in her face, she looked terrified."

"Looks like we know who's backing Darby's cook."

"No surprise. You should know, she's pissed, Darby told her that shit by the creek was us." Before Tig could even tell Clay anything, the Niners arrived.

"Laroy," Clay greeted him with a smile and a firm handshake. "Thanks for coming out on short notice."

"Business," he said by way of explanation. "What's this about?"

It was so delicate Clay knew he had very little leeway with this conversation. "Word on the street is you're looking for a witness."

"Yeah? And whose word is that?"

Shrugging, Clay frowned, and pulled a print out of her DMV record with her old address that he'd gotten from Unser. "She look familiar?"

LaRoy sneered as he looked over the photo and her information, nothing he hadn't already seen. "Where is she?"

"Maelynn Callahan," Clay read her full name and information off the paper. "315 North Sixth Street. Did you check there?"

"Before you torched it," Tig added with a knowing smile.

Pissed and eager to end this LaRoy nodded and snatched the paper from Clay. "This bitch saw some shit."

"She saw your crew taking someone out, we heard the story and we had to work to get that much out of her." They spoke of the murder casually, like it was nothing because to them, it was. "She won't say anything, we've guaranteed that."

"I want her. Niners don't deal with loose ends, Morrow, you know that."

With a flick of his wrist Tig took the paper back and folded it neatly before slipping it into his cut. "She isn't a problem." He said confidently.

LaRoy was far from appeased. "Do you trust us?" Clay asked simply. "We've been working together for a while, LaRoy, we stick to our word. We've got her handled."

"She's a fucking junkie, how you gonna trust that?"

"She's hooking up with one of my guys." It wasn't something they wanted to admit but he was really giving them no choice. "I heard she needed some help, came to her myself. This isn't a club promise, this is my word to you. Man to man, she's not going to go to the police."

"And if it's convenient for you? What then?"

"Are you looking to give us a reason to make that a convenience?" Clay smiled when he asked.

Shaking his head LaRoy's shoulders dropped barely an inch but Clay and Tig saw it. "Got your guarantee?"

"You do. We trust her. She knows what happens to rats and she's confided in us, you have nothing to worry about."

Standing silently LaRoy thought it over quickly. "Alright then, she's your problem now."

"Good doing business with you." Clay and LaRoy hugged roughly before going their separate ways. That was easier than he thought actually, easier and faster.

Sitting on their bikes Clay and Tig finished their previous conversation. The entire meet was relayed in extreme detail for the president. It was concerning but Clay was confident in himself and Tig.

"So we're back to shutting Zobelle down." He mused as they started their Harleys. "We need eyes on him, Weston, Darby and Mae but she's the least of my worries now."

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