Chapter 3

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A/N: Little bit of a fluffy chapter but am working on the next one as you're reading this! Things will really start moving now! Thanks for reading! xo

Mae had never been on a Harley before and why it seemed like a better idea than getting in the tow truck with the other two she wasn't exactly sure. Maybe it was that there were grown men who actually called themselves Juice and Half-Sack, because that was certainly troubling.

Wrapping her arms around Opie unbelievably tight she tensed as he slowly turned onto the street and headed toward TM. There was something Opie loved about having a woman pressed against him as they sped through town, especially one like Mae, a girl that actually made him smile.

Her long wavy auburn hair whipped in the wind from under the helmet he so chivalrously offered her. With her eyes screw shut Mae grimaced at every turn but when they finally arrived at the lot and Opie parked in the line of bikes as he always did she didn't let go.

"We're here," he chuckled. Prying her hands from his waist he gave her a goofy smile. "Wasn't that bad, come on."

When she opened her eyes Mae could see the lot was bustling. Mechanics, bikers, a few women wearing less than she normally wore to bed, it seemed so strange. Taking his hand she hopped off the bike awkwardly, her short legs making her look clumsy.

"It actually wasn't that bad," she admitted. "So this is Teller-Morrow Automotive?"

It was refreshing knowing Mae wasn't a native Californian, she'd never told him that but her accent was heavy and certainly different. There were the casual rumors he knew she probably heard but no one in town ever spoke of the club as more than what they projected themselves to be, not to outsiders at least.

"It is," he extended his arm as if to showcase a mighty kingdom. "Car will probably take a few hours, you just have to fill out some paperwork and I'll jump it to the front of the line."

Mae smiled and nodded, a little flutter of butterflies in her stomach was impossible to ignore. She liked him, there was something indescribable about Opie. It was much easier to deny within the school building, a professional setting. Here though, she could tell not much mattered, it was freeing in a very dangerous way.

"Thank you. That's - "

"Hey, Ope!" Jax came jogging from the picnic tables toward them, he was less than thrilled to hear of the Nord in Charming. "I got that text," he said with an obvious look. There wasn't much he could say in front of mixed company.

"Yeah, that's all I know." Both men looked at Mae, Jax had a boys-at-school grin on his face while Opie looked monumentally uncomfortable.

"I'm Mae." She offered him her hand. "I work at the elementary school."

Jax nodded knowingly, no wonder he said he'd been doing better. He chuckled and gave Opie a look, if it was simply about the kids she wouldn't be there and certainly wouldn't have arrived on the back of Opie's bike.

"Someone messed with her car." Opie pointed to the black Volkswagen as it was already being raised up on the lift.

"Oh yeah?" That was intriguing, the brothers shared a look. Jax whistled at Half-Sack and waved him over. "Sack, why don't you take Ms.," he looked at her.

"Callahan." She smiled.

"Ms. Callahan and get her to sign off on the work order."

The prospect nodded and motioned toward the office, with a timid smile Mae headed off and left the two to talk.

"You think that's what White Power was doing by the damn school?" Jax was already lighting a cigarette.

Opie shrugged, he hadn't actually thought about that, he should have though. "But why? Doesn't make any sense. She's no one to him and he's been quiet for months now."

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