Chapter 18

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WARNING: This chapter is pretty graphically violent. Beware before you read!

Opie met up with Jax and Clay behind the San Joaquin county courthouse. Weston had been fighting for custody of his children and by the looks of it, he didn't win. Once he hopped in his truck the three of them jogged back to follow.

They were dressed in black, with Kevlar vests and no cuts, huddled in the back of the van as Juice trailed Weston. Even if he wasn't extraordinarily careful Juice wouldn't have been spotted, A.J. was too wrapped up in his own head to notice the tail.

"I can't believe he's still in town, he's gotta know we're gunning for him." Juice remarked from the front.

"Won't leave his kids." Opie said as he screwed his silencer on his pistol. "Even if he's a shitty dad, at least he loves them."

Jax eyed Opie, something didn't seem right. Grasping his shoulder tight Jax leaned in close. "You alright, bro?"

"No, I'm not but I'm here," he tapped his temple. "Don't worry about it."

Trusting his word Jax was satisfied and they spent the rest of the ride in silence. It looked as if Weston was heading back home; the location was far enough removed that they would probably not be bothered.

"Don't go all the way up the road." Jax tapped Juice's shoulder. "If we need to get out fast we'll have to cut it quick and we won't make the turn. Pull off here that way we can back out and swing right."

Juice did as his VP said and waited patiently while the other three trekked up the dirt path toward Weston's. They had no plan but to inflict pain on him for as long as possible and be sure he was dead before leaving, they were simple in their needs when it came to A.J. Weston.

With silent gestures Clay had Opie take the back and Jax the right while he moved left. There was no other vehicles and from all of their viewpoints the house was empty aside from their target.

"Weston!" Clay shouted as he moved back to the front door, Jax joined him. "Let's go, get out here."

Firing a few rounds from inside the house Weston shouted back at them. "You come for your revenge?"

"More than that," Clay spoke from behind a tree. "Let's do this like men. Don't make us come in, because we will bring you out."

The door swung open and Weston came out with his hands raised. "Like men? No weapons, then."

"Me and you." Jax smirked and tossed his gun down. "I like those odds."

Now that Weston was out Opie walked back around, he wasn't too surprised to see Jax bobbing around Weston ready to fight. He'd love to see the neo-Nazi piece of garbage get a brutal beating.

With a running start Jax took Weston off his feet and savagely beat his face with blow after blow. It was a small blessing that he was wearing gloves, they shielded A.J.'s skin from the added pain of being torn up by Jax's rings.

"You're a sick son of a bitch." Jax shouted in his already swelling face as he lifted A.J. by his shirt collar and spit in his eyes.

A.J. tried to fight back but Jax was fueled by an endless rage. Finally catching Jax's jaw with a quick jab Weston was able to get out from under his opponent and kicked dirt in Jax's eyes. He knew he was going to be killed, even if he got the upper hand Clay and Opie would never let him live so he'd get in as many hits as he could.

He faked Jax out as the two danced around each other, fists held high. Weston was shaky on his feet after the initial pounding but he was still standing and able to hold his own. He'd taken too many beatings in his life to be so easily put out of commission.

"Revenge for Mommy?" He sneered, his jaw throbbing with each word, he glanced back to Opie and shook his head. "And you're here for what, your little junkie girlfriend?"

Growling, Opie sent Weston back to the ground with a hard kick from behind. He tumbled down with a thud and Jax landed a hard kick to his gut before nodding for Clay to take his turn. A quick glance around them revealed a multitude of weapons including wooden planks, random tools and more strewn around the dirt.

Weston popped up and moving quicker Clay got the chance to send him into the dirt with a kick of his heavy boot to the back of Clay's knee. He groaned and Opie was sure he heard a crunch as Clay fell. It was nearly impossible that A.J. was still fighting back but it wouldn't last long. Snatching up the closest of the wood pieces Jax swung back and whipped it against Weston's chest. He gasped, the wind knocked out of him, and stumbled back before falling.

The usual ache Clay suffered with daily was gone, his system flooded with adrenaline, as he fought with Weston. Jax huffed and puffed behind them gaining some composure, spitting blood from the few punches he received. He cracked his neck as he paced back over watching as Clay's fists collided with Weston's ribs and stomach repeatedly, the old man was tiring and Jax was ready to get back in the game.

Blood stained his teeth as he took each blow with a shit-eating grin that would haunt each of them. There'd be no breakdown, no begging for mercy but that was fine, as long as he felt as much pain as possible.

It would have been sickening for anyone else to watch. Weston's nose was crushed, blood poured from his mouth and nose and Clay was sure his jaw was broken by the way his chin hung.

Standing back Opie watched as Jax taunted Weston, he wanted to get in on it but he knew this fight was for them. Mae was lucky to get out without much worse being done to her. He laughed darkly as Weston kicked in a desperate attempt to get away from Jax.

"Run you pussy!" Jax shouted, laughing ominously, as if Weston could actually get back to his feet. "Go on, run!"

"End it," Clay said darkly. They'd taken enough time and they couldn't risk being caught.

Jax nodded, breathing heavily, as he extended his hand to help Clay stand. "Ope," Jax pointed to Weston. "You too, brother."

The three of them stood over Weston, his face unrecognizable, and listened to the pained, rattling breaths he struggled to take. Together they all fired once sending brain matter splattering to the ground. He was dead, there was no surviving but as Jax did with Zobelle all three Sons emptied their clips into his face and chest. It was the destruction to his body that made them feel just a little better, he couldn't get any deader but he could be destroyed.

Taking a moment the men backed away, it was done and that fact needed to sink in. They'd punished those responsible and the ones they loved were safer again.

"Got the boom?" Jax asked, Opie nodded and grabbed his bag from it's hiding spot. "Wire it up, blow it and we split."

"You did good, boys." Clay said sagely, hugging his step-son. "I"m proud of you, Jax, you're a good son."

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